Hi L_v,
I think you're being a tad harsh!
Is the financial risk with fishing and trading comparable - no.
Indeed not. But, then again, which would you rather lose - a few quid or your life!
Nobody is telling anyone what to do, just making suggestions. Time and time again suggestions are asked for regarding the FAQ, seen it before, you get them and then completely disregard them.
If you're referring to your PM to me about the FAQ for the brokers, I am behind on on it, for which I apologise, but it will happen. I said I'll do it and I will, please be patient.
Simple fact is T2W has taken it upon itself to write a trading guide. By doing so you are playing god, like it or not. If you offer incomplete information its misleading at best.
T2W is not 'playing god' by any means. Writing a relatively light introductory guide of that kind is extraordinarily difficult and, inevitably, anyone that reads it will conclude that some things have been 'glossed over' and other things covered in greater depth than is warranted etc. It's far from perfect, I'm sure, and I welcome feedback for making it - or any other FAQ or Sticky better - for the benefit of all members.
Risk risk risk - the most important foundation of trading. Its glossed over in the FAQ:
Well, it's glossed over in so far as everything is glossed over. There's only so much that anyone can do in an introduction to a topic as massive as trading.
. . . . And why it's a [Best Thread] and has been for ages. That said, it appears the link in the forum's [Best Thread] sticky went awol in the recent round of changes. It's
now restored - thanks for bringing it to my attention.
^^^ That should be in the FAQ or a sticky, its much more comprehensive for an introduction to risk.]
As above. I probably made it a [Best Thread] on your suggestion first time around!
So its OK to only give people half the picture by not telling them about risk and failure? That's why they are brought up time and time again. T2W don't cover it, yet when constructive criticism is offered on that front, we get the response of - "its their look out".
I can only assume, familiar as you are with the site, that somehow you've never read this sticky:
Essentials Of 'Risk & Money Management' Once you've read it, if there are specific ways in which you think it could be improved, I'll welcome your feedback and, all being well, I'll amend it accordingly.
So why aren't all the other issues covered in the FAQ left to noobs to discover for themselves as well. Its only risk and failure that are omitted...
As I made clear in my last post, it's not for this site to hark on about how tough it is to succeed. If the members of my fishing forum greeted every new member with
'you could die pursuing this sport and most anglers catch bugger all most of the time anyway', that would put most people off joining the site and taking up the sport. T2W does a better job than most other sites of telling it like it is. Take it from me, you won't find any official content (Stick or FAQ) that suggests this is anything other than a very tough business requiring a lot of hard work.
Yes its not down to T2W or anyone else to hold someones hand or tell them what to do. Offering half the information is a bit of a paradox though. A guide covering all the basics or nothing would be better.
Half the information? So, what are you suggesting? A simple disclaimer at the end of the sticky like most brokers have saying 'trading carries a high level of risk and you could lose more than your deposit'. Something like that?
The main reason I posted this is simple. Several people point out risk and failure, you then say we shouldn't play god and dismiss the suggestions made as if they are unfounded...
Please re-read my last post L_v. As you will see, I went out of my way to acknowledge the validity of the points made. I even went to the trouble of quoting and paraphrasing you, Shakone and pboyles so as to avoid the very accusation you're making, lol! C'mon, play fair, pretty please. We're on the same side here, unless you're one of the anti-T2W brigade with some agenda of your own?
So why don't you say yes - valid point, I'll add them to the FAQ and stickies?
I am not going to advise anyone - and certainly not in a FAQ or Sticky - to avoid trading altogether - as pboyles likes to do. I've made my reasons as to why very clear. Throughout all official content, it is stated repeatedly that trading is a very tough business that requires a lot of hard work. It's not a get rich quick scheme. That, I believe, is at the heart of Shakone's point. If anyone reads said content and doesn't pick up on that basic core message, I'd be absolutely amazed. Lastly, there are numerous warnings all over T2W about the risks involved. If there is something specific that you feel is missing from the introductory Sticky that ought to be added, again, send me a rough draft and all being well I'll include it.