Detailed Trading Journal for November thus far


Never seen a group to post your trade journal before.. net. I'll work on more details later but I'm using excel to record my trades and that doesnt cut and paste over too well. I included $5 per transaction comissions with these figures.

Symbol: YMZ6 Date Entry Time S/L Buy Price Sell Price Total
Cars: 5

10:58 AM Long 12083.00 12088.00 $100.00
10:59 AM Long 12080.00 12084.00 $75.00
02:06 PM Long 12121.00 12124.00 $50.00
02:09 PM Long 12116.00 12121.00 $100.00
03:07 PM Long 12121.00 12131.00 $225.00
11/06/06 Total $650.00
10:11 AM Short 12177.00 12180.00 $60.00
10:51 AM Short 12193.00 12199.00 $125.00
10:52 AM Short 12191.00 12195.00 $75.00
02:30 PM Long 12183.00 12189.00 $125.00
02:31 PM Long 12183.00 12196.00 $300.00
11/07/06 Total $700.00

10:01 AM Short 12153.00 12158.00 $100.00
10:02 AM Short 12159.00 12165.00 $125.00
02:57 PM Long 12212.00 12216.00 $75.00
02:58 PM Long 12212.00 12197.00 -$400.00
11/08/06 Total -$100.00

09:46 AM Long 12195.00 12207.00 $275.00
11:13 AM Short 12183.00 12188.00 $100.00
11:14 AM Short 12178.00 12188.00 $225.00
11:46 AM Long 12172.00 12177.00 $100.00
02:30 PM Long 12139.00 12133.00 -$175.00
02:51 PM Long 12127.00 12135.00 $175.00
02:57 PM Short 12118.00 12136.00 $425.00
11/09/06 Total $1,125.00

10:12 AM Short 12119.00 12130.00 $250.00
10:42 AM Long 12122.00 12131.00 $200.00
01:39 PM Short 12105.00 12111.00 $125.00
02:32 PM Short 12115.00 12122.00 $150.00
11/10/06 Total $725.00

09:48 AM Short 12151.00 12139.00 -$325.00
10:09 AM Long 12179.00 12192.00 $300.00
02:06 PM Long 12170.00 12180.00 $225.00
03:22 PM Long 12172.00 12178.00 $125.00
11/13/06 Total $325.00

09:36 AM Short 12181.00 12193.00 $275.00
10:00 AM Long 12157.00 12163.00 $125.00
10:31 AM Long 12120.00 12129.00 $200.00
12:05 PM Long 12129.00 12136.00 $150.00
01:16 PM Short 12165.00 12152.00 -$350.00
03:20 PM Long 12252.00 12260.00 $175.00
03:54 PM Short 12252.00 12256.00 $75.00
11/14/06 Total $650.00

10:03 AM Short 12268.00 12275.00 $150.00
11:14 AM Long 12267.00 12276.00 $200.00
02:55 PM Long 12282.00 12305.00 $550.00
03:24 PM Short 12292.00 12302.00 $225.00
11/15/06 Total $1125.00

09:33 AM Short 12310.00 12325.00 $350.00
10:55 AM Long 12295.00 12311.00 $375.00
11:36 AM Short 12312.00 12316.00 $75.00
01:21 PM Short 12344.00 12332.00 -$325.00
02:22 PM Short 12347.00 12335.00 -$325.00
03:23 PM Long 12347.00 12349.00 $25.00
03:33 PM Long 12344.00 12348.00 $75.00
11/16/06 Total $250.00

09:41 AM Long 12318.00 12325.00 $150.00
10:05 AM Short 12322.00 12330.00 $175.00
10:37 AM Long 12323.00 12335.00 $275.00
11:09 AM Short 12335.00 12323.00 -$325.00
02:05 PM Long 12336.00 12346.00 $225.00
02:50 PM Short 12351.00 12358.00 $150.00
11/17/06 Total $650.00

09:52 AM Short 12365.00 12353.00 -$325.00
10:11 AM Short 12347.00 12361.00 $325.00
12:55 PM Long 12362.00 12372.00 $225.00
02:18 PM Long 12352.00 12340.00 -$325.00
02:43 PM Short 12334.00 12342.00 $175.00
03:54 PM Short 12342.00 12349.00 $150.00
11/20/06 Total $225.00

09:37 AM Long 12344.00 12351.00 $150.00
09:59 AM Long 12341.00 12352.00 $250.00
10:58 AM Long 12338.00 12329.00 -$250.00
11:23 AM Long 12329.00 12344.00 $350.00
12:05 PM Short 12349.00 12348.00 $0.00
01:39 PM Long 12355.00 12364.00 $200.00
02:01 PM Short 12350.00 12361.00 $250.00
03:25 PM Long 12350.00 12345.00 -$150.00
11/21/06 Total $800.00

Total for all days $7,125

Added today: *disclaimer, I'm a member of trading group and these results were based on their auto signals
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NinjaGroove said:
Never seen a group to post your trade journal before.. net. I'll work on more details later but I'm using excel to record my trades and that doesnt cut and paste over too well.

Cut and paste probably don't work, but copy & paste obviously did.
Or is it just coincidence that those results are a perfect match to those on
Thats because I'm a member of that site (didnt want to post url previously because its against T2W terms) and trade based on the system calls (i've edited my post to add a statement to that fact).

The results are a very close match but not exact if you look closely at every trade. How can that be? This is because Alex calls out limit orders on the trades (targets, stops) in advance so if you take every singal yes the results should match very closely. I missed a trade here and there (bathroom etc). My formatting is similar becuase I 'borrowed/stole' his journal layout. Didn't have one of my own.

Its 9:14. Got to get to it.