Hilarious some of the comments here Loz is the real deal he invited me into his webinar NO FEE for FREE and his strategies work and his style is so genuine, and does work for charity. He proudly admits he lots millions trading but hes made more millions and setting up wells in Africa people on here are far too quick to judge genuine people willing to help others out.
Admin please delete this post as it useless with its replies.
having a laugh with others on here? you're border line liable for suing mate.
That is incorrect.
all you have done is insult others here.
That is also incorrect.
people who attack others like that, seriously have a mental problem, shows being imbalance in ones life.
"shows being imbalance in ones [sic] life". What on earth does that mean? Please try to write in English.
OMG, a freak'n typo... woohoo...
That was not my point, as you well know. My point is that it is a little embarrassing to call someone an idiot in the same sentence that you make such an idiotic error.
F me? say that to my face punk... and let's see how big you are then, eh? hiding behind a monitor...
Yes I do say "F*** You". I am not "hiding behind a monitor" - this is an internet forum, in which people communicate via their their computers.
come meet me in vegas and see how big of a man you are then...
Why on earth would I want to go to a sh1t-hole like Vegas just to meet (**** edited) you?
you're pathetic!
Well done, you have learned something and can now use "you're" properly. I am not sure what is pathetic about me - is it the fact that I make money from trading? Rather than not being able to and being reduced to scratching for business from a site which, even by the execrable standards of your miserable little industry, is an absolute joke?
never mind... moving on.
Yes Loz Lawn, your work here is done. You are now on page 1 of google inviting people for a fight in Vegas. I'm sure that will attract many new customers for you.
Moving on so soon? Didn't take you long to get burned on this site, did it? Perhaps you should try cashmaster or something similar instead? I would imagine you will meet with greater success.
What ever... I'm not gonna pussy-foot around and kerb my tongue... if anyone insults me, they will hear it... and if you got the balls to tell me to F off in front of my face, in person, then head over to see me and see how big you are then.
grow the heck up for crying out loud.
Just watched your vid Lolz. You really do need some help. It's pretty competitive out there - sure there are a great many chumps, but even so why not give yourself the best chance?
Splashing "EXTREME FOREX PROFITABILITY" across the screen is a bit of a give away don't you think? All of those things - extreme, mega, ultimate, etc etc - they've been done to death surely? The saps must be wary of that stuff by now, or am I mistaken?
Would a more measured approach not be preferable? Something to think about, perhaps.
What ever... I'm not gonna pussy-foot around and kerb my tongue... if anyone insults me, they will hear it... and if you got the balls to tell me to F off in front of my face, in person, then head over to see me and see how big you are then.
grow the heck up for crying out loud.
I think I'm going to enjoy this, although since I'm a generous soul I'll allow you to publicly apologise if you wish. In fact, I'll also give you some free advice. Remember that you are here to flog your tawdry wares to the gullible and desperate, not get into arguments with people who see through you in milliseconds. You cannot even control yourself to that extent, and that truly is pathetic.
I dont need any help at all, thank you kindly.
and what you talking about?
there is no video on my site.
extreme profitability, what, arent you making good percentages then?
thats a shame... maybe if you spent more time trading than spending it on a forum messing around all the time, you might be with those who are in the top 5%.
until then... take care on that demo account of yours. 😉
me, apologise to you... you're having a laugh... you were the one starting with the insults...
and I came here to reply to the post that was made on this forum about my offer to head over to see me in vegas and I'll give them 1-on-1 assistance, LIVE.
any way, this is the last time I'm replying to this thread, I got better things to do than listen to your dribble.
Such a shame to see you depart so soon Lolz! And just when we were becoming better-acquainted. Truly, “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’”.
Still Lolz, you can feel pleased with your legacy on this site. You have left a link to a website full of claims that are ridiculous even by the standards of system vendors, and you have threatened physical violence. A good day's work indeed!
Farewell, noble philanthropist, and Godspeed! Continue your selfless mission to enrich those wise enough to purchase your system!