Debate on Astrology (AN v HWS)

Planets cant affect markets but they do affect humans, and it is them that make markets move.
Are there any websites or youtube videos that explain astro/numerology trading for newbies? The immortal WD Gann swore by astrology and numerology. Trouble is, Gann is too hard for me to understand. The websites about him are gobbledegook..
Planets cant affect markets but they do affect humans, and it is them that make markets move.
Are there any websites or youtube videos that explain astro/numerology trading for newbies? The immortal WD Gann swore by astrology and numerology. Trouble is, Gann is too hard for me to understand. The websites about him are gobbledegook..

Read "Tunnel Through The Air" By william D Gann.

You can learn all you need to know about "astro trading" from that book.
There are only a handful of real Astrologers in the world. For example Russell Grant isn’t a real Astrologer. A real Astrologer is someone who can predict with close to 100% accuracy the outcome of practically any question about the future in any field of life.

The only logical conclusion to be drawn from this is that there is no such thing as a "real astrologer".
Is there anybody on T2W that does know, understand and use astrology and numerology in trading? Does the Gann book "Tunnel through the air" demonstrate how to do what he did to trade?
Is there anybody on T2W that does know, understand and use astrology and numerology in trading? Does the Gann book "Tunnel through the air" demonstrate how to do what he did to trade?

Gann didn't trade.

Alexander Elder tracked down Gann's son (or grandson, can't remember) and interviewed him. He said that Gann made all of his money from vending tip sheets, newsletters and books, scraped by on that and died without a penny to his name.

3-4 day cycles HWSteele? Sound alot like the 5-day astrological cycles I use in my trading: commonly known as weeks :whistling
Is there anybody on T2W that does know, understand and use astrology and numerology in trading? Does the Gann book "Tunnel through the air" demonstrate how to do what he did to trade?

Yes there is at least one.

As far as the book demonstrating how to do what Gann did it does.
But it is coded in the book. It does not just explain everything as Gann seemed to believe that you need to work for what you want.
All of his books from the one I suggested to the last one he wrote contain coded information.

And yes I have spent time de-coding the information so I am sure that it is there.
And yes the information in the books does work when used correctly.

The information that he coded into his books he got from his own research into what he de-coded from the Bible. By that I mean he would de-code something from the bible and other "holy" sources and then research to see if what he found was true/or still worked. He spent many years doing this.
If someone were to do this now, I know because I have, it would be much faster because of computers and the internet.
I have only been at it for about seven years.

I have no intent on ever just handing anyone the information I learned as I too believe a person needs to do the work to really understand what they have.

If you are truly interested in astro trading then I suggest you do research for yourself.
Knowing that the book I suggested has the information in it and it is astrological in nature should be all you need to start.
Oh, and just as a heads up, astrology that almost everyone "knows" today is not that pure so I wouldn't put much weight in that.
Gann didn't trade.

Alexander Elder tracked down Gann's son (or grandson, can't remember) and interviewed him. He said that Gann made all of his money from vending tip sheets, newsletters and books, scraped by on that and died without a penny to his name.

3-4 day cycles HWSteele? Sound alot like the 5-day astrological cycles I use in my trading: commonly known as weeks :whistling

I suggest you do research if you intend on presenting you opinion as fact.
It can be proven that what you stated is incorrect.

3-4 day cycle? sounds about 60-80% like that five day cycle you call a "week".
Weeks are seven days just to set the record straight.:whistling
Hi, HWSteele, I have read your spin-off strand on astrotrading, with much interest.
There are a lot of skeptics around, but there are online videos that show somebody is trading according to astrology and numerology. that is for sure!
Just wondered if you know any websites or books for beginners to astro trading, since it is hardly easy is it? Thanks.
I think the daily changes in the market are a result of the changes in demand and price.Stock market is too sensitive, too erratic and chaotic for astrology.The daily fluctuations in the market are the reasons for booking the profit.And predicting the future of a company is rather not that difficult as it would be while predicting for the whole of the stock market.

Hoping to get more insight into it.
Hi, HWSteele, I have read your spin-off strand on astrotrading, with much interest.
There are a lot of skeptics around, but there are online videos that show somebody is trading according to astrology and numerology. that is for sure!
Just wondered if you know any websites or books for beginners to astro trading, since it is hardly easy is it? Thanks.

This is just one of many, but it could be a place to start to give you lots of ideas about astro trading.
Sorry it took so long to answer have been busy doing some research and a tad under the weather.
Thanks for the sensible answers about Astrotrading, hwsteele. It is interesting that some people dismiss real astrology without knowing anything about it. The problem for beginners like me, is that it is so difficult. One of the greatest traders - Gann - used both astrology and numerology in his trading.
I would dismiss nothing at this stage. Enough people are into thisstuff to make the markets a self fulfilling prophecy anyway, I suppose. The rest of the herd blindly follow like lemmings when their lagging indicators see something happening.
Meanwhile any websites that clearly explain Ganns astrotrading, please?
so the original contention was ~ how can celestial bodies have any effect on us? .....

First off, we are talking about HUGE forces that predate mankind. My question is - how could there not be an effect? What forces? Well, GRAVITY. for one. And RADIATION, for another. talking photons and alpha beta particles et al.

Why would Gravity have an effect? - Human body is about 70% or so water. Water and land are both pulled up by the tidal force of the moon here on earth, so we are literally pulled by our nearest heavenly body.. Fine, are there any market correlations?? research it yourself to find out.

Regarding solar radiation's effects on financial time series, see for yourself one bit of research =

as i've learned it, the output of the Sun is not constant! it varies +/- 2%, based on the positions of the planets and the deformation of the Sun by their gravity. the energy output of the Sun is enormous, more energy pours onto the Earth from the Sun each day than has been used by humans in all of human history.

so, we are probably affected by these things, but we are largely ignorant of the fact. financial markets give a great place to conduct research on this.

also, arch crawford has a reading list, worth checking out.
Threads like these are some sort of joke right? Is there a trader inside joke about astrotrading or whatever?

For some reason, I've seen a few threads like these and assumed they were some sort of joke. No one seriously uses the planets etc to help with their trading do they?

Think the only time the planets, stars can affect the markets is if one was heading for Earth or the sun caused or blackout etc.
so the original contention was ~ how can celestial bodies have any effect on us? .....

First off, we are talking about HUGE forces that predate mankind. My question is - how could there not be an effect? What forces? Well, GRAVITY. for one. And RADIATION, for another. talking photons and alpha beta particles et al.

Why would Gravity have an effect? - Human body is about 70% or so water. Water and land are both pulled up by the tidal force of the moon here on earth, so we are literally pulled by our nearest heavenly body.. Fine, are there any market correlations?? research it yourself to find out.

Regarding solar radiation's effects on financial time series, see for yourself one bit of research =

as i've learned it, the output of the Sun is not constant! it varies +/- 2%, based on the positions of the planets and the deformation of the Sun by their gravity. the energy output of the Sun is enormous, more energy pours onto the Earth from the Sun each day than has been used by humans in all of human history.

so, we are probably affected by these things, but we are largely ignorant of the fact. financial markets give a great place to conduct research on this.

also, arch crawford has a reading list, worth checking out.

you are one six pack short of a can, one plughole short of a pube - insane
F U A Hole. Ignorant ****. and shows what you know, since according to, after reviewing Einstein's writings and recorded comments, EISTEIN NEVER MADE that compound interest statement.
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I love the way this divides people.
So safe in your beliefs that there is no room for what you have been programmed to not except.

An interesting point to make is the fact that most people do no research of their own but simply have been programed to have a certain belief. This tends to be true from both directions.

Most people have no actual understanding of Most of what they "know".

Too lazy to prove things to them selves. It is so much easier to start AND stop with faith.

The reason most people who HAVE done some work for them selves and discovered some interesting things along the way don't come right out and share all is because they know it's the journey not the destination.

And to answer the question about using astrology for trading I do know people who trade using the planets and do quite well.
I also know people who trade with zero regard for them and also do quite well.
There was a guy used to post long term swing point predictions on the moneytec forum years ago. I spent a couple of weeks trying to reverse engineer some of his calls, and figured out he was using lunar cycles (which he later confirmed by PM)

I trade systems based on a random entry, so there's no reason at all why an astrology based approach for entry wouldnt work.