Did you ever try passive income which do not require your management?


Hi, all!

One question. Did you ever try passive income (any kind) which do not require your management? What was your experience?

never ever ever ever ever ever

delegate the management of your money to others.....

in anything ......

Money management is the requirement in all type of investments. There is always a risk of losing money when you invest somewhere. You have to do some work for the research and awareness about the place where you are going to invest your money. Thank you!
The OP asked about passive income not passive investment. For me passive investment would be putting money in the bank or in a mutual fund. The way most people try to gain an edge and keep ahead of inflation. There is nothing wrong with this and it certainly does work.

If you ask me about passive income what comes to mind is something like Google ads, Youtube channels... things like that. These can also work but I think the odds of success are much greater. There are people who have made hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this... but they are few and far between. If you have a good idea then I'd say go for it. You just might beat the odds. Cost of entry is certainly cheap enough.
The return is always connected to the risk. The lower is risk - the lower would be the return. That is why it would be better to obtaing necessary skills and knowledge to manage own funds by yourself according to personal risk tolerance and financial goals.
if anyone has looked at MLM or online internet selling or other such "Passive" forms of income ...the one thing you will have learned is that its not passive at all .........the opposite in fact ............a lot of hard work needed to make money in those games
Yes, I tried. Being an investor, I earned sufficient for my expenses, but still I need to create a solid passive income source. so I started digging-up some fields like education, technology etc.
Than I found education is my niche and started academic writer in an Educational firm called Instant Assignment Help Australia. I started with them as an academic writer and now working as an head marketer for them. They are providing [Link Removed] in Australia, UK and USA.
Now they are giving me an attractive paycheck.

smart thinking Henry.....well done
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Hoping my new site offering central bank analysis will provide me passive income. I do it anyway and I know other traders do it also. If I can offload some of their burden doing it and make some dosh while doing it, happy days
Hi, all!

One question. Did you ever try passive income (any kind) which do not require your management? What was your experience?

Yeah it works for example bank deposit. It's basically risk free but returns are low as well. But we have powerful instrument called compound returns so if you work intensively towards increasing your investments absolute profit will grow at increased pace. Regarding other types of passive investment I'm too risk averse to test them.
With reference to creating '' Passive Income '' In my experience, of which I have personally managed successfuly for some time now within several accounts on the '' Hargreaves Lansdown '' site, are '' Income Funds '' there are hundreds to choose from, holding either Stocks, Bonds or a combination of both, Income payments from these funds range from monthly to annual, at the present time the Income Funds I manage number 25+ and all pay monthly, they are producing an Income of Apr 5% and 6% on the Capital, a total return of Apr 11% per annum, however if you are more flexible with the Income payment options, I believe you could increase the Capital return to perhap's 12%...my actual Entry and Exit points for these Income Funds are based on my own customised Technical formulae created within the '' Share Scope '' end of day package.
yeop - Hargreaves is my chosen company for holding my SIPPS etc.....good guys
Hi, all!

One question. Did you ever try passive income (any kind) which do not require your management? What was your experience?

Thread is a total disaster - thread is poor people insisting on playing the poor man's game and getting poorer and poorer and then blaming the rich. YAWN! Look from where to where the Empire & her inhabitants has/have gone - no wonder they have so much covert hostility toward yanks.

(1) Passive income is the domain of the rich

(2) The rich don't work for money, they work for assets

(3) The harder you work for money, the poorer you get.

(4) Why would you save money when THEY print it like there's no tomorrow?

(5) You don't save money, you borrow money.

(6) All Earth inhabitants including especially T2W and ET are programmed to go to school, get an education (wherein zip is taught about MONEY), work hard for money, but the harder you work for money the poorer you get.

More to come, clowns, stay tuned. 🙂🙂
8 billion peoples' underlying misunderstood?

Their house is an asset!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Truth is, their house is a liability!!!!!

That's how upside down the HERD is. that's why they have to go to work on the crowded roads every damn day and commute for 4 hours and in their spare time converse at stock trading forums.
Hi, all!

One question. Did you ever try passive income (any kind) which do not require your management? What was your experience?

Poor people do NOT believe in Passive Income. They only believe in working for money.

And they firmly believe and without exception say, "I can't afford it!"

The moment they say that, they're guaranteed to remain poor and dead. (The mindset)