nice work! .. couple of good scalps
but buy and hold today .. geesh so obvious ..😆
I was not concentrating this morning so have not put on a single trade ..🙄
your having trouble with your platform? I haven't been watching so can't confirm either way
your right the stochs are pinned to the ceiling now .. get ready to go short 😆 I will be cautious today after yesterday's false signals
wonder if it will be a big bull day now .. one missed signal ..
it will be for me , think they have made their move , my platform went down and slow at the break out of hour range. Charts dead stop,
what makes you laugh is ~ changed to capital spreads platform, quick as I could they were bully biased, which is ok , tickets running at dead stop etc
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 must run on different conection, dedicated line and all that
😆 😆 😆
Any way there you are scalping SB firms in and out of market moves is a mugs game full stop and no one will convince me otherwise.
Thats me away to annoy the lads on the FTSE swing thread, can"t be doin with the wee wee timeframes any more, I mean Iv not had me breakfast yet and all Iv achieved is well nothing. managed to move some pennies from account to account and mess about with me router get everything back up and :arrowu: gone
😈 😈
No its over to the big bars for me Ill scalp them instead
😆 😆 I"m with Lurker Big Boys signals only. No Intra day noise for me anymore.
Final report, sub prime mess over till we get some more bad news
🙄 😆
Develbis away to larger timeframe, account proves that shorts require taking off the menu for the time being. Margin on account Scratch, well actually +1
😱 Have taken some drawings out
😉 over last couple of months so no complaints.
Split where have you gone, threads all yours again, hope swing trading is going well and life"s treatin you well . Shortorlong nice postin with you.
Ian / Split thanks for the couple of posts on trendlines, very nice timeing
😱 😆 😀