Day Trading Firms in the UK

Anyone got a phone number for met traders, sent them a few emails but no reply.

Who are zen partners is there a contact or website.

I am looking for any prop traders and have applied to those listed in this forum anyone have names of any others currently recruiting.
trading positions

Graduate 2.1 degree and low A-Level points and am looking to get into trading.
Banks all want grads from oxbridge, LSE, York etc.
Any advice who I can try or do to break into the industry. Any firms that take on trainee traders. The prop houses sound good and have put in a few applications but the training is limited in some of these houses with no pay and a fee.

I am ideally looking for a graduate programme or a firm which takes on rads on a structured/non-structured path, but gives good training for future growth.

If any of you work at companies which have openings can you send me the details of the places or contacts. Als any details of any other companies that recruit graduates. Or firms that have opening for interns,work placements, traders assistant positions.

The banks seem to only take on graduates from certain universities are there any that dont ask for high A-Levels or any traders on this site interested in hiring me 😛

my email details are below if you have a name or contact details of companies that take on graduates.
Any help much appreciated

Have you thought about entering banking at a non-graduate level and then applying internally. I work for a major bank and over the last ten yeard have had a number of staff who have moved into trading this way. Meanwhile you can learn all you can which can be used to impress when you find yourself in an interview.


Try for prop firms. Don't worry at all about not being from Oxbridge/LSE. Thankfully, that is NOT essential in the least to success in trading, or in fact any endeavour.

If you learn and know how to make money, THEY, will be the ones headhunting you not vice versa. Don't be distracted by all the hype.

My advice to you is, if you can be more persistent than most, more disciplined than most and more teachable than most, you will find yourself far more successful than most.
Keep at it till you crack it!

All the best.
What chances ?

Hi all
Advice sought please.
I'm over 40 and believe it or not for all you recent grads I've still got hair & its not grey ! I've got a decent (UCL) BSc and a fair bit of trading knowledge and experience, including options. However, coming to the UK from SAfrica (check the Rand:£ exchange rate...), I dont really have enough capital to go it on my own.

Realistically, what are the chances of a prop trading firm in the UK taking me on for a % of the profits, bearing in mind my age ? I don't need a basic (wife works - she's a good 'un !), just a good chop.

No/little/some/good chance ?

TIA mates
hz125. I am in a similar position to yourself. Not great A'levels and not at a "top tier" University.
I am having relative success though. There are lots of places that will talk to you and onvce your name is known you can go from there.
Ask friends family etc, you will be surprised who knows someone who knows someone who works in the markets!
Prop Firms

Hi Rog111

Check the firms at this link for various Prop trading firms which you can call and interview.

You will find it much easier if you have some of your own capital to put up. Most look for about £20K as startup but this is not necessarily standard.

The feedback I've gotten suggests they much prefer graduates etc but if you are serious about a trading role nothing will be able to stop you.

All the best
V 😉
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Thanks for the link. Although it didn't work, I found the list via the Liffe site. I'll fire off a few CVs with my age removed & see what happens ! Is anyone actively hiring right now I wonder ?


Don't know of any. Probably best just to ring round and see what you can find out. Take time to find out their costs, training programme, startup capital, trading hours, office culture etc

Then see how it goes. Don't just 'fire off' your CV - try and see if YOU like them too!

If you have 20k and 6 months to invest before you expect to make money any one of these firms will accept you with open arms.
If you want to be sponsored you just have to wait until they are ready to take in another batch but beware there are sharks out there that will tie you into contracts that keep you poor, working like a bastard and make only them a lot of money for a few months before kicking you out the door and getting in the new sucker.
Forget sending your CV on spec, it will probably be used to wipe their arse unless they are looking for people at the time.

Thanks for the advice guys !

Although by no means new to trading, I am new to this UK trading bureau concept, and I'm unclear exactly how it works. OK, I have 20K to put down, but whose money am I trading with exactly, mine or theirs ? Presumably the transactions go through their company account and the 20K is a deposit of sorts against losses incurred by my trading ? How secure is my 20K ?

With the high desk overhead and commissions, I wouldnt have thought 20K was anywhere near enough to make a living. More details on the mechanics would be much appreciated before I start talking to any of these companies.

Do any of them have US connectivity ?

20k can make you a good living in the right arcade. it is about how they margin. Some may require more for similar volumes.
You would be trading your own money and have your own segregated account.
The company just provide office space and charge you the transaction fees. They teach you how to trade using a proven methodology as then you continue to pay them transaction fees and monthly rent
i worked at London Capital for three months. Not a bad environment but John Rowe is bullshit artist. Also be prepared to share charting system with at least four other guys.