Ever the optimist - eh Nowls?
More seriously: I'd tend to agree that a storm's acomin' and we'd all do well to use our weather eye especially in view of the conflicting influences we've got going on atm. At some point the precarious balance will start to tip and the world will be dramatically over-supplied in tightened sphincters but as in most of these cases, predicting the end of the world is pretty pointless. You either get carted off to the funny farm or come in for abuse and ridicule whether you're right or wrong. IMNSHO if you believe that we are indeed for a Big One then it makes more sense to consider what the world will look like afterwards than fretting about exactly when it's going to hit...and act accordingly.
As Vaughan has just pointed out the USA (and Powell) are running out of road down which to kick the can and if they can't get their shit together to build a beautiful wall I very much doubt that a new stretch of can-kicking freeway is on the cards either.
And in closing: what about Covids 20 to 25? Currently incubating across Asia...and for that matter, the impending Geomagnetic storm? ...not for tomorrow, not for Christmas but coming to a planet near you, in your lifetime
You know me
To add further "fun" to what I said: we have all the baby boomers hitting retirement age in the next 7 years.
Anyone know how we are going to deal with that?
All their 401k investments will come out of the market, and I can only image how the market will react to that.
So even if we do deal with what's imminent, we wont be getting another record length bull market any time soon, because by 2027 at the latest we will be back in the midst of turmoil again.
...Maybe we can hold off on what I am saying is coming in months, and instead let it merge with the retirement crisis in 4-7 years.
I don't really think this is good, or bad... it all depends on your perspective.
I embrace the uncertainty... I look forward to the opportunities that this already is, and will bring.
I am also quite excited to see what happens.
Yes, I will be affected too - but not as much as most people as I don't have kids, mortgages, cars on finance, debt of any kind.
Bring it on I say!
Even an all out war with China, and the US... is that bad?
For some, yes... but for many more it will be good.
Even if it turns into a global war!
Our current economic way is at the end of it's life... maybe there's 5 more years left...10...20.. I don't know, but I know we are far closer to the end of the world
as we know it than we are the the beginning.
I don't see this as a net bad thing either.
Yes a war will be painful... people will die... but a reset will come and a phoenix will rise from the ashes.
And then they too will get to the end of their rope, and we repeat.
History is littered with this trend
IMNSHO if you believe that we are indeed for a Big One then it makes more sense to consider what the world will look like afterwards than fretting about exactly when it's going to hit...and act accordingly.
Couldn't agree more!