Diary of a swing spread better

MKS is making a swing low. I'll buy it if it can manage 650ish again.


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hungvir said:
Hello everyone and appology that I only managed to get back to trade2win now. Did not get any alert emails so I assumed ther were no new posts. Hope you guys have been enjoying riding the Dow wave to 12,000 plus.

By the way, I had a coup in Bangkok to 'deal' with and now a seperation in London so the market has been taking a back seat. I'll still want to study for the exams to become a Chartered Market Tecnician though.

And I've been writing a new blog on Yahoo - http://blog.360.yahoo.com/hunginternet .

Have a good week ahead!



Hallo, Hung,

Nice to have you back. Your thread has been deserted during your absence Congratulations on being "the Man on the Spot" in Bangkok. Nice timing! Just like trading- good entry, good exit!

I am day trading (trying to) the FTSE index these days. Not very successfully, though. Barjon is trying to get me back to swing trading London shares. I did, last week, with two good trades, BG.16 points and LMI (50 points) but I, still, have not given up on index trading. The chatroom is quite active for this, both for FT and, later, the Dow. You might want to look in there.

Good luck

Thanks, Split. You're such an early riser! The Bangkok experience was amazing. I was out on the street on the night of the coup up until 3AM. Then I went to the hometown of the deposed PM who is now enjoying his time in London. There's a 'Chiangmai girl' picture gallery here.

I may move back to trading indices again later but for now I want to have minimal exposure only.

Good trading,

Cheers, Don. How are you?

With regards to the Dow, no doubt I'll be tempted to day trade it now that I am back here 😆 We'll see how it goes. The thing with day trading is my discipline can easily be thrown out of the window 😱

Good trading,

im fine thanks hung, giving the dow a miss for now also and following Split in daytrading the ftse (hes actually been very good 😉 ) got myself a fins account, a journal, a plan, a strategy,blimey its all been happening while you've been away I can tell you. cant stop here nattering as I have to prepare for the open, 1st day, wish me luck 😱 oo er.

catch you later, I want to hear all about your adventures.


There're so many of the, which one do you want to hear 🙂

Glad to hear that you are now with Fins. I quite like them. Just placed a stop order to buy MKS.

Have a good day!


hungvir said:
Thanks, Split. You're such an early riser! The Bangkok experience was amazing. I was out on the street on the night of the coup up until 3AM. Then I went to the hometown of the deposed PM who is now enjoying his time in London. There's a 'Chiangmai girl' picture gallery here.

I may move back to trading indices again later but for now I want to have minimal exposure only.

Good trading,


I'm an hour later but, still, it was hot and I didn't sleep well. Nice girls but not my age!

Is it because of the market?!

Next time I go there, I'll take some that suit you better :cheesy:

Enjoy your day there!

don_h said:
following Split in daytrading the ftse (hes actually been very good 😉 )


Wish I could say the same! Anyway, let's see what happens today. Have spent a little time analyising my mistakes. If I can spot them before I make them, instead of after, I shall be wealthier..
To err is human, Split 🙂 As long as we keep flattening the learning curve 🙂


MKS broke thru 651 again and now I am long. So my first trade in months showed a profit first. Will move my stop to BE when the price hits 670.


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AXO seems to be doing an MKS style swing low. Some people are taking profit obviously. If there're enough of them to drive the price down to the hands of the pros, I'll for sure follow them on the long side.


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And my watch list now looks like this. The same old list (except for the addition of AXO on Sunday) since I left London for Bangkok on July 13.


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'Are you a middle-class criminal?'

This is from the FT. The article is too long for me to steal it all 🙂

''Working late at the office, you are loading some more paper into the printer when you suddenly remember you have run out of A4 at home. ''Well,'' you tell yourself, ''I'm working overtime for nothing, so I am owed.'' Thus exonerated, you unloc the stationery cupboard and help yourself to a pack of 500 sheets - followed by a roll of Sellotape, three pens and a Pritt stick.

''This, of course, is an act of pure, unvarnished theft. If you were caught nicking the stuff from Ryman, the police would come and arrest you. But somehow, the middle classes have managed to persuade themselves that when they commit a crime for personal gain, it is not the same as when the criminal classes do. So they lie, cheat and steal with abandon.

''They defraud the taxman by hiding money offshore or by shopping abraod and concealing their booty from Customs. They make fraudulent claims on their insurance policies by inventing or exaggerating losses. They knowingly buy counterfeit goods and acquire illegal copies of compuer software. They steal hotel and gym towels,...

''One study, by criminologists at Keele University, found that nearly two-thirds of Britons admitted to acts of dishonesty such as keeping quiet when given too much change, paying the builder in cash to avoid ta or buying clothes for a special occasion and returning them afterwards for a refund.

''The worst offenders wee the middle classes, with 70 per cent of those in the A and B social brackets admitting to everyday fiddling, deceitfulness and fraud, compared with 53 per cent of those in the D and E brackets.

''Whatever happened to ''honesty is the best policy'', ''cheats never prosper'', ''virtue is its own rewards'' and other such middle-class axioms? Do the middle classes not believe in them any more?


And here's the 'Moral compass test'

1. Your supermarket trolley escapes your grip in the car park and hits a Lexus, leaving an expensive-looking dent. Do you

a) leave an apologetic note with an offer to pay and your phone number or

b) check no one saw your and scram

2. Under-threes go free at Legoland but your youngest's third birthday was a month ago. Do you

a) admit to her real age, even though they have no way of checking or

b) Tell a bare-faced lie and save yourself £23

3. With nine penalty points already on your license, you are caught by a speed camera going 10mph over the limit. Do you

a) start consulting bus timetables or

b) offer a friend with a clean license £500 to say he was driving.

4. You get home from Tesco to find you neglected to pay for a bottle of wine that you stuck in the pushchair. Do you

a) rush back in a panic to own up or

b) find a glass, pull the cork and congratulate yourself on your good fortune.

5. Unpacking your lovely new plasma TV screen, you drop it on the floor and smash it. Do you

a)cancel Christmas to save enough for a replacement or

b) claim it was damaged in transit?


All a: sanctimonious so-and-so

Some a, some be: to err is human

All b: how low do you go?
Did not have time to follow the market and I thought MKS went down with the FTSE when I looked at it earlier today. But it kept rising. Stop is now raised to two point below entry.


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Just want to come over to say Happy New Year to all my old friends and guests around!

Trading-wise, I just made two trades during the last two months. Both were on the long side and both involved MKS. Was stopped out twice at a small loss. I really like the look of MKS's store at Bluewater, its new one at Charing Cross (the queue was long and it moved fast) and its &More credit card. They're offering 0% balance transfer with no admin charge whatsoever and you can you the card to go shopping for a year before you have to pay anything. Go for it if you need to have some cash advance.

Have a great trading year ahead!


Hello all,

So the mild time has gone and now we have the wild time. If I remember correctly, we're advised to 'enter in wild time and exit in mild time'. And that's why I am here.

Last time round (May/June 2006) I bought when the market started to go up after several down days. I made some profits at first then made a loss that I decided to cut and run. My memory i so short and I almost bought again this time. But I recovered some of the painful memory and stand aside at the moment.

If history is any guide, the next rally will be the chance to short. What goes up must come down is always true, isn't it.

Happy spreadbetting!

(Anyone remember my password at Finspreads 🙂
