current HOT industries and HOT company stocks?

see chump i knew under all that turtle skin was a human being .... ; )

p.s. i dont trade on the basis barclays is half the size of hsbc....that was purely a statement of fact. it would be crazy to trade on one such fact. and neither do i trade on a dollar rollacoaster becuase i dont touch forex...but again in my view this is a very real scenario for which perhaps i hedge it against a small investment in a couple of gold mines such as norseman gold which i picked up for 2p a share and now sit between 13p -15p. I think you have got me all wrong. ( hsbc has kicked barclays ass this week though : p )

I dont see why you should have to give away your trade secrets after all you have worked hard to gain them and for that you should be respected. but all you have to do is just say that, knowone should think they have a right to them. There is a big difference between keeping your secrets secret and picking on small fish (you know what i mean).

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Anyways...hope you understand what i mean 🙂
see chump i knew under all that turtle skin was a human being .... ; )

p.s. i dont trade on the basis barclays is half the size of hsbc....that was purely a statement of fact. it would be crazy to trade on one such fact. and neither do i trade on a dollar rollacoaster becuase i dont touch forex...but again in my view this is a very real scenario for which perhaps i hedge it against a small investment in a couple of gold mines such as norseman gold which i picked up for 2p a share and now sit between 13p -15p. I think you have got me all wrong. ( hsbc has kicked barclays ass this week though : p )

I dont see why you should have to give away your trade secrets after all you have worked hard to gain them and for that you should be respected. but all you have to do is just say that, knowone should think they have a right to them. There is a big difference between keeping your secrets secret and picking on small fish (you know what i mean).

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Anyways...hope you understand what i mean 🙂

"picking on small fish (you know what i mean"...ok, I give up.I'll just keep eating you small fish and to hell with it.If you're still around in a few years look me up and I'll take the apology.
"picking on small fish (you know what i mean"...ok, I give up.I'll just keep eating you small fish and to hell with it.If you're still around in a few years look me up and I'll take the apology.

You make me laugh. i wonder if you have always been this way your whole life...but a old boss once said to me....its my right to behave this way at my time in life - i guess you probably relate. Dont worry about the small fish...some get eaten and others grow into big sharks (jungle theory)...and if you seriously are looking for a apology all i would say is im sorry that i tried to make you think that there maybe more than one opnion in the world - namely yours! You maybe a great trader or maybe not, that remains unkwown and frankly irrelavent.. I wish you all the best 🙂
You make me laugh. i wonder if you have always been this way your whole life...but a old boss once said to me....its my right to behave this way at my time in life - i guess you probably relate. Dont worry about the small fish...some get eaten and others grow into big sharks (jungle theory)...and if you seriously are looking for a apology all i would say is im sorry that i tried to make you think that there maybe more than one opnion in the world - namely yours! You maybe a great trader or maybe not, that remains unkwown and frankly irrelavent.. I wish you all the best 🙂

LOL...unfortunately literacy isn't a necessary element to trading either or you might do well 😉
Be well.
LOL...unfortunately literacy isn't a necessary element to trading either or you might do well 😉
Be well.

on a serious note - thanks for your help...ive started look into volume and price, money management and ordered some Wyckoff (milking the cow).



p.s. i will send you my first signed book ; )
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thanks people, slightly off topic thou.

What does it mean if someone says to focus on actively traded stocks only.
Does this just mean only trade stocks which have high liquidity (volume traded per day) figures?
Like in the millions, and NOT in the hunderds of thousands?

And what does a HOT industry mean? Same thing as above? volume traded? eg uk banks right now.
Stay away from AIM. Low liquidity of stock makes it a great place to lose your starting capital.

There is plenty of intersting stuff going on in FTSE100.

The Miners are up and down all the time, look at AAL and RIO. Ask yourself why are they swinging the way they are?

Banking is interesting too right now especially Barclays.

Retail, hit hard, you'd expect it to look bad but look at KGF making new highs at the moment not seen for a couple of years.

The prevailing trend in FTSE is up but not by much so look at the FTSE100 stocks that are coming down in value and ask yourself why that may be the case.

Watch the accumulation/distribution and how volume increases before an upswing/downswing in a stock caused by IB's trying to badly diguise their buying/selling behaviour.

TBH the choice of stock you want to trade is down to what style/timeframe and trading plan you have. Do you have a plan?

Don't trade news or tips.

I also agree with Chump - this is a numbers game that requires discipline and the ability to ditch your ego.

If you're after a quick buck on a hot sector then be prepared to lose your money quite quickly. If you're in it for the long game then try and understand the dynanism of what makes the FTSE index behave the way it does.

BTW - price tells you everything. Everything.
keep an eye on rbs, dyor 😉

yeah i have a small stake in RBS already.

to the chap who said to check out oil and miners: those shares are generally highly priced, in the several pounds per share range. Not good for my small trading account. These need to be decent sized trades like £1000 upwards at least, to make covering commisions easier and making profit. But thanks for the info. Got me looking at all the sectors and checking out the high rising sectors.
you would have made a nice gain today then, i got 25000 shares the other week as i feel its going to follow the rest of the banks, i'd like to see 37P by the end of the week
i am a total newbie on the whole stocks arena. and i am trading using the fantasy share trading on bullbearings
i reckon lloy is doing allright, bought them for 87p now bid price standing at around £1.02
wait till after wednesday/thursday for lloy

they are having a rights issue, you get to buy 0.6 shares for every share held for 39P, quite a few will sell thier shares on ex-right day (wednesday i think it is) and keep hold of the 39P shares to get more profit, this will drive sp down
i am a total newbie on the whole stocks arena. and i am trading using the fantasy share trading on bullbearings
i reckon lloy is doing allright, bought them for 87p now bid price standing at around £1.02

"fantasy" ..not sure what that is but it sounds like not with real money ,is that right ?
If so,ok ,but if you are a newbie and using real money do yourself a favour and stay away from banks right now ..they are too volatile for you and anything you think you might be making in them is nothing more than pure random luck.By that I mean unless you have a strategy for absorbing 20% + movements you will lose. As for LLoy our friend above is correct.....
"fantasy" ..not sure what that is but it sounds like not with real money ,is that right ?
If so,ok ,but if you are a newbie and using real money do yourself a favour and stay away from banks right now ..they are too volatile for you and anything you think you might be making in them is nothing more than pure random luck.By that I mean unless you have a strategy for absorbing 20% + movements you will lose. As for LLoy our friend above is correct.....

yep rightly said mate.
currently down to 76.3 (bid)