dbphoenix book

Really .... now i very difficult to open traderslaboratory website i dont know why ... you have suggestion how i can contact him because i already email to him but not reply :cry:
Sorry, that's the only way I know of. Have you tried sending a PM in addition to an e-mail? Also, if you're able to, try using a different computer to log onto the TL site as I have no problems and I'v not heard of anyone else struggling either. Failing that, you could try contacting him via Elite Trader, although this really is a long shot as I don't think he posts on there anymore and may even have been banned!
Dear dbphoenix,I have sent u a pm regarding your ebook.Please respond if you have taken notice.
DBP are you still out there? This is a responce to an old thread, 02, so if you find me advise about obtaining a copy of your pbphoenix book please.

Well, here it is five years later, so perhaps it's time to check in.

I haven't posted anywhere for a couple(+) of years. Since I had answered all the questions (often many times more than once) and since so few people were interested in doing the work, there was really nothing more to say. I recently returned to the TL site, to clean up the Wyckoff Forum and to determine whether anyone had any questions not answered. There were a few, which was a pleasant surprise, and even a couple of people (out of 75,000) who were interested in doing the work.

But that's pretty much done. It's been a spread-betting/Forex world for some time now, and people are just as focused on their indicators as they ever were, if not more so, and have little interest in how it all works. Those who are seem to have congregated here on this thread, and I can say here and now that the go-to contact information hasn't changed: [email protected]. There's also the Wyckoff Forum at TL, but whoever is in charge of T2W now may not like having the reference here (if not, I'm sure I'll hear from a moderator).

For now, I'm still alive, and the "book" is still available (preview below). I'll check in periodically to see if there are any questions.



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