Daily Routine


Active member
I am interested in hearing what the daily routine, on a trading day, is of trader who trade full or semi full time. For example pre opening preperation / reading. During the live day and after the market closes.
I trade ES emini S&P futures, intraday. I hold no positions overnight, and therefore sleep like a log.

14:00: Listen to The Archers

14:15: wind the charts up, and have a quick look at 5 min, 10 min, 30 min and daily chart to refresh my memory from the previous day. Go and put the kettle on and make a pot of tea.

14:28: sit in comfy chair, pour out a cuppa, and pick up knitting

14:30: market opens, and enter first trade within 5-10 minutes.

[knit, enter trade, knit, close trade] repeat throughout day

17:30: Tell dog: 'walkies'.

18:00: Pop into Waitrose for some shopping

18:30: Nosh time

18:45: Back at desk, [knit, enter trade, knit, close trade] repeat until 20:45 or so, depending on market.

21:15: Enter trades into spreadsheet

21:20: Put feet up!

I basically do no research whatsoever - everything I need to know is on the chart. I listen to no outside sources, and just trade what I see, when I see it.

As you can see, it's quite boring.
😆 😆 😆
My my, what a busy rabbit - I do hope that's chamomile tea to help calm your nerves!
Shop at 1800, eaten and trading again by 1845....
I take it you like Microwave Pizza? 😉
Usually bung a little sommat in the oven on the way out of the door, so that's it's ready and piping hot on my return. :cheesy:
Don't you just love The Archers?

I mean when Peggy tried to dissuade Jack from taking on the caff at his age, I thought, no, she’s wrong. Challenge is just what a man needs at his time of life. I’m lucky, I know - I suppose it would be different if I was in a manual job but words and numbers are my tools of trade, reports and spreadsheets are what I do. And chess – I've started playing chess. Not very well but I’m getting there. Slowly.

I work freelance with no fixed retirement age. At 61 I’m far from being the oldest contractor down here – at least two of my colleagues are 65+ and still going strong. Only 3 days a week but that’s enough. I’m convinced retirement is why men decline at a faster rate than their wives; when you think about it wives never retire, as Mrs BB is not slow to point out whenever the subject of retirement (mine) crops up.

Sounds as if the stage is being set for Jack going ga ga but he’s made it to 85 without loosing his marbles. That’s not so bad, is it? My dad went that way but a lot younger than Jack and definitely without Jack’s humour to take the edge off it - made my mother’s life a misery I can tell you. Bloody hell, I feel like topping myself now.

Its real enough for some peeps! :cheesy:


Trading hours depend on prison routine for the day.

Try to get a few trades done in between slopping out and sewing mailbags.

Trading profits augment meagre prison wages.
hey man - just in case you are looking for some meaninful info here - i guess routine is a very individual dependent type thing - i start looking at charts at 7:30am for trading eurex and finish after 21:00 with the US market - there are a lot of hours in the day - i guess the central concept here is work - you have to work before you trade to be prepared because the other guys will be prepeared and you have to keep working as you trade because the other guys will be working to take your money - dont worry too much about the exact routine - it will come to you with time - everyone has their own rythm - just make sure you put in the effort - good luck
hi-another sensible reply.

I day trade and position trade the 4 major forex pairings. I day trade to a set target which i split into 2 and look for 2 profitable trades. The position trades I moniter and buy/sell accordingly as my system indicates.

My trading system is mostly Technical analysis/indicators based with an eye to some fundemental analysis, major announcements etc.

I start at 6.30am to 7am for the london opening before which i have refereshed myself as to the genral trends via the longer term charts, and yesterday''s movements, as well as key support/resistamnce levels and some commentary from the major brokers/banks for the forthcoming day.

I look to capture the major movement of the london opening and let it run if it looks good, otherwise close out for my target, and the same for the new york opening. I never enter a trade during lunch time hours (sideways moving markets) and only hold overnight positions if it looks safe to do so, checking prices again around 10pm having finished day trading for 5pm max.

A quick update of trading records and journal and some further research of my preferred or other markets and that is it.

hope this helps.

Well done bbmac

Ive pinched from above and altered it slightly....my modifications in brackets. :cheesy:

I day trade and position trade the 4 (12)major forex pairings. I day trade to a set target which i split into 2 and look for 2 (1)profitable trades. The position trades I moniter and buy/sell accordingly as my system indicates.

My trading system is mostly Technical analysis/indicators based with an eye to some fundemental analysis, major announcements etc.

I start at 6.30(6.00)am to 7am(8.00) for the london opening before which i have refereshed myself as to the genral trends via the longer term charts, and yesterday''s movements, as well as key support/resistance levels and some commentary from the major brokers/banks for the forthcoming day (then get to my normal job at 9.00)


( I then spend 15 mins a day working on my Sat Seminar which I hope to run in the future in London - I calculate if I charge £500 and have 400 attend - I can then have a lie in - Well others on this site are doing it! - I don't have to be any good - but it appeals - if i run one every 3 months.......now whats a currency pair.... 🙄 )
Thanks for posting your daily routines its good to know what others are doing. But noone mentioned browsing the t2w board -when do you that?
Routine is only for very very dull people.

These kind of people need a routine because they have no flair or joie de vivre.

I love your response Skim. I am the same. Sit down at 2.28pm and get on with it.

Who needs a schedule ?
I'm with you Dow Dog, I was starting to feel as if I should be doing something, appart from checking the News stocks, so I can avoid them, I don't even sit down to trade until 3PM.
When I was Trading Stocks - I liked to plan my failure - organise my losses - Prove Newtons Theory of the Dow - Every action by Z the markets would move in an equal and opposite direction. !

It takes more to take tight control of Money Management Techniques. To prove and to show that I could consistanly lose money in an orderly manner - That all takes time

I needed to start early to fret over the losses of the previous day, to fill the brain with a caffine fix. I use to think every share I lost on owed me something and plan how I could get even with it. As she said in "Pretty Woman" Big mistake.....

Things changed when I attended a course with a fantastic realist.... I realised that it wasnt the early mornings and the preplanning. It was early mornings to catch up on the news - read whats happening overnight - get a feel - and ususually start to trade on the Forex- Its open 24/6 - Its early morning where the markets move usually between 6-30 - 8.00 and I would only have been in bed anyway! - Many times my target gain is achieved fairly early.........Then I have a great day! - Z - By the way I do make money.........Now!
Hi Zenda,

Interesting post - what course did you attend with a fantastic realist- i'm looking for a course presented by this type of person rather than a seller of dreams.
