pkfryer said:
I thought I knew about most therapies but I've never heard of emotional freedom technique! Is it something similar to Primal therapy... releasing the original pain of child birth (something like that). I get put off with lots of people shouting and screaming... rebirthing just looks embarrassing! I'm very cynical of a lot of stuff! I went and stayed at the Findhorn Foundation for a while.... new age, believed in fairies.. lots of 'being open' and everything. But it was all total rubbish in the end!
EFT is nothing like Primal therapy.
In fact there is one technique called the tearless trauma technique where you can get someone to resolve something that was traumatic in their lives any tears at all.
Lot of stuff are rubbish. Like I said, I gave EFT a good kicking before taking it up! It had to 'prove' to me that it worked and that it worked better than anything else I knew. It's been impressive.
pkfryer said:
Emotional Freedom Technique sounds like lots of crying and sobbing and shouting and screaming to release the traumatised inner child so we can freely express ourselves once more. etc
Tears not necessary unless you believe it is necessary for you to cry to heal ... on second thoughts, that belief can be resolved too :cheesy:
pkfryer said:
I'd love to find out more of your technique.
Here is where it all started 🙂
pkfryer said:
I've always been in touch with my emotions and have done much work to get in touch with repressed feelings of anger and fear. After a few years of acknowledging hatred of your father etc and expressing it in various methods... there isn't much left to express, and you end up feeling nothing but calm.
Good work!
pkfryer said:
Guilt when you win for instance! We were taught that its wrong to take from others.... but we are told that when we win a trade, we take from poor losers! Its not just plucked from thin air.. this is some poor blokes hard earned cash! Have we done the equivalent of stealing from him?
No. He entered the contract willingly. If you won't teach the other person he made a mistake then he won't learn either!
🙂 If the stock broker/Market Maker loses money then they shouldn't be in business. It's not your job to prop them up by losing your deals.
pkfryer said:
we are always taking from others. That job we landed... didn't 100 people go for it besides us?
How can you be taking it from others when the company makes the decision and not you. They just didn't come up to scratch in the interview. Your lesson to them to do better next time otherwise they just won't learn.
pkfryer said:
didn't a billion sperm die for us to live at our conception?
No, they were trying to get to the same place too. You just got there faster.
pkfryer said:
Can you be a sensitive compassionate person and be a trader? Is it possible?
Yes, but probably not both at the same time
pkfryer said:
Or do you have to be a hard nosed ******* like a bull in a china shop... smash and bash your way through, just as long as you win, it doesn't matter about the mess thats left behind...
What mess? You've just worked really hard teaching someone else that they are not suited to being a trader. Would that lesson be any easier from any one else?
chump said:
"self-esteem has everything to do with the trading and money! "..that's an interesting statement,but are you sure it is correct ?
The whole quote in context is
firehorse said:
pkfryer said:
The therapist I have gone to have ranged from hypnotists, hypnotherapists to psychosynthesis and NLP. (not for trading or money I should add.. but for low self esteem
My opinion (without taking a case history) would be that the self-esteem has everything to do with the trading and money!
I was contrasting PKs statement about what he has had treatment for but not money and trading, by saying what he had treatment for is related to money and trading in his case.
I did not mean that self-esteem has everything to do with trading and money for everyone else.
For someone else, low self-esteem may drive them to be a fantastic trader in the effort to get the money and perceived self-esteem. However, money is not the same as self-esteem, although the 'achievement' of getting money can contribute to self esteem.
In general, if you lose the money, then the person who equates money with self-esteem will lose self-esteem but the person who does not equate money with self-esteem will be able to go on and trade sucessfully because his self-esteem and belief in himself will not have been dented.
chump said:
would you and wealth or the accumulation of money to be one and the same ?
What would be your definition of wealth? Is there a difference between material or emotional wealth? Not 100% sure of the question you are asking.
chump said:
do you think there is a universal explanation for why people attempt to accumulate money / wealth ?
To feel good
The reason why anybody does anything. There's got to be a payoff somewhere!
chump said:
..looking at your statement one might be forgiven for thinking that you have identified "self esteem" to be an important factor
Only relevant in PKs case. I haven't got a clue about anyone else!
chump said:
do you think "self esteem" is expressed by the endless search for 'more goodies' and the money to buy them ?
Insecurity is another great motivator.