Data to help back test successful method?


Hello all

I have been trading the return of the daily break on GBP/USD since the 5th of July and here are my results. 39 loosing trades -1287 pips & 25 winning trades + 2500 pips giving me a net of + 1213 pips

I started trading a £1000 account and was trading only £1a pip giving me a 3.3% risk per trade with a 10% upside when I have a winning trade. As I have managed to double my first account in less than four months I'm very tempted to start trading at £100 a pip?? but before I do this I really need to back test my method over a decade giving me the confidence to trade with an account of that size.

The data I require to do this is half hour candle charts I currently use CMC markets but for half hour candle charts will only go back as far as three months.

The big question is who can provide half hour candle charts dating back ten years. does anyone know of companies who can back test for you??

Sign up with on a demo account. Bring up your required timeframe, zoom out to the maximum and press the Home key on your keboard, now click the save as option to save a csv file. You should be able to get data from 2008 till present. CSV files can be opened with Notepad or Excel.

I would strongly suggest you don't even trade it with any amount of money as you cannot be sure of the drawdown. Once you know the drawdown and have LIVE tested it on a demo account for a few months then maybe just maybe you may have found a system to trade. Beware of datashaping always hide at least 1/3rd of your data before you make a strategy and then reintroduce the data to see if the results are comparable.