Deletion of threads!

Remember too that those using multiple nicks are actually 'conning' other T2W members, and they appear to think that it is amusing to disrupt this playground with their childish antics.

Just ask yourself *why* any vendor and/or member would be that desperate to attempt to con and deceive everyone here by employing such tactics.

They are also intentionally conning us all by recruiting other members, who are not fully aware of the deception being employed, to do their dirty work in public and through PMs.

Don't be fooled, and don't make a laughing stock of yourselves by falling for this deception.

ChartMan and I have been moderating this site since it began, and over those three and a half years we have tremendous knowledge and experience of all the tactics employed by those who attempt to deceive and disrupt, usually for their own financial gains. They are not true traders like the majority here. We use this knowledge and experience to moderate the site in the ways we know which will cause least disruption to genuine traders, and make life uncomfortable for those who attempt to deceive. You have to trust our integrity in these matters, and if you do not wish to then you are free to leave.
Skimbleshanks said:
Remember too that those using multiple nicks are actually 'conning' other T2W members, and they appear to think that it is amusing to disrupt this playground with their childish antics.

To give you an example - one vendor was banned, initially for one week, despite having three warnings. That person has subsequently registered an ADDITIONAL FIVE NICKS (at the last count) and has proceeded to deceive people by pretending, among other things, to be new and asking for help.

Just ask yourself *why* any vendor and/or member would be that desperate to attempt to con and deceive everyone here by employing such tactics.

They are intentionally conning us all by recruiting other members, who are not fully aware of the deception being employed, to do their dirty work in public and through PMs.

Don't be fooled, and don't make a laughing stock of yourselves by falling for this deception.

Thanks Skim for that explanation. Nobody wants to be deceived or made a fool of but we are not in a position to have the same amount of information you do in order to decide who is genuine or who is not. Is it not possible to give us more details of people who are doing this by naming and shaming them, this will then help us decide whether to post/offer advice/show interest in their systems etc.
I did see a post yesterday by Buddhist that was just abusive and I am pleased that the moderators banned him. He can go and do that on ADVFN, Elite etc. but I do think the moderators have no option but to ban someone when they start posting just pure abuse. Having seen that, I appreciate what the moderators are doing.
schoe said:
Thanks Skim for that explanation. Nobody wants to be deceived or made a fool of but we are not in a position to have the same amount of information you do in order to decide who is genuine or who is not. Is it not possible to give us more details of people who are doing this by naming and shaming them, this will then help us decide whether to post/offer advice/show interest in their systems etc.

No point in doing that. It simply means that resources are diverted from on topic posts to debates on off topic scam artists and blowhards. If you want to look for vendor systems then try other boards.

You have to allow moderators to moderate, otherwise you might as well go elsewhere to boards that tolerate off topic bickering, and snake oil promotion.
schoe said:
Is it not possible to give us more details of people who are doing this by naming and shaming them

Unfortunately you will just have to trust the integrity of the Mods. If someone is banned, it is because of a very good reason and usually follows one or multiple warnings, either privately or in public. The offending posts which caused the ban are removed so that life can continue here uninterrupted. That therefore means that the scenario leading up to the ban, together with the public warnings, is also removed.

We go for months and months without banning anyone (apart from serial spammers - ones who materialise during the night and make multiple spamming posts) - and then we get a bout of one or more troublemakers who generate multiple nicks, cause disruption, and deceive - almost always for their own financial gain or because they are losing in the markets and want their retribution from others, often those they view as more successful than they are.

And so we are then *forced* to take action, some of which you may see on the boards.

Threads and posts are removed for all sorts of reasons - some because of legal implications, some because of copyright infrigements, some because of abuse, some because they contain profanities, some because they contain threats to others, some because they are there to deceive others, some because they are blatent or disguised advertising, some because they are duplicate posts, some because we have been asked to by the original poster if they cannot do it themselves, some because they are in the wrong place, etc, etc.

We do not have a) the time, b) the inclination, or c) the duty, to report the reasons for each and every removal/offence - you just need to trust us.
:cheesy: If you do'nt tell us who it is then we'll have to believe the rumours ................ and you do'nt want us doing that ! :cheesy:
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Really!! I replied to the guy, cant really see what hes trying to sell and he wasn't abusive..... what was his motivation do you think???
Thanks Skim, I am not questioning the integrity of the mods or the job you do. This is the only board I read because it is the best and you all do a very good job.
Just think on this... I could post as a new alias and do all manner of deceptive things. Praise my own efforts on this BB, slag off certain members for the contents of their posts, etc. etc. You would all think nothing other than it was a genuine person making genuine posts. I could urge you to follow " the pied piper" because I did it and made a fortune......
If that's what you want to be subjected to, then so be it, but I doubt it.
Trust us, we know what we are doing. It may seem underhand, it may seem unfair and undemocratic, but that's the way it has to be. At the end of the day, we do sometimes publish reasons why we have permanently banned certain persons if we feel an explanation is required or deserved.
Perhaps we can lay this to rest until the next wave appears.....
It is thanks to our moderators that T2W is the best board around by a country mile. They are fully deserving of our trust and there's no need to put them all to the trouble of explaining the reasons for every deletion/banning etc. Their job's arduous enough.

And no, I don't have the hots for Skim or Chartman (or the others) I just know from my year or so here that they do an excellent job. They have all earned my thanks - and yours too I hope.
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I would like to second schoes remarks about this board being the best.

Skim - how do know that the same people are registering multiple times ?
Is it the IP address ?
Then, would it be possible to display the other "nicks" ?
That way we can all know if one perosn has registered many times, and make our own decisions.

Is there a good reason why anyone would want to register many times ?
This might help a bit. Instead of having 'Banned' under the persons name, why not select from a list like the one below? This would be an easy and quick way for us all to see why the person was banned.

Banned - Foul and abusive Language
Banned - Multiple registrations
Banned - Spamer
Banned - Used the word 'cod' too many times

Granted, the last one might be a bit harsh but I have to use a bit of humour 😆
We have little icons against our names, such as "journal," "is on/offline", "report bad post" etc.
Could we have another icon titled "also known as" ? and show their other nicks ?
trendie said:
Skim - how do know that the same people are registering multiple times ?
Is it the IP address ?

Well, let's think about this ... if I told you all the tricks we've got at our disposal, wouldn't that also be telling the handful of fanatical troublemakers? And they, no doubt, would try to skirt around them and carry on causing trouble. So no prizes for guessing that our lips are zipped on this. :cheesy:

People use multiple nicks *for a reason* - and 9 times out of 10 (figuratively, not statistically) it is, IMO, with the intention of deceiving all of us.
You're not allowed multiple nicks. that's the whole point...........and eye :cheesy:
Bigbusiness said:
Banned - Used the word 'cod' too many times
Or "Jehovah..."

As in "I just said that piece of Haddock was good enough for Jehovah..."

Have I over-stepped the mark....and why are all those women wearing false beards???