Demo x Real world in Forex

Hi Guys,

This is my first post and I´m from brazil.

I´m trading Forex in demo plataform ( metatrader 4 ) .

There is some difference between demo and real world ?

Because until now is too easy to make money in demo...this sounds fake to me...because I know that´s is very hard to make money in the markets


In my opinion there is no comparison between demo and real world, emotion is a huge part of any trade and when using demo the emotion just is not there. By all means demo, but the only way to learn this business is by trading real live hard to get cash. Good luck.
Roberto_Denadai said:
Hi Guys,

This is my first post and I´m from brazil.

I´m trading Forex in demo plataform ( metatrader 4 ) .

There is some difference between demo and real world ?

Because until now is too easy to make money in demo...this sounds fake to me...because I know that´s is very hard to make money in the markets


It depends which Meta Trader price feed you are using.

Most companies offer a slightly different and slightly delayed feed in demo.

There is a huge mental difference between trading in demo and trading with cash, however............I would stick in demo until you can win consistantly. If you cannot win consistantly in demo you will not do it with cash.
Hi guys,

There is not emotion in my trading, because I´m using an automatic trading system that I did in MQL, ....the machine works to me 24 hours 😀

This was my first program, but the system is working very well.....this is a little bit strange, because make money in forex is easier than make money with options , stocks or futures...this is my first impression.....I´m trading in Demo for 4 month, I started my demo account with 5000 and now I have 23000.

Ah - is this an intro. to selling your system ?

If so then post it on the "Commercial Sytems" thread.
Hi Guys,

I´m not selling nothing.....take easy guys.I´m a serius trader and I´m here to learn and swap experience. I´m just running my system and testing in Demo.

I need to define a better exit yet to my system.

Initial deposit: 5.000 End : 59.652

Take a look in the backtesting chart :



People you dont see screenshoot?

System made drawdown from 27k$ to 7k$ .

And now imagine how safe it is for you if you just start use it during draw down,automatic systems in 90% are pure garbage.

Stick to using mind&hand conection,so far i saw only one good automatic systems without big drawdown and even those you cant trade with bigger risk then 1% of account into single trade.

How you wanna trade this one with made 400% draw down 😢

best regards

from FOREXHUSKY trading desk
Hi Guys,

Of course I know that this system in backtesting had a big drawdown, but I´m still testing the system, and in the future I won´t use the automatic system alone, I will wacth the system close and ready to act.

I don´t believe that a complete automatic system can trade better than a good trade with some kind of suport an technical analysis.

The system is so simple, I´m just using 3 moving average ( 10 , 22 , 55 ) . When 10 and 22 crosses I buy or sell.

The stop loss is 20 pips in the start, I´m not using trailing stop yet, and I need to define a better exit yet.

I can send the MQL for you guys, just give me your e-mail.

This system just make money and works in daily chart


I forgot to say, I use a filter to enter in a position. The range between 10 e 22 have to be at least 3 pips. This kind of filter avoid a lot of false sign to buy or sell.