Hi Quantt,
I give you full marks for your ability to pour scorn and derision on Cryptos on an almost daily basis, and I accept that many of the articles you link to have merit. However, I'm going to call you out on this one I'm afraid. It's not worth the (virtual) paper it's typed on - for two reasons:
1. Firstly, it's based on a theory written by two economists. And, as everyone knows, they know sweet FA about sweet FA!
2. Secondly, they named it the Côtes du Rhône theory - after the wine they were drinking. Two bottles of it between them, apparently. I stopped reading right there. If they were drinking - I dunno - say a decent Margeaux or something - then their theory might have a drop of credibility. At least it would have a sexy name:
The Margeaux Theory. But two bottles of Côtes du Rhône? I don't think so, that's enough to make anyone write tosh!