Daily Dax

where is best place to get live DAX futures? Will pay for a live feed.

If you do not need volume data, you can get the feed and charting for free. Just register for Demo account with Mirus futures (zen-fire feed) and install NinjaTrader. All this is free for demo trading and charting. The data is spot on even during fast market moves. The feed currently has an issue: every trade comes through with volume 99, this should be fixed by the end of this year.

dax or dow?

I only trade dow but see potential in dax because of opening hours. Anyone else trading like this.
Pleaseshare your thoughts and experiences.
Daily DAX successfully


I have been trading DAX for a while with tremendous success.

Thanks for that.
Could you share a few things with us.
I am interested in what type of indicators you are using.
How long do your trades last?
What time period chart do you use.
Which broker do you use?
How often do you trade ? Scalp maybe?
Does Anyone Know A Good Free Charting Software, I Want To Look At A Dax 15min Chart From Say 2003 And Be Able To Apply Some Indicators, If Not Free Which Is The Best Subscription Based ?
Does Anyone Know A Good Free Charting Software, I Want To Look At A Dax 15min Chart From Say 2003 And Be Able To Apply Some Indicators, If Not Free Which Is The Best Subscription Based ?

Go to mirusfutures.com register for free demo and download ninjatrader, they will have the link to it. That is it , you have free real time data and great platfrom. Ninja is free for charting and demo trading. Enjoy.
Wow, that was repetitive. If only the person read 2 posts up...
I've been using a north finance account, but it doesn't include the futures. Hence, i'm going to try ninja trader (reluctantly) - i <3 metatrader.

I'm trialling for a Prop opportunity from monday, so will be keeping a close eye on the thread for nuggets of wisdom. I usually trade FX and have never traded DAX, so a steep learning curve ahead.

I'm restricted to intraday setups, so any advice welcomed. I'll be taking 15min setups with fairly tight risk mngt. I don't have access to DOM at this stage.

Have a good week ahead.

- Simon
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Long Dax Cash 6523

out 6561 +38

Nice early trade...

Hi Foale,
I have been reading your posts for some time and find them very helpful and great help.

I am new to DAX trading and would like to join this section if you dont mind and share some good trades in here.

Lets keep this section going on strong as I really find it very interesting fior Dax Traders.👍
Happy Sunday to all the memebers:cheesy:

Will be active on Monday early morning.
I watched a trader slam the Dax on Thursday pushing it down through the major support levels. Even if you are a big player you have to be aware that there are almost always bigger fish in these markets and who controls the size often wins when it comes to locals battling it out for short term gains. Our Dax trader, who was net short, kept noticing that someone was consistently bidding at support to keep the market up - once he was hit he would reload and bid again. Our Dax trader then started offering it to him and then hitting him with larger size to drive the market down further in an attempt to make him puke. The guy kept buying and our trader, getting progressively angrier and with more obscenities streaming from his mouth, just kept hitting him all the way down, with at least 600 lots to offer he could just keep selling and if one person couldn't absorb that amount or suffer the fall then he was going to get ironed out. He just kept squeezing this long and then the market fell very hard to which our trader became very happy and made another killing. These games go on a lot on the short term TFs.
I watched a trader slam the Dax on Thursday pushing it down through the major support levels. Even if you are a big player you have to be aware that there are almost always bigger fish in these markets and who controls the size often wins when it comes to locals battling it out for short term gains. Our Dax trader, who was net short, kept noticing that someone was consistently bidding at support to keep the market up - once he was hit he would reload and bid again. Our Dax trader then started offering it to him and then hitting him with larger size to drive the market down further in an attempt to make him puke. The guy kept buying and our trader, getting progressively angrier and with more obscenities streaming from his mouth, just kept hitting him all the way down, with at least 600 lots to offer he could just keep selling and if one person couldn't absorb that amount or suffer the fall then he was going to get ironed out. He just kept squeezing this long and then the market fell very hard to which our trader became very happy and made another killing. These games go on a lot on the short term TFs.

Just wondering. How big is big in this case, t-d?