Daytrading YM with IB


Well-known member
Will I need $25k minimum with IB to day trade YM futures? I think I need 25k for stocks and options but I am not sure about futures. Info much appreciated.
This is something to do with pattern trading rule and not about the margin requirements . I am now confused.
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You dont need any more than the £1450 to open an account, and the intraday $ margin. As long as you're above that, you're fine. The PDT rule does not apply to futures.
rossored is correct. The Paterrn Day Trader rules are for stock trading only. They do not apply to futures.

Hi, I'm also in the process of opening an IB account and although you don't need $25000 to day trade futures, the initial deposit appears to be $10000 . Still better than $25k

He's a quote from the IB site ( )
Broker Initial Deposit

IB requires an initial deposit of $10,000 or the USD equivalent that will be used towards the broker's and broker's clients' first commissions.

All the best with it

I think you'll find the $10k figure is for brokers, not private individuals.

For private indiduals, you only need $2k to open an account, plus the margin of whatever it is you want to trade.