Death of SB

Actually, I'm now using FxPro but the margin requirements should be the same. I'll check with them. Which Platform are you using?
Its just the standard LCG platform. I think it looks very similar to MT4, which they also offer.
Not sure I fully understand that. Most brokers have been capping total loss at zero balance for a few years now. Plus, the '**** or bust' punt has always been the most common trade as the majority of people who have spread bet accounts have it for the purpose of gambling.

Part of the issue that the industry in the UK created for itself was due to spending the last two decades telling everyone that it wasn't gambling and that it was investing. For a very significant proportion of spread bet traders it has always been about gambling and always will be.

It took me years to come to terms with the raw fact that most clients that you speak with are trading for the thrill of the punt. You can spend hours talking to well educated, smart and prudent clients who agree with everything that you say about trading in small size, limiting risk etc etc but they will promptly go all in on a punt because that is the 'fun' that they are looking for.

Ironically, back in the 70's IG only lobbied to get spread bets under the financial regulator as gambling debts weren't legally enforceable. A huge percentage of all activity has always been just people having fun punting

this is a great post Morris........couldnt agree more .....Gambling , Trading its all Semantics...........most traders are Gambling but wont admit it .....:smart:
Yeah but I think you’re missing my point.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes, most people will still lose all their money to the brokers so I don’t see how it will affect their revenue. As I said before, I’ve currently got 1k sat in a CMC account. Now I could lose it in 10 minutes at £10pp or I could lose it in a week at £1pp... either way CMC will still take that 1k from me and add it to their revenue.

Majority of people lose and these margin changes won’t magically turn those losers into winners, they’ll just stay losers for a lot longer.

brokers just like Bookmakers try to educate people as they then should stay in the game longer and bleed out more more money in the process..............a bet it all in one stroke and walk away forever is much less lucrative a prospect than what ive discussed ......

smart people are Bookmakers and Brokers .....
