DESPERATELY Slow Access to t2w Pages

T2W has always been painfully slow loading pages, i've found. Everything's s-l-o-w
What settings might improve it, with firefox?
I gather theres a firefox extension that can get rid of the banners, but i doubt it would help.
Theres a certain other forum that is so much faster its ridiculous, not to name names...........

Its slow, just have to deal with it i guess.
You won't have to deal with it for much longer. We've been aware of the performance issues for some time. Although we've got two dedicated servers for the site, the performance has been sluggish at best - the reason for this is the underlying site architecture. Over the past few years one thing has been built on top of another, and it's turned into one big ugly monster of a site to run.

The good news is, we've already started the process of beginning from scratch to make everything lightening fast. The new site should be launch in the next month or so. Our focus group is already helping us with this upgrade process, and they can vouch as to just how much faster the new site will be!
yes, the new T2W site has tons more cool functionality than the boring brown, unchanged for years look of the "certain other forum" but is blisteringly fast to load. very slick.
Arbitrageur said:
yes, the new T2W site has tons more cool functionality than the boring brown, unchanged for years look of the "certain other forum" but is blisteringly fast to load. very slick.

I've often wondered what a focus group looks like, and now I know 😱 😆

Arbitrageur said:
yes, the new T2W site has tons more cool functionality than the boring brown, unchanged for years look of the "certain other forum" but is blisteringly fast to load. very slick.

Im glad you think so Arb, beleive it or not, i was going to attempt to paste this particular link /thread to the "brown" forum, which of course is practically impossible given my copy/paste skills.
There just happens to be a new thread on the very matter, in the feedback section of the "brown" forum.

That, and the fact T2W is still SLOW AS MOLLASES, i figure i might as well point it out, again, here, theres no getting around it .

Not everyone daytrades us stocks, sure, but im no less bothered by the USthnicity of the "brown" forum, than i am by the fact, there are entire trading sections totally ignored here, but for an occasional desperate plea of a thread, every few months, maybe.

I can only state, im very glad i never got into the yahoo scene, not that i might legitimately know the difference at this point, from what ive heard.

Back on topic, no, its not, T2W is NOT faster than it was before, perhaps i have a setting wrong, or im holding my face at the wrong angle, or im not flying a kite in a thunderstorm at the right moment, but it's NOT any faster by my reckoning, so far, sorry.

Of course, i could have totally misinterpreted Arbitrageur's comments, and the "blistering fast' actually alluded to the "brown" site, which actually is, of almost any site ive seen, the fastest out there.
If thats the case, i dont see any wonderfull "functionalty', here, if anything its more difficult to navigate, maybe i just dont know squat, thats always possible.

Because this site, is only fast, in the hare and the tortoise sense, as in NOT.

Am i missing something?
There's been problems this morning I think, but seems ok now. As Paul says, it'll be faster when the upgrade is done - relaunch not far off now.
acronym said:
Am i missing something?

sorry, I was talking about the new, and as of yet, generally unseen "relaunch" version of T2W which has been re-designed for speed.

Of course the current version of T2W is as slow as it ever was.

From what I've seen of the new version so far, it'll be the fastest trading forum out there - but it also includes some neat "bells & whistles" in terms of forum software functionality that both ET & current T2W dont have, assuming they all make it into the release "version" of T2W
JTrader said:
Yesterday at 1630, T2W ridiculously slow - 2 minutes to load the homepage.
Been like that off and on for a couple of days now for me, one minute it can be ok, not great but ok, then very slow, then a few minutes later back to ok.