
It was the lot from today only and mainly because it is just easier to delete the lot than going through each post when there are multiple identical posts.

were all of them identical? maybe i'm confused but i thought there were at least some different postings? albeit on the same theme. as you know you don't have to look at them individually, the amount i saw would have listed on 1 page, there were no links to worry about, it wasn't advertising, there was time to read the situation. if time short it could have all been lumped in contested and sorted at leisure.
At least 5 were the same at which point counting further was pointless and the option to "select all" was used and deleted. Putting items into contested would have removed all threads that had the post attached which would have been OTT in my view as individual posts don't have this option.
At least 5 were the same at which point counting further was pointless and the option to "select all" was used and deleted. Putting items into contested would have removed all threads that had the post attached which would have been OTT in my view as individual posts don't have this option.

if i recall you can move individual posts wherever you like to any part of the board you choose, tick the box and off they go where you specify, all that would have happened is they form their own new thread. but you clearly didn't want to or not interested in doing that, fair enough 🙁
Well if it is possible I have never come across it and cannot see how it would be done which is not through lack of looking for it. When clicking the post there is no option to send it somewhere else but there is an option when highlighting an entire thread to do this. If it is possible it is not obvious as it is with all other options.
maybe the function has been lost in an update? maybe i'm mistaken, it's been a while.

not to worry, we'll make do with a previous undeleted quote from last year.

It's not just boiler room scams that will take your money, I fell prey to the sales chat and advice of Logic Investments who are registered with the FSA and I paid them thousands of pounds in fees for what turned out to be duff advice and that in turn lost me thousnds of pounds as well, so yes do be wary of the boiler room scams,however some brokers are little better and whilst they may operate just within the law some have ethics that are no better than the scammers!
maybe the function has been lost in an update? maybe i'm mistaken, it's been a while.

not to worry, we'll make do with a previous undeleted quote from last year.

That's a good workaround, anyhow Logic Investments, I wonder how that will work out.
i agree it could be a vendor squabble, it's a known fact that happens.

But why would that be a bad thing, if the Taliban started fighting with Al Qaeda would we want to stop them? Likewise if scammer A is outing scammer B it can only be good. Of course they're all so dumb they'll get caught out but at least let them do a bit of damage to each other first.
Logic Investments do operate in a manner that may be within the letter of the law(just) but certainly not the spirit and I fell for it!
My attitude to risk was "Medium" and when they had got me into CFD trading and I complained saying that I was unhappy with the situation they had got me into by taking their advice they said that I would have to complete another risk profile as it was the regulation but if I said when doing the new risk profile that I thought CFD's were unsuitable for me then then would have to close down all my open CFD's most of which were in large loss and close my account which would cost me money, so they seemed to have me over a barrell