Currency strength scripts


Senior member
To find out the weakest and strongest currencies run the following scripts on demo accounts.Buy the strongest and sell the weakest is the key to profitable trading.

The best way of doing this is to run metatrader demo accounts on all currencies.Use the enclosed scripts on separate accounts.Load these scripts into metatrader and reload platform.

run scipt on any one chart and it will generate trades.Click on account history and click profit.The most profitable ones are the strongest and losers are weakest.

Regularly close all trades and rerun script .After a few hours you will see the strogest and the weakest.

Update script lot sizes on a regular basis

Use EAS utilities to close open all trades to close all open trades.
Google on how to use metatrader platform


At least give SOME credit to the original developer of this technique.

Simple Trading Method with trader101 @ Forex Factory

The inspiration for my scripts came from Trader101 , but the orignal system/method of trader 101 did not appeal to me.

I often see free indicators on metatrader and devise my own indicators after looking at those free indicators.Just cause I made some indicators , there is no credit due to the free metatrader indicators

Why would you need any kind of indicator to tell you which currencies are weak and strong? An intimate knowledge of which currencies are weak and strong is the most basic fundamental aspect of forex trading! Bizarre.
I suppose an indicator is useful for anyone fannying about trying to automate their trading strategy.
Why would you need any kind of indicator to tell you which currencies are weak and strong? An intimate knowledge of which currencies are weak and strong is the most basic fundamental aspect of forex trading! Bizarre.

This is the human complex phenomena at it's finest. You (Virtuos0) have nailed it in very simple terms, so simple maybe that it is overlooked. The indicator system vendor is using an indicator for the sake of it. Now, is that deliberate or not, i wonder? If it's not deliberate, then it's crazy, if it is deliberate to sell, then the 'believers' of the system are crazy. Somewhere amongst all this someone is crazy, and it aint Virtuos0 or me.
This is the human complex phenomena at it's finest. You (Virtuos0) have nailed it in very simple terms, so simple maybe that it is overlooked. The indicator system vendor is using an indicator for the sake of it. Now, is that deliberate or not, i wonder? If it's not deliberate, then it's crazy, if it is deliberate to sell, then the 'believers' of the system are crazy. Somewhere amongst all this someone is crazy, and it aint Virtuos0 or me.

It is not easy to tell which currencies are strong or weak in a random market, no matter what intimacy is applied, weak or strong patterns are not consistent and intimacy has immeasurable biases and technical analysis is a voodoo science.

Now how do you apply intimacy to voodoo science?

Now we know who isn't crazy
The John Smith's Tools (JST) software is probably the leading and the most complex and versatile trool set you can get on the Meta trader platform.This software contains such unique features Meta trader users could only have dream of until now , e.g. online version check, online self-update, encrypted online instant authentication against the authorization server and more and everything fully automatic.This is a first in the Meta trader environment.
The John Smith's Tools (JST) software is probably the leading and the most complex and versatile trool set you can get on the Meta trader platform.This software contains such unique features Meta trader users could only have dream of until now , e.g. online version check, online self-update, encrypted online instant authentication against the authorization server and more and everything fully automatic.This is a first in the Meta trader environment.

Could you explain that in English please.