Once you’ve fully immersed yourself in the content of the
Essentials Of New to Trading Sticky, there is one particular topic which you must understand. Failure to take on board the concepts outlined in the next link could be disastrous. Far from making any money, you could lose the money you have and more besides.
Marriages have been destroyed and homes repossessed as a result of it and, in some extreme cases, lives have been lost. The topic is
Essentials Of 'Risk & Money Management'. It holds the key to success or
failure of every trader. Ignore it at your peril!
All good, no complaints from me.
Looks fine, all clear and makes sense, with additional links etc.
The bold highlight though, thats stronger than even I was thinking...
May well be true in a number of cases, I don't know, maybe this has the same
effect without scaring the crap out of people?
Suggested replacement for quoted bold highlight:
Leveraged trading carries the risk of margin call (funds on deposit with broker
are not enough to cover a loss). In this event, you could end up owing your
broker quite a bit of money. In extreme cases a margin call could result in bankruptcy,
and loss of your house / other assets.
Even without margin call, if you don't have a trading plan you've tested [INSERT TRADING PLAN LINK],
your money is quite likely to drain away, albeit more slowly.
It should be noted that while a trading plan is no guarantee of success,
the odds of survival with a trading plan are certainly increased.
Most people should be able to fill in the gaps regarding the peripheral
effects should that occur I would think.
If you think its suitably appropriate, re-jig as you see fit
Other than that minor point