day trading restrictions for asian stocks


Junior member
hi guys,

do you know if any of the following restrictions apply to either SEHK, Shanghai, or Tokyo Stock Exchange?

1. Prohibition of day trading in general (I hope none of them have this restriction)
2. Prohibition of day trading for foreigners
3. Minimum capital requirement (like the SEC's 25000$ minimum deposit rule)
4. Uptick rule (I believe SEHK and Tokyo have it, but correct me if I'm wrong)

also, what broker would you recommend for trading Shanghai stocks, because Interactive Brokers doesn't list Shanghai for some reason....
sorry for butting in,
i really can't answer that myself but could someone just confirm that restrictions 3 and 4 do NOT apply to UK (LSE) stocks, and that Interactive Brokers DOES list LSE stocks without any particular restrictions?
I'm fairly sure, but would like confirmation from somebody that knows, please
I know this doesn't belong in the asian stocks sections but I thought I'd get in quick while the opportunity was there..
hi guys,

do you know if any of the following restrictions apply to either SEHK, Shanghai, or Tokyo Stock Exchange?

1. Prohibition of day trading in general (I hope none of them have this restriction)
2. Prohibition of day trading for foreigners
3. Minimum capital requirement (like the SEC's 25000$ minimum deposit rule)
4. Uptick rule (I believe SEHK and Tokyo have it, but correct me if I'm wrong)

also, what broker would you recommend for trading Shanghai stocks, because Interactive Brokers doesn't list Shanghai for some reason....

You are not allowed to access Shanghai or Shenzheng shares RMB based share trading if you do not have a Chinese passport. So, get rid of it first. And remeber,the words like uptick or day trading make no sense in mainland China.
IB or other foreign brokers may only can access USD based Shanghai B shares or HKD based Shenzheng B shares. But you cannot sell any stock if you bought in the same day. It is called T+1 trading and T+3 settlement.