dave348gin's Blog


Kick off day 01/02/08

Hello Everyone,

I have just left an introduce yourself reply I don't think it worked though as i can't see it. I have six months from the 1st of Feb to get together a system to enable me to live off an income that can be generated by the markets. I need about £250 a week min i know nothing about markets etc have a small knowledge of computors and have never used a forum like this before.

I will be writing in here daily ,so you and me can chart my progress and see if i can make this work. I really hope so as things have to change as my current job is long cold hours usually night shift working roughly 15 hours a day and my family have forgotten what i look like.

With my health suffering (kidney transplant 2003) i have not worked since the middle of December and have calculated that we can survive for six months after that i will have to return to work. But i am determind to make this work so keep reading the daily blog and fingers crossed i will not be going back to work.

If you can help in any way i would be very greatful for that.

Speak to you all again tomorrow.
good luck - saw your post and thought that you deserve a bit of support. It ain't going to be easy though. Your ability to generate a consistent £250/wk is partly going to be a function of how much capital you put up. But, especially if you're new to it all, the risk is that you see some pretty major drawdowns, maybe even blow your account, so only trade with what you can afford to lose -better still make sure you're using demo accounts until you feel you've found your feet. Bon chance.
Day Two. OH DEAR!!!!!

The crash to earth has come.

I think start date 01/02/08 a little to optimistic for me after leaving you yesterday i have read books, browsed interent site and even got a few trading demos.

The dream of living from earnings off trading has gone for now but i will press on. Thanks for the comments left yesterday i will follow your advice. Another thanks to someone called Tony who gave me a few links to websites about the risks involved and how you can lose not just your cash.

I managed to keep even on 24 demo trades but was sweating and then realised that charges had to come off so my first virtual eforts resulted in a £200 ish loss.

The going live date has been put on hold until SOON. I am currently reading Alpesh B. Patel's book called Pocket Guide to Trading Online a good read and as i am £200 vurtual pounds down i have some room in my pocket this evening.

Speak to you all tomorrow.
