Democrats want to ban corporate profits

So he did well through the everything up times and you say that's fine but don't question how on earth someone can loose in each and every arm of their global diversification thesis?

I don't care. I'm not interested in that side of Peter's life. I'm neutral. I'm not saying he is, or isn't, a good fund manager. Is that even the entirety of the the funds he manages?

So far, we have some insults and 1 year of investment returns of what is likely part of his portfolio. Hardly a convincing case. He has a longer term horizon for the most part, based upon on a highly inflationary environment. If that happens, his strategy may come good.

Anyways, I'm not here to defend the guy, but at the least we should look at these things with some perspective.
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I don't care. I'm not interested in that side of Peter's life. I'm neutral. I'm not saying he is, or isn't, a good fund manager. Is that even the entirety of the the funds he manages?

So far, we have some insults and 1 year of investment returns of what is likely part of his portfolio. Hardly a convincing case. He has a longer term horizon for the most part, based upon on a highly inflationary environment. If that happens, his strategy may come good.

Anyways, I'm not here to defend the guy, but at the least we should look at these things with some perspective.

Well - the OP just shows Peter as a complete hack. He is clearly not looking at things in perspective himself.

It's easy to put people on the spot and find some comments you can edit into a clip to make people look silly.

This is POOR reportage, it's nothing more than a bit of titillation.
You do realize who these people were?

They are not just a few folks off the street.

You do realize that:

Peter Schiff probably stood there for 8 hours to get that material
Some people see the camera and agree with the cameraman because they think it will get them on TV
Take any cross section of people and it won't take you very long to find people of below average intelligence

Like I say - the clip is just a bit of gutter journalism from a man who thinks he's relevant.
This is a joke... If they at least didn't edit the video so heavily, you could get an idea of what people at this convention are thinking. However, they went into it with a specific agenda to film some really silly people making silly statements. Given that they can liberally edit the footage, is it very surprising that they succeeded? And, furthermore, what is this video really telling you? That there are people out there who say stupid things in front of the camera? What a shocker!!!
This is a joke... If they at least didn't edit the video so heavily, you could get an idea of what people at this convention are thinking. However, they went into it with a specific agenda to film some really silly people making silly statements. Given that they can liberally edit the footage, is it very surprising that they succeeded? And, furthermore, what is this video really telling you? That there are people out there who say stupid things in front of the camera? What a shocker!!!

They were DELEGATES authorized to act as representatives for really silly people, and what a great job they did! 😆

WTF with all the 'editing' conspiracy?

Q: Do you want to ban corporate profits?

Possible responses:

-What a dumbass question!
They were DELEGATES authorized to act as representatives for really silly people, and what a great job they did! 😆

WTF with all the 'editing' conspiracy?

Q: Do you want to ban corporate profits?

Possible responses:

-What a dumbass question!
Erm, why "conspiracy"? According to Peter Schiff himself (he was on CNBC talking about this), about half of the people he approached at the convention disagreed with the "ban corporate profits" idea, no matter how much he pushed them. However, those people's responses didn't make it into the final cut of the video. That's called "editing", I believe. You tell me if you disagree.
Erm, why "conspiracy"? According to Peter Schiff himself (he was on CNBC talking about this), about half of the people he approached at the convention disagreed with the "ban corporate profits" idea, no matter how much he pushed them. However, those people's responses didn't make it into the final cut of the video. That's called "editing", I believe. You tell me if you disagree.

I think you miss the point, half is a big number. If I went into ASDA and asked people if they thought the earth was flat and half of them said yes, that wouldn't be such a big deal. If I went to an Astronomy convention and asked the same question and half the people I asked said they thought the earth was flat, that would be worrying.

I agree with your assertion that there are people out there who say stupid things in front of the camera, just watch any of Barrack Obama's press conferences and you can see where the idiots in this video get their inspiration from. Obama is a socialist who leans towards the idea of cooperative ownership of the means of production.

Some of Obama's thoughts:

"We would raise [taxes] for purposes of fairness"

BHO Admits He's a Socialist - YouTube

"I do not want, and I will not accept a deal, in which I am asked to do nothing. In fact, I am able to keep 100's of thousands of dollars in additional income that I don't need while a parent out there [is struggling]"

Obama Explains His Socialist Vision - YouTube
Also, I bet there are still thousands of people who watched the "Ban profits" video and thought there was nothing wrong with it because they totally agreed with everything that was said...I can think of two members of this forum who would agree with what was said!
Oh come on, NT, you know how this "journalism" works. We were always taught to constantly refer back to the interviewers question/comment in the midst of our replies so as to make editing very difficult - even with such august bodies as the BBC.
Oh come on, NT, you know how this "journalism" works. We were always taught to constantly refer back to the interviewers question/comment in the midst of our replies so as to make editing very difficult - even with such august bodies as the BBC.

I've worked in the broadcasting industry and I know what goes on. I have also produced video's myself. To suggest that this single camera shoot with no cuts or close ups has been edited to make people look dumb is simply ridiculous. You hear a woman say clearly that she thinks there should be corporate losses...C'mon jon...😆
One last point I forgot to add. These people were not asked a more contentious or complicated issue like ‘should the US go back on a gold standard?’ or 'Is the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy going to reduce unemployment?'. The question was very simple, “Should we ban corporate profits”.
I think you miss the point, half is a big number. If I went into ASDA and asked people if they thought the earth was flat and half of them said yes, that wouldn't be such a big deal. If I went to an Astronomy convention and asked the same question and half the people I asked said they thought the earth was flat, that would be worrying.
Right, half is a big number, but don't you think it's a valid question to ask why the need to edit? Why remove the responses made by the reasonable people from the final product? Like many similar pieces of pre-election political propaganda (from both sides), Schiff's heavily biased clip is insulting to my intelligence and I ignore the bull**** in it, just like I ignore all the other political bull**** generated by the American political machines.

And no, under no circumstances am I going to start a political debate with you. That is the most egregious waste of time that I can imagine.
Right, half is a big number, but don't you think it's a valid question to ask why the need to edit? Why remove the responses made by the reasonable people from the final product? Like many similar pieces of pre-election political propaganda (from both sides), Schiff's heavily biased clip is insulting to my intelligence and I ignore the bull**** in it, just like I ignore all the other political bull**** generated by the American political machines.

No, I don't think it is a valid question. The aim of the video was NOT to show what the democrats think as a whole, his intention (from what I understand) was to see how just how far to the left many are willing to go. In this case, 50% with such extreme leftist views is a worryingly high number. I'm sure you understand even better than me the statistical significance of a random sample like that.

What if the question he asked was "Should tax avoiders be executed by firing squad?" and 50% said 'yes' and some went us far as saying "Yes and their families too!"

C'mon Martinghoul, the question was simple. These people are not dumb per se, they actually believe profits are evil, something that greedy capitalists steal from hard working poor people.
No, I don't think it is a valid question. The aim of the video was NOT to show what the democrats think as a whole, his intention (from what I understand) was to see how just how far to the left many are willing to go. In this case, 50% with such extreme leftist views is a worryingly high number. I'm sure you understand even better than me the statistical significance of a random sample like that.

What if the question he asked was "Should tax avoiders be executed by firing squad?" and 50% said 'yes' and some went us far as saying "Yes and their families too!"

C'mon Martinghoul, the question was simple. These people are not dumb per se, they actually believe profits are evil, something that greedy capitalists steal from hard working poor people.
Well, that's the whole point, yet again... Given that this is edited material, how do you actually know that it was 50%? What if this was, in fact, a minority or a vast majority? How do you know it was a random sample? To reiterate, as soon as I am offered a piece of politically motivated, doctored propaganda of any sort, I immediately dismiss it, as it insults my intelligence.

As to the question asked and the stupid things people believe, I don't really understand why this is such a momentous epiphany to you. I mean there's a large number of people in America who believe that humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together (404,000 people visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky in 2007).
Well, that's the whole point, yet again... Given that this is edited material, how do you actually know that it was 50%? What if this was, in fact, a minority or a vast majority? How do you know it was a random sample? To reiterate, as soon as I am offered a piece of politically motivated, doctored propaganda of any sort, I immediately dismiss it, as it insults my intelligence.

As to the question asked and the stupid things people believe, I don't really understand why this is such a momentous epiphany to you. I mean there's a large number of people in America who believe that humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together (404,000 people visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky in 2007).

You didn't dismiss it; you wrote a reply attempting to discredit it. I don't know what the percentage is, only the people who have criticized the video seem to be the ones who have all the 'inside' information on exactly how he was able to make so many people look so incredibly dumb on camera. Maybe there is something about cameras...perhaps that is what we should be really discussing, “Does a video camera make people stupid?”

People are stupid, I agree, and it's the vote of these people that politicians try to win because there are so many of them. I'm sure there are a large number of people in America who believe that humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together, but this was filmed at a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION not a Jurassic Park Movie appreciation convention.
You didn't dismiss it; you wrote a reply attempting to discredit it. I don't know what the percentage is, only the people who have criticized the video seem to be the ones who have all the 'inside' information on exactly how he was able to make so many people look so incredibly dumb on camera. Maybe there is something about cameras...perhaps that is what we should be really discussing, “Does a video camera make people stupid?”

People are stupid, I agree, and it's the vote of these people that politicians try to win because there are so many of them. I'm sure there are a large number of people in America who believe that humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together, but this was filmed at a DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION not a Jurassic Park Movie appreciation convention.
I expressed my personal opinion about the video. If you perceive it as an attempt on my part to discredit it, so be it. I don't know what the percentage is either and I have no "inside" information. The 50% number is the one that Peter Schiff mentioned himself, but, given his obvious bias, as well as his willingness to "dress up" the evidence, I see no reason why I should believe him. And yes, it could be that a video camera can easily make an unprepared person stupid.

I am not sure what your point might be regarding the fact that this is a political convention. Are you saying that people who get involved in American politics are supposed to be the "cream of the crop" or smth?