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ah, i see. Unlucky.

you never consider to re-enter when price comes back to those trigger points ?

i can't remember off the top of my head what the DTTW rules are. is it one trade then pack up and quit or are you supposed to use the same levels again and again ?
(which would have been profitable....)

btw, I can see where the Long at 817.75 failed but the Short at 812.25 at 16:01 looks like a winner to me ..... ??

ah well.

The signal I got at 16:01 but I my order was filled a few minutes later, around 16:12.
I am not saying don't buy or lease the indicator, everybody has to know for themselves, but my expierence is that I lost a lot of money with this indicator.
If you want I can post the results here on the forum.

And what is also a little bit odd, on his performance history he is saying that he did not trade on 12/23/2008, 12/24/2008, 12/26/2009 and 12/29//2008 but on those days I got the signal from him on my ninja trader chart.
The signal I got at 16:01 but I my order was filled a few minutes later, around 16:12.
I am not saying don't buy or lease the indicator, everybody has to know for themselves, but my expierence is that I lost a lot of money with this indicator.
If you want I can post the results here on the forum.

And what is also a little bit odd, on his performance history he is saying that he did not trade on 12/23/2008, 12/24/2008, 12/26/2009 and 12/29//2008 but on those days I got the signal from him on my ninja trader chart.

yes, seems odd .... maybe it's automatically generated by the system but he was busy stuffing himself over Christmas to manually take the trades ?
Trading during the Holiday Season

yes, seems odd .... maybe it's automatically generated by the system but he was busy stuffing himself over Christmas to manually take the trades ?

Actually,if you have traded any length of time you may, or in this case, my not know that the last weeks of the year is not the best to trade. The System automatically generates the entries on your charts. When the Christmas Holiday occurs most if not all the Professional traders are on vacation. Therefore the people who are trading during this time of year can control and manipulate the markets. December 23 and 24 are not good trading days because of the low to little volatility. December 26 and 29 have the same relationship. The entire week actually is not a good trading week. Another hint or advice i can give is that the day before any major holiday trading should not be a priority. The Professional traders stay out of the markets, and we should do the same. As for me stuffing my self over Christmas, how did you know? That's exactly what i was doing as well as half of the world. Next Christmas i will most likely be doing the same with my family. You are always invited to celebrate the holidays.
Here by the P/L of last week (09/02/2009 - 13/02/2009) with 10 futures:

Monday: + $1000,-
Monday: - $2500,-
Tuesday: - $2500,-
Wednesday: - $2500,-
Wednesday: - $2500,-
Thursday: - $2500,-
Thursday: - $2500,-
Friday: + $1000,-

Totaal loss of $13.000,-
MY results for last week using 2 contracts with 2pts and 4 pts targets:

Monday: 1. trade $-250 | $-250 - 2. trade $100 | $200
Tuesday: $-250 | $-250
Wednesday: $100 (there was no long setup on wednesday, not sure how you could have 2 trades here)
Thurdsay: 1. trade $-250 | $-250 - 2. trade $-250 | $-250
Friday: $100

Total is a loss of $1500 for me.

Even though I dont like to judge the method on this period alone. It is feeling uncomfortable to be in such a drawdown. I will keep forward testing, it might catch up with the drawdown.
Good work Dan. Looking forward to your next post. I get the feeling that this past week was not very good for this system. I'm thinking about buying this system and one bad week would not deter my purchase. However, I think they should have just posted the results if they were bad. Delaying only brings up questions.

However, I think they should have just posted the results if they were bad. Delaying only brings up questions.

Posting results on a public forum like this is the heathiest thing to do for all concerned.

It will bring the reality of any 90% system to light.
I'm thinking about buying this system and one bad week would not deter my purchase.

Lets not forget the week before, according to pvanmeer who owns the indictor.

" 5 signals, 2 no trades, 2 losses, 1 win."
I may be new to this but it seems to me that if you want to try a new system you start off paper trading or maybe 2 or 3 contracts like Dan has. That way if it doesn't pan out, you have not lost a lot of money. Unless pvanmeer started with a substantial account he did not utilize very effective money mangement.
Unfortunately some new traders don't follow the rules exactly as they should. Maybe Pvanmeer could contact me and i can explain where he went wrong or made mistakes. I wonder what the agenda is when someone makes a post like that. I answer all emails regrading the methods taught. i have not received any emails from pvanmeer. I would think that if someone had questions about a course, or after losing trades, they would ask if they were doing the method correctly. - You would think? We have the trades listed on our site under the performance history, and even though we had a few losses, the sting of winners for the past 3+ months is not mentioned. The trades listed are inaccurate as Dan S has described. I hope Pvanmeer contacts me to discuss how a newbie trader with very little experience is trading like that. We don't teach that, actually we teach to take it slow, practice and ask questions. Pvanmeer is also not a name associated with any client we have on file, but i assume this name is abbreviated in some way. I believe there is another agenda at play.
MY results for last week using 2 contracts with 2pts and 4 pts targets:

Monday: 1. trade $-250 | $-250 - 2. trade $100 | $200
Tuesday: $-250 | $-250
Wednesday: $100 (there was no long setup on wednesday, not sure how you could have 2 trades here)
Thurdsay: 1. trade $-250 | $-250 - 2. trade $-250 | $-250
Friday: $100

Total is a loss of $1500 for me.

Even though I dont like to judge the method on this period alone. It is feeling uncomfortable to be in such a drawdown. I will keep forward testing, it might catch up with the drawdown.

I just noticed that Fridays results posted were not correct.
The way I trade it produced 2 trades on friday, 1. $100 | $200 and 2. $100

So the loss for the week was $1200

I didnt trade this Monday because of the bank holiday.
And I just traded a replay of yesterday since I was not around, which produced a $100 winner.
Unfortunately some new traders don't follow the rules exactly as they should. Maybe Pvanmeer could contact me and i can explain where he went wrong or made mistakes. I wonder what the agenda is when someone makes a post like that. I answer all emails regrading the methods taught. i have not received any emails from pvanmeer. I would think that if someone had questions about a course, or after losing trades, they would ask if they were doing the method correctly. - You would think? We have the trades listed on our site under the performance history, and even though we had a few losses, the sting of winners for the past 3+ months is not mentioned. The trades listed are inaccurate as Dan S has described. I hope Pvanmeer contacts me to discuss how a newbie trader with very little experience is trading like that. We don't teach that, actually we teach to take it slow, practice and ask questions. Pvanmeer is also not a name associated with any client we have on file, but i assume this name is abbreviated in some way. I believe there is another agenda at play.
Let me ask you - do you think a 5 point stop with targets of +2 and +4 is a good risk/reward for newbies? Or for anyone?
Let me ask you - do you think a 5 point stop with targets of +2 and +4 is a good risk/reward for newbies? Or for anyone?

The problem is volatility. No one likes large stops, but this is part of the game. The rules in the course explain that you must tighten stops after price goes into positive territory. If we could trade profitably with 1 point stops, beleive me everyone would be much happier. The reality is the price fluctuates and after being stopped out with tight stops only to see the trade reverse and go back into positive territory only leads me to believe that having tight stops will not work. i much rather be stopped out once with a larger stop which gives me the opportunity for the trade to work out in these volatile times, then being stopped out nearly all the time with 1 or 2 pt stops. Remember we only trade once or twice a day and stop.
The problem is volatility. No one likes large stops, but this is part of the game. The rules in the course explain that you must tighten stops after price goes into positive territory. If we could trade profitably with 1 point stops, beleive me everyone would be much happier. The reality is the price fluctuates and after being stopped out with tight stops only to see the trade reverse and go back into positive territory only leads me to believe that having tight stops will not work. i much rather be stopped out once with a larger stop which gives me the opportunity for the trade to work out in these volatile times, then being stopped out nearly all the time with 1 or 2 pt stops. Remember we only trade once or twice a day and stop.
Well, unless you agressively trail and get your stop to break even very quickly (which you do not do based on your webset "results") there is NO WAY any system can have a high enough win rate to make it with stops and targets like yours. I have been doing this for 7 years and have seen everything - the math will never work with your R/R.
Let me ask you - on your site you show that ALL contracts were taken off at +2 or 1/2 at +2 and 1/2 at +4. That means that you knew ahead of time when you entered the trade whether or not it would go +2 or +4 ?????
Actually we do manage our stops to break even as explained in the course. I am sure that with 7 years of trading you are very successful. The site shows the results with 2 and 4 points. Some traders exit with only 2 Points. Some Traders use the 2 and 4 point models, and yet other traders trail the stops. There is A WAY, if the targets are exited and the stops are moved closer. We are correct in the direction of the trade a high percentage of the time. Monitoring the trade is part of any strategy. Having a large enough stop is essential in this volatile market. If you prefer to trade with 1 Point stops and your moving averages and if that works for you then bravo. There is no way i know that trading with one point stops works. The Volatility will eat you alive every time.
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Actually we do manage our stops to break even as explained in the course. I am sure that with 7 years of trading you are very successful. The site shows the results with 2 and 4 points. Some traders exit with only 2 Points. Some Traders use the 2 and 4 point models, and yet other traders trail the stops. There is A WAY, if the targets are exited and the stops are moved closer. We are correct in the direction of the trade a high percentage of the time. Monitoring the trade is part of any strategy. Having a large enough stop is essential in this volatile market. If you prefer to trade with 1 Point stops and your moving averages and if that works for you then bravo. There is no way i know that trading with one point stops works. The Volatility will eat you alive every time.
Ok John Paul, if you are not selling snake oil (and I believe that you are), simply post your actual trade statements for the past few months here showing that your track record is real. I will stop suggesting that your risk/reward is impossible. By the way, suggesting that you use a -5 point stop with +2/+4 targets because of the "volatility" gave away the fact that this is snake oil. Tell that story to any veteran trader and they will laugh themselves silly. Try a -2 point loss and average +3/+4 and you might have something viable. And when did I say anything about 1 point stops and moving averages? Don't put words in my mouth.
We look forward to seeing your account statements - of course, you can block out your name and account number for security reasons.
So - where is the free trial on that site ?

I got a free ebook that has nothing in it that any trader wouldn't already know.

Is the free trial a myth ?
Try a -2 point loss and average +3/+4 and you might have something viable

This risk reward looks good on paper and is a great concept but there is something to be said for volitle markets.

I traded this same steup a 18 months ago and could get away with a 1 point stop, today iam using a 3 point stop. Allthough I must say Iam not trading it 100% mechanical.

On another note, with this setup your basically buying or selling a pullback to a breakout, and usually after about a 3 point reversal fron your entry the breakout has failed.

So - where is the free trial on that site ?

I got a free ebook that has nothing in it that any trader wouldn't already know.

Is the free trial a myth ?

The free trial is now included after you buy the course, it use to be seperate.

The ebook is a preveiw of the course, the heart of the info. is in the continuation of the
ebook, i.e. the course.

This risk reward looks good on paper and is a great concept but there is something to be said for volitle markets.

I traded this same steup a 18 months ago and could get away with a 1 point stop, today iam using a 3 point stop. Allthough I must say Iam not trading it 100% mechanical.

On another note, with this setup your basically buying or selling a pullback to a breakout, and usually after about a 3 point reversal fron your entry the breakout has failed.


Steve, can you give more details on the setup you traded 18 month ago. Is it also based on price action alone?
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