Currency Traders LIVE Head2Head

Bought GBPUSD 2.0040
Stop loss 2.0006

Total Trades 14
Positive 10
Failed 3

Pips Gained 231
Pips Lost 74

Trading Account 157
I have to go out for a couple of hours. So no immediate updating of my position. If the stop gets touched take it as closed at that level. If it goes as anticipated, I’ll have to take my chances it will continue or stay in profit until I return.
Sold GBPUSD 2.0058
Stop loss 2.0080

Total Trades 15
Positive 11
Failed 3

Pips Gained 261
Pips Lost 74

Trading Account 187
Bought GBPUSD 2.0020
Stop loss 1.9990

Total Trades 16
Positive 12
Failed 3

Pips Gained 291
Pips Lost 74

Trading Account 217
Looks like compillock has managed to sleep through a 180 pip reversal move even though 2/3rds of it happened during NY time - never mind I expect he'll manage to pick up 8 pips or so during the Asia sesssion 😉
Would anybody like to take over my trading account. To continue to take on Compounding? I've done 2 days and frankly I've had enough.

Total Trades 16
Positive 12
Failed 4

Pips Gained 291
Pips Lost 104

Trading Account 187
Well - take a consesnus if you want from the board - As I far as I'm concerned you wiped the floor witrh him - point proven - no need for more.

Anyone second this ?

incredible stuff. I think I might have to consdier going for fixed profits, rather than open-ended trades.

I dont think you need to do anything. you could finish now, and collect your trophy at end of week.

however, bear in mind the story of the hare and the tortoise!

incredible stuff. I think I might have to consdier going for fixed profits, rather than open-ended trades.

I dont think you need to do anything. you could finish now, and collect your trophy at end of week.

however, bear in mind the story of the hare and the tortoise!

Yes but in that tale it was the hare that stopped for a nap - Here its the tortoise 😆 😆
I may take you one Pearl Fisher...I haven't traded FX for a few years, but I am sure I can make more than 187 pips:cheesy: on a few 1 to 3 days hold trades.😉
Well done TPF, take a break from this madness. I don't expect compunding to turn up again until school finishes. I'm sure it's a kid on the computer in the library.

Sorry to say Mr Marus didn't come back on the graph I posted that clearly shows his graph to be 'different' and supports the 3 trades in question.

Again, well done TPF, see you on the usual board.

Good luck laptop, though I am sure if you done nothing you would still be winning in 3 days time.
Well Done TPF

Well done TPF, take a break from this madness. I don't expect compunding to turn up again until school finishes. I'm sure it's a kid on the computer in the library.

Sorry to say Mr Marus didn't come back on the graph I posted that clearly shows his graph to be 'different' and supports the 3 trades in question.

Again, well done TPF, see you on the usual board.

Good luck laptop, though I am sure if you done nothing you would still be winning in 3 days time.

Well done TPF.

Isn't sweet to see someone with such a big mouth fall on his own face:cheesy:

At least you can sleep now knowing there arn't any shadows hovering over you...😆

In the words of a gladiator - "Have you not been entertained?"

Indeed I have.
...thank you for the chart uphios....sorry i didnt have a chance to look earlier...just seen it.yes the prices are indeed very different but you seem to not be taking spreads into account.maybe one day t2w will organise a tradathon where actual blotters are presented end of day,im sure something could be arranged and would be only to glad to particapte specially if for not sure what is trying to be achieved here. but anyways well done and
good luck in all your future adventures to one and all.

love(no tongues)

mr marus,mr mr even got me confused 😆
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Competition Trade Journal

Trade 5: Closed at 1.3603
Short: 1.3655
S/L: 1.3680
Target: Open
Trade Result: Winner +52 pips
Trade Record: 4-1

Overall Trade Record - Located in "Forex - Intraday EUR/USD Trades"

Trade 8: Closed at 1.3603
Short: 1.3655
S/L: 1.3680
Target: Open
Trade Result: Winner +52 pips
Trade Record: 7-1

Competition Trade Journal

Trade 6:
Long: 1.3605
S/L: 1.3588
Target: Open
Trade Result:
Trade Record: 4-1

Overall Trade Record - Located in "Forex - Intraday EUR/USD Trades"

Trade 9:
Long: 1.3605
S/L: 1.3588
Target: Open
Trade Result:
Trade Record: 7-1