
Deadbroke, out of curiosity, which markets would you recommend?


And thanks to LV & DT for the info!

@DT: CL is another market that's picked my interest. I've heard it's fairly volatile, so that would be perfect for some quick morning action, probably.
Deadbroke, out of curiosity, which markets would you recommend?


And thanks to LV & DT for the info!

@DT: CL is another market that's picked my interest. I've heard it's fairly volatile, so that would be perfect for some quick morning action, probably.

>>>>>> Deadbroke, out of curiosity, which markets would you recommend? <<<<<<<

The day-to-day-no risk-slave-job that 99%+ of the people on earth have. Its what YOU were made for, don't go against the river=grain.

I'll take my looser status over his 1000 point offsides trades anyday!


Hahahahahahahahahahaha ..... you can't even see more than 20 points. Naturally 1000 points is akin to a Rogue Wave of 1 kilometer wave lambda.

And yet you are the one with the massive losses, margin calls, account blow ups, etc...


Ongoing losses on Dow but never a margin call, account blow-up, EVER.

Peter's daughter's Fathers Day prayer ..... "Dear God, this year please send clothers for all the poor ladies in daddy's computer, Amen"
Freebie but if it even saves ONE newbie who wanders in here, great. 🙂

They come by the millions, day in and day out, no doubt enthralled by the white light, i.e. the real-time charting, the innumerable tools and ever growing indicators and so on ....

but all these pale in comparision to that burning yearning within the soul of the HERD member (yeah that's you, allzaYOU) to somewhow blast away and free himself from the chains and dungeons that he has been in for an eternity, namely that day-to-day slave job.

And what a slave-job it is. He works and toils all day then comes home to relax and is bombarded on both the internet and TV by the products of the bosses he just toiled 8-12 hours for (and some clowns have a 2nd job 😆😆😆😆😆)

That's his plight - work, work work and then buy buy buy THE MAN'S products.

To escape this plight he charges into TRADING, one of the most difficult endeavors for even the TIGERS. Now he has opened a new door, money that should go to his wife and kids now drains out this new backdoor and slowly by slowly destroys his life and those of the others closest to him.

Then DIE, get buried, have many pronounce what a cool cat he was, then off he goes into the spiritual domain trying to enter other kingdoms but gets bounced back to earth for no other place wants anything to do with such total losers.

All of a sudden he finds himself in a baby's ward in a hospital sucking on a tit*y, crying his butt off.

Then the whole cycle repeats.

You call that a life?

Circular motion with the right hand pronounced.
BTW, Deadbroke how many points offside is your euro position trade now?
What happens if the solution to the euro problem is not complete failure, but the alternative of:
1 / Ejection of piigs.
2 / Two to four tier euro wide monetary policy (may allow Piigs to stay).
Throw in all the scandinavians joining with that new stability, where does that leave your euro trade then?

None of the above may happen, the euro currency may indeed go down the chute.
Point is no one knows for sure how the end game will play out, including you...

I wonder why you chose to ignore my post above?
Instead you posted snipes and gibberish.
You are in a hope trade, praying for it to come back when it should have been cut.
I'll ask the question again:
Why do you think you know what the future holds for certain.
As its a EURUSD trade, what makes you think the USD won't fall as well...
Well, in an effort to keep this thread from derailing, here's the current summary of markets/ideas:

- JP futures/equities/indexes

- News moves in currencies when available


- Become a swing/position trader, you loser looser.

- Ninja Trader for simple screentime.

- Quiet time range-bound scalp.

- ES/CL at 4am.

- Back to your day slave job of eating the mud your superiors step on, you demiurge sheep.

I think that rounds it out nicely. Thanks everyone! Anything helps.

I wonder why you chose to ignore my post above?
Instead you posted snipes and gibberish.
You are in a hope trade, praying for it to come back when it should have been cut.
I'll ask the question again:
Why do you think you know what the future holds for certain.
As its a EURUSD trade, what makes you think the USD won't fall as well...

Jeez, I thought you noo the answer to such an obvious question.

There is no certainty, there are only odds or probabilities - you do your work, figure your odds and if they look good, you take the shot. That's it.

I wonder why you chose to ignore my post above?
Instead you posted snipes and gibberish.
You are in a hope trade, praying for it to come back when it should have been cut.
I'll ask the question again:
Why do you think you know what the future holds for certain.
As its a EURUSD trade, what makes you think the USD won't fall as well...

Hahahahaha, sorry didn't see your note on my Euro trades.

How thick can you possibly be, clown? 🙂

I'm up 276k in total on Euro trades alone - see and reread thread. I was down 118k on UsdJpy until months ago, now up 48k on UsdJpy and looking to reenter or if wrong lose the 48k and let the stop take me out. Dow losses continue but reduced bigtime and not far from going green - see thread.
Well, in an effort to keep this thread from derailing, here's the current summary of markets/ideas:

- JP futures/equities/indexes

- News moves in currencies when available


- Become a swing/position trader, you loser looser.

- Ninja Trader for simple screentime.

- Quiet time range-bound scalp.

- ES/CL at 4am.

- Back to your day slave job of eating the mud your superiors step on, you demiurge sheep.

I think that rounds it out nicely. Thanks everyone! Anything helps.

If you really are looking for an Asian market to trade, I recommend the Set50 Futures with a minimum account opening of 100k USD and trade size no greater than 2000 dollars for the first 12 months of PURE POSITION TRADING. If you survive well, increase capital to 600k USD and trade size to a constant 5k USD. When you get upto speed on a consistent generation of 8-10kUSD in nett earnings per month, then you can move into a much bigger capital bracket and go with the flat 2.5% of CAP per move NETT.

Whatever Capital is used should be NO MORE than 20% of your net worth and before getting started spend one whole week on ONE THOUGHT ALONE, namely can you handle the total loss of this 20% emotionally and will it affect on not affect your current lifestyle? If the answers areYes and NO, then get started.

Good luck, I hope you succeed.


100% taxfree earnings, excellent broker services throughout the country, accounts are totally safe, persoanl service by brokers eclipses that of the UK and USA by a zillion miles - all rules of trading apply nevertheless, and 95% loser syndrome is oh so ever prevalent.
Jeez, I thought you noo the answer to such an obvious question.

There is no certainty, there are only odds or probabilities - you do your work, figure your odds and if they look good, you take the shot. That's it.

Yes I do know that.
It wasn't clear you knew that.
You do so fair enough 🙂
Hahahahaha, sorry didn't see your note on my Euro trades.

How thick can you possibly be, clown? 🙂
Comments like that make you look like the clown...🙂

I'm up 276k in total on Euro trades alone - see and reread thread. I was down 118k on UsdJpy until months ago, now up 48k on UsdJpy and looking to reenter or if wrong lose the 48k and let the stop take me out. Dow losses continue but reduced bigtime and not far from going green - see thread.

From what I have read in your threads, I haven't seen anything clearly laid
out regarding current PnL.
If those figs are correct, good for you.
If you are using sane position sizing as well, nothing wrong with that.

TBH, I think the main reason you have got so much flak is for calling these
trades the trade of a lifetime.
Taking the maximum offside as maximum risk (although I'm assuming you would let them go further offside),
realistically you are looking at a return of 3-6 times risk in the best case scenario.
Although good if it comes off, its not what I would call trade of a lifetime.

Thats my main issue, any trade is just another trade, nothing special.
You are obviously aware of that.
There you go, see I'm not attacking you for the sake of it 🙂
Given your tag of trade of a lifetime, its not an unreasonable point.
From what I have read in your threads, I haven't seen anything clearly laid
out regarding current PnL.
If those figs are correct, good for you.
If you are using sane position sizing as well, nothing wrong with that.

TBH, I think the main reason you have got so much flak is for calling these
trades the trade of a lifetime.
Taking the maximum offside as maximum risk (although I'm assuming you would let them go further offside),
realistically you are looking at a return of 3-6 times risk in the best case scenario.
Although good if it comes off, its not what I would call trade of a lifetime.

Thats my main issue, any trade is just another trade, nothing special.
You are obviously aware of that.
There you go, see I'm not attacking you for the sake of it 🙂
Given your tag of trade of a lifetime, its not an unreasonable point.

Here's the thing with the "trade of a lifetime"

I did my work aka anal-ysis and gave it considerable thought, in fact spent days and days going over the possibilities - then I took the shot. On december 20 I went wrong and as is clearly visible in the thread there were many mistakes.
But they are all documented therein. The thread is still called by the original title because I still see it that way.

I really do believe that we are already in a Great Depression 2 and that the topping phenomena is still ongoing. The magnitude of the TOP is so huge that it is unrealistic for a simple fella like me to nail it - hence the numerous mistakes.
From what I have read in your threads, I haven't seen anything clearly laid
out regarding current PnL.

And you will not. My original idea was to only document the topping phenomena and the CALL. But since my losses became so widely known and I was getting all sorts of advice from members here and indignation from others - I just summarized my wins and losses. And it will remain that way.

I don not want to get involved in posting too much because past 3k and it will confirm me as a total loser in spades.

I just want to call the TOP, get it right and be gone.
Hahahahaha, sorry didn't see your note on my Euro trades.

How thick can you possibly be, clown? 🙂

I'm up 276k in total on Euro trades alone - see and reread thread. I was down 118k on UsdJpy until months ago, now up 48k on UsdJpy and looking to reenter or if wrong lose the 48k and let the stop take me out. Dow losses continue but reduced bigtime and not far from going green - see thread.

Sorry, missed one. Had a realized loss of 28k USD in trading Crude Oil.