spread betting can be taxed as income if it is your main source of income.
This is a myth - it's just completely wrong. Not only wrong, in fact, but ironically enough the exact opposite of the reality.
We used to have these arguments in this forum, 10+ years ago.
The same thing was said then, too. It was wrong then and it's wrong now.
The difference between the discussions then and now is that in the intervening period, there's actually been a long-overdue High Court ruling on the subject, which has at long last definitively clarified the position.
The only party ever assessed for tax on spreadbetting profits was someone (the appellant in the case concerned) whose spreadbetting income was part of a wider trading business - in other words it
WASN'T his sole income: he also sold trading signals and coaching. The court held that his entire business -
including spreadbetting profits - was taxable, and it was also expressly clarified in the judgement that someone whose
sole income was from spreadbetting could
not be taxed on it (for neither income tax nor CGT).
I don't know where and how this myth started being propagated, but it's certainly disappointing to see it still being repeated even after all these years. Anyone still in any doubt about should confirm their own tax situation, as it affects their own income, by speaking to staff at HMRC's helpline, rather than by depending on anything - however well-intentioned - said online in a forum.
You're welcome.