D4F Commodity Contracts

Thanks for that :)

The chart I got was:

06/12/03 31.51 31.51 .00 .00
06/11/03 32.36 32.36 .00 .00
06/10/03 31.73 31.73 .00 .00
06/09/03 31.45 31.45 .00 .00
06/06/03 31.28 31.28 .00 .00
NOTE: Diff = [Buy Close] - [Sell Close]

So it looks like there is no spread!
noticed your interest in oils
I used to trade gas oil futs and occasionally do for sentimental reasons.
worth a look ?


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Hi Oatman,

If you use the "ticket" order method, you can choose market as you method of entry. If you use the "data bar" to enter trades, just click on the "limit" gray bar and it will show a pull-down menu with "market" as an option (along with several others such as stop limit, trailing stop, etc). Choose "market" and when you hit transmit, it's a market order.

I don't know how to make it the "default" where you don't have to do this, however. Perhaps the IB Traders Chat available from their web site might be the place to go.
