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[DARWIN] QQE by QQE - Ruper

Dear Colleagues

The System closed week with + 4.58% Global + 15.74%

Kind Regards and happy weekend :)
Dear Colleagues

Ended month with + 4.63 % positive. The system has been clasificated 83 of 4990 systems.

Happy weekend


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Dear Colleagues

The System has closed the acumulation. Original management of operator result positive, but the management of product is negative. Caused perhaps for modifications monetary management of broker.

Kind Regards
Dear Colleagues

In few months, the system come back to up line of equity above the before top level. Wich shows in two images where we can to see how enormous is the difference between both stadistics: Original operative VS product qqe offered.

Kind Regards and Enjoy the numbers :)

First image of the original system + 22.24 % operated:


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Second image of the product qqe + 9.26 % offered from fintech:


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    qqe % + un poco grafic +9.26% 20ago22.jpg
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Dear Colleagues

The System has been adapted to the site stadistics calculation Darwinex for to best his valoration (the image) of grafic results in the product QQE. Now is running and drawing more beauty line up in the grafic. The negative is more risk per trade, what I dislike it.

If you wish, you can to valore it for yourself.
Dear Colleagues

I like to share the nice notices. In this post I tell all you that the system has into in TOP 10 of contest. The main tarjet is to be between the five first systems (of a total 4346 systems) 😜

Here you are.

Kind Regards


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Dear Colleagues

The System closed this week in positive balance october + 0.86 % GLOBAL + 13.30 %

Let is go!

Kind Reards
Dear Colleagues

I am happy for to share with all you one new higher high, on the year 2022.
For to easyer understood I will show both system, the original and the product end.

First Image is of "ORIGINAL SYSTEM OPERATED" + 46.18 %

And the second image is of "QQE" + 16.56 %
That is product of the new implementation of agost present year. It to begin to offer positive results. We will see the future 😜

I hope this like to you.

Kind Regards


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    original system fin nov22 global + 46.18 %.jpg
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  • qqe fin nov22 global + 16.56 %.jpg
    qqe fin nov22 global + 16.56 %.jpg
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Dear Colleagues

This year has been hard for much of us. I wish that the new year will be best than this.

I show to all the end of year in QQE darwin and I will try to explain somethings about. With results in origen system too.

The first image is QQE. We go to see it: The grafic shows two points where the line down more than the other moments (red colour pencil). Cause trend of trades consecutives negatives, or too called "drawdown" wich is some normal in this world for experimented traders and investors. One system without down, not is real system. It is necesary down for to up the line of equity of the results of the system.

I must to clearing that this drawdown it wass different in the original system. So I can to explain only what I trade. Of this only his engine risk and execution mode to can to explain and is work of the Fintech, because I do not known it.

During the development of the QQE we can to see how grow the equity. And how do draw down. We can to see two significatives drawdown. I have marked with red colour in circle for we can to see it best. In the orignal system it happen different that in QQE because his engine is the Fintech. In the original system to can to be -3% while in QQE -7% or more. It is like that.

After, exactly from the last higher high to present moment december 2022, QQE is more nearest to get the last upper (two line colour green). It wass very hard months of to follow the operative with her numbers results without to know what will happen (lost of confidence of very impatiente followers, unknown the future since come). But help an improvement aplicated and after implemented in the original system, objetive that the QQE to can to reflect better the original system (wich we can to see next post, explained too).

The objetive 2023 will be to get level blue circle (the first higher hight).

I leave the image with the circles and lines of differents colours for each explanation.
I hope that this text it would be clair.

Kind Regards


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    qqe env foro explain all time.jpg
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Dear Colleagues

About the close of the year 2022 in QQE, this is the results:

December + 1.01 % Global QQE + 17.65 %

Kind Regards
Dear Colleagues

Now, I go to talk about the original system wich I made trading. This system get the follow results:

December + 6.94 %
Year + 43.83 %
Global + 55.24 %

Every people think for themself. Is this suffient?

I show the image here, down.

Kind Regards


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    909 darw ruper SOLO % fin 2022.jpg
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Dear Colleagues

Now, I go to talk about the original system wich I made trading. This system get the follow results:

December + 6.94 %
Year + 43.83 %
Global + 55.24 %

Every people think for themself. Is this suffient?
These are the figures of your successful trading account, not what Darwinex made out of it with a current VaR of about 39%.
  • Love
Reactions: QQE



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Happy New Year 2023 :)


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Dear Colleagues

How sorry for the silent during last months. I wass very busy with things differents of the life, major force. Now I come back to share the evolution of the system.

First days of this year, ths system leaves of running well, it begining to make a lot consecutives mistakes unknowned. Then I come back to invest time and dedication for improve the system. As result is a better system, but I am with care, I want to think is "in proof" still :D

I show the last evolution with the new version of the system date April 2023 for all you. Like you can to see, the new version has surpassed the previus drawdown. The time and the results will tell how is of good.

Kind Regards
I wish you at all have a good health for living


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