Daily Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis

S&P 500 Sector ETF Momentum Rankings - 04 May 2018

S&P 500 Sector ETF Short-Term Momentum Rankings:

1. $XLU 2. $XLE 3. $XLRE 4. $XLK 5. $XLY 6. $XLB 7. $XLV 8. $XLI 9. $XLF 10. $XLP

Long-Term Momentum Rankings:

1. $XLE 2. $XLY 3. $XLU 4. $XLK 5. $XLRE 6. $XLB 7. $XLF 8. $XLV 9. $XLI 10. $XLP


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Update - Friday, 4 May 2018 Trading Ideas And Analysis

There has been a lot of interest about our momentum statistics, what they mean, and how to use them. The normalized statistically-based momentum we calculate has a tendency to persist after a change in direction. We monitor and publish two time frames for momentum on the daily dashboard reports. The short-term statistic typically means 2-7 days and 2-7 weeks for long-term momentum. Knowing when momentum changes direction or is rapidly changing rank can give you a leading edge in the markets.

Going into Friday, we extracted and shared the top and bottom 5 currency pairs/crosses. The image with this post illustrates the results of such "persistence".
Have a great weekend!


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Weekly Forex Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis - 7 May 2018

Weekly highlights going into Monday, 7 May-

Weekly price range compression for $EURCHF and $USDCAD have reached significant levels and are likely to rebound.

Additionally, the odds have increased for $AUDJPY and $AUDUSD to experience a directional breakout.

Breakout confirmation utilizing Andersen Bands and other tactical trading tools are suggested for these actionable trades.

Volatility generally remains considerably weak in the currency market. This can be seen in the image included with this post. The image shows a one year volatility trend chart for each pair/cross. The directional arrow indicates the one week change in volatility.

The remaining columns show the relative rank in percentage of where the current 5 week, 10 week, 30 week, and 120 week measurements of volatility are compared to the past. A reading of zero means volatility is at the bottom of the range. Conversely, a reading of 100 would be at the top.

Have a great week ahead!


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Daily Forex Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis - 07 May 2018

Daily Highlights going into Monday, 7 May-

Some of the daily price ranges that are compressed and likely to expand soon are: $EURGBP $EURCHF $NZDUSD and 3-day $GBPCHF

$CADJPY and $USDJPY are likely candidates for bearish structure changes.

The image with this post is a short-term momentum ranking of all 28 primary pairs/crosses that we follow. We utilize a statistically-based method of calculating momentum that is robust and adapts to fast or slow moving markets. Additionally, it is normalized so the outputs of one currency pair/cross can be directly comparable and sorted across all others.

The strongest momentum is ranked "1" in dark green and "28" is the weakest or most negative. This gives you a visual representation of strength and weakness along with individual and intra-market trends and patterns.

Make it a great day!


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Daily 10 momentum stocks - 07 May 2018

Top 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $OXY $SPG $EXC $MON $AMZN

Bottom 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $T $CL $AGN $GD $GILD

Top 5 long-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $MON $OXY $COP $FOXA $BKNG

Bottom 5 long-term-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $QCOM $BMY $PM $KHC $PG


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S&P 500 Sector ETF Momentum Rankings - 07 May 2018

S&P 500 Sector ETF Short-Term Momentum Rankings:

1. $XLRE 2. $XLK 3. $XLE 4. $XLU 5. $XLY 6. $XLB 7. $XLI 8. $XLF 9. $XLV 10. $XLP

Long-Term Momentum Rankings:

1. $XLE 2. $XLY 3. $XLU 4. $XLK 5. $XLRE 6. $XLB 7. $XLF 8. $XLV 9. $XLI 10. $XLP


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Daily Forex Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis - 08 May 2018

Highlights going into Tuesday, 8 May-

Some of the daily price ranges that are compressed and likely to expand soon are: $GBPNZD $GBPUSD $AUDUSD.

$USDCHF is at an extreme momentum high and suggest tightening stops for an imminent reaction lower.

The market on Monday mostly experienced consolidation as there were no pivot gaps.

$NZDCHF is may be shifting to a bullish structure.

Momentum continues to define the market. The image with this post shows short-term momentum rankings for the 8 major currencies that we follow.

We utilize a statistically-based method of calculating momentum that is robust and adapts to fast or slow moving markets. Additionally, it is normalized so the outputs of one currency can be directly comparable and ranked across the others.

The strongest momentum is ranked "1" in dark green and "8" is the weakest or most negative. This gives you a visual representation of strength and weakness to construct trades with corresponding pairs and crosses that represent buying strength and selling weakness. The most opportunistic trades tend to be when there is a shift in trend moving toward the top or bottom of the momentum ranks.

Make it a great day!


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Daily 10 momentum stocks - 08 May 2018

Top 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $MA $EXC $MON $OXY $SPG

Bottom 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $AGN $VZ $T $GILD $CL

Top 5 long-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $MON $OXY $COP $FOXA $BKNG

Bottom 5 long-term-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $PEP $KHC $PM $BMY $PG


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    top bottom 10 stocks momentum 08 may.png
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S&P 500 Sector ETF Momentum Rankings - 08 May 2018

S&P 500 Sector ETF Short-Term Momentum Rankings:

1. $XLRE 2. $XLK 3. $XLE 4. $XLY 5. $XLU 6. $XLB 7. $XLF 8. $XLI 9. $XLV 10. $XLP

Long-Term Momentum Rankings:

1. $XLE 2. $XLY 3. $XLK 4. $XLU 5. $XLRE 6. $XLB 7. $XLF 8. $XLI 9. $XLV 10. $XLP


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Daily Forex Top & Bottom Momentum List - 08 May 2018

Daily list of top 5 and bottom 5 short-term and long-term momentum rankings out of 28 primary currency pairs and crosses:

Top 5 short-term momentum: $CADCHF $USDCHF $AUDCHF $EURCHF $NZDCHF

Bottom 5 short-term momentum: $GBPCAD $EURUSD $GBPUSD $EURCAD $CHFJPY

Top 5 long-term momentum: $USDCHF $EURCHF $CADCHF $GBPCHF $AUDCHF

Bottom 5 long-term momentum: $NZDJPY $NZDUSD $AUDUSD $AUDCAD $CHFJPY


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Daily Forex Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis - 09 May 2018

Highlights going into Wednesday, 9 May-

Price volatility has swung the other direction and increased significantly on Tuesday, validating what we have pointed out about several pairs that have been significantly compressed.

Additionally, $GBPCAD may be shifting to a bullish structure.

The image with this post highlights the daily range as a percentage of the normalized typical range for the 8 major currencies. Values shaded in blue exceed one standard deviation above typical range. Values shaded in orange exceed one standard deviation below typical range. Values highlighted in yellow exceed 2 standard deviations above or below typical range. Bold black values are highest or lowest of at least 20 days. Underlined values are lower than prior day.

Make it a great day!


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Daily Forex Top & Bottom Momentum List - 09 May 2018

Daily list of top 5 and bottom 5 short-term and long-term momentum rankings out of 28 primary currency pairs and crosses:

Top 5 short-term momentum: $USDCHF $CADCHF $USDCAD $USDJPY $AUDNZD

Bottom 5 short-term momentum: $CHFJPY $NZDJPY $EURUSD $EURJPY $NZDUSDY

Top 5 long-term momentum: $USDCHF $EURCHF $CADCHF $GBPCHF $EURNZD

Bottom 5 long-term momentum: $NZDUSD $NZDJPY $AUDUSD $AUDCAD $CHFJPY


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Daily 10 Momentum Stocks - 09 May 2018

Top 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $AAPL $MA $CSCO $BK $OXY

Bottom 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $CVS $PM $BMY $AGN $CL

Top 5 long-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $MON $OXY $COP $FOXA $BKNG

Bottom 5 long-term-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $PEP $CL $PG $PM $BMY


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S&P 500 Sector ETF Momentum Rankings - 09 May 2018

S&P 500 Sector ETF Short-Term Momentum Rankings:


Long-Term Momentum Rankings:



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Daily Forex Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis - 10 May 2018

Highlights going into Thursday, 10 May-

Price volatility has been our main theme this week and Wednesday saw volatility rotate throughout remaining the remaining currency pairs that w have been anticipating.

Short-term momentum has turned positive for both $CADJPY and $GBPCHF.

Additionally, $EURGBB has shifted to a bearish structure while $GBPNZD and $GBPAUD, have switched to a bullish structure.

Similar to yesterday, the image with this post highlights the daily range as a percentage of the normalized typical range for the 28 major pairs we follow.
  • Values shaded in blue exceed one standard deviation above typical range.
  • Values shaded in orange exceed one standard deviation below typical range.
  • Values highlighted in yellow exceed 2 standard deviations above or below typical range.
  • Bold black values are highest or lowest of at least 20 days.
  • Underlined values are lower than prior day.

Make it a great day!


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Daily Forex Top & Bottom Momentum List - 10 May 2018

Daily list of top 5 and bottom 5 short-term and long-term momentum rankings out of 28 primary currency pairs and crosses:

Top 5 short-term momentum: $CADCHF $USDCHF $USDJPY $CADJPY $AUDNZD

Bottom 5 short-term momentum: $NZDUSD $EURUSD $EURCAD $NZDCAD $AUDCAD

Top 5 long-term momentum: $USDCHF $EURCHF $CADCHF $GBPCHF $USDJPY

Bottom 5 long-term momentum: $NZJPY $NZDUSD $AUDUSD $AUDCAD $CHFJPY


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Daily 10 Momentum Stocks - 10 May 2018

Top 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $AAPL $EMR $FB $MA $BK

Bottom 5 short-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $BMY $VZ $AGN $T $CL

Top 5 long-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $MON $OXY $COP $FOXA $AMZN

Bottom 5 long-term-term momentum stocks of the S&P 100: $PEP $PG $PM $BMY $CL


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S&P 500 Sector ETF Momentum Rankings - 10 May 2018

S&P 500 Sector ETF Short-Term Momentum Rankings:


Long-Term Momentum Rankings:



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Daily Forex Quantitative Trading Ideas And Analysis - 11 May 2018

Highlightsgoing into Friday, 11 May-

Price volatility has been our main theme all week. Thursday was no exception.

Short-term momentum has turned positive for $EURGBP and negative for both $GBPAUD and $USDCAD.

Additionally, $GBPCAD and USDCAD have shifted to a bearish structure while $CADJPY has turned bullish.

Similar to the past few days, the image with this post highlights the daily range as a percentage of the normalized typical range for the 8 major currencies.
Values shaded in blue exceed 1 standard deviation above typical range.
Values shaded in orange exceed 1 standard deviation below typical range. Values highlighted in yellow exceed 2 standard deviations above or below typical range.
Bold black values are highest or lowest of at least 20 days.
Underlined values are lower than prior day.

Make it a great day!


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Daily Forex Top & Bottom Momentum List - 11 May 2018

Daily list of top 5 and bottom 5 short-term and long-term momentum rankings out of 28 primary currency pairs and crosses:

Top 5 short-term momentum: $CADCHF $AUDNZD $USDCHF $AUDCHF $CADJPY

Bottom 5 short-term momentum: $AUDCAD $GBPUSD $EURCAD $GBPCAD $NZDCAD

Top 5 long-term momentum: $USDCHF $EURCHF $CADCHF $GBPCHF $EURNZD

Bottom 5 long-term momentum: $NZJPY $NZDUSD $AUDUSD $AUDCAD $CHFJPY


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