I dunno ......
Higher rates concurs with my view on the US long bond (train crash in slow motion) as you may recall.... But your comment (at the time ) about poss flight to quality is resonating with me at the mo... with bonds on the back foot....
150, 200, und so weiter.... who knows........... ?
I tell you what I made a mad comment/observation a few months back about reading that the lads are gonna set the economy on fire and what better way to do it than very high oil, restriction of credit ....very easy levers for "the bank" to control..... my line of thinking now is how far will they take it.... is 5.5% unemployment in US low compared to what's to come ??
But that's probably not added value comment....(?) but I am looking at EXXON (XOM) going to $100 I think the lads might like that........
6/6/08 was also the anniversary of Bobby K's killing.... 6/6.....7/7..... that number 11 again 😆 to go with the others........... The Israeli comment "seemed" stage managed.... wrt timing..
Tell you what that Climate Exchange (CLE) is doing well spotted at 300p and went to 2000p recently.......... should have bought in Jan!!
Very interesting observations HS. Just pondering about it all trying to put pictures of the puzzle together... Here are my views:
1. US invasion of Iraq purely based on oil. I read articles where Whitehouse planning on occupying the country for 20-50 years. This to me is very plausible as the 9/11 and WMD reasons given have already proven to be nonsense.
Perhaps they have underestimated this cost but on a positive if oil goes sky high and they have a cheap source then high price of oil is an advantage to the US.
Will they be able to pull it off??? Remains to be seen.
2. Demand and Supply for oil is likely to be a big factor. I'm not an expert on oil but quality of oil and refinary capacity plus geopolitical supply considerations do play a significant part. Given the increase in wealth of India and China with their propensity to drive can't be ignored. Hence, I'd say whilst demand in Western world likely to decline it will be dwarfed compared to increase in demand from Asian popullace.
3. The value of the dollar as well as the dollar standard is another serious consideration. What proportion of oil rise is due to value of dollar fall is an interesting relationship. But all this can quickly change by a switch to Euro nomination for oil or a mix of two as trumpeted by some.
4. Credit crunch and oil relationship is an indirect one and so I'd guess it's more to do with economic output/growth and demand for oil.
5. Iran's oil output is impacted by Israeli war??? This is a tough one to call but I doubt it will come to that.
Considering these five scenarios unfolding...
1. Obama wins the election calls it a day and withdraws US troops and ends Iraqi occupation. Power sharing democratic parliament in Iraq is finally announced and Iraq starts producing oil and say within 5 years we are back to pre-war standards. Everyone is happy.
2. Asian economies due to rising oil and recession in West can end up with inflation and recession at home (stagflation) also. With governments unable to subsidise oil their propensity to cars and demand for oil can also come down pretty quickly.
If these oil increases passed on in cost of production further fuelling a fall in demand for goods produced in India and China thus discrepancies in costs of production in West and Asia more aligned than the differentials that exist today.
3. Euro oil nomination and dropout dollar standard whether US likes it or not will also lead to a mass adjustment of oil consumption in the US. US is one of the worst polluting and heavy users of oil in the World. This is likely to have a significant effect in stabilising oil price and further reducing demand.
4. Credit / debt crunch will work it self out of the system sooner or later. Always losers in winners one way or another. 5 years from now land scape will be considerably different in terms of leading banks.
Metal commodities my remain high for a little longer as currencies and economies stabilise.
5. Israeli / Palestinian conflict can come to an end with peace on the table. If UK and Germany can become allies against Russia, I don't see why Israel and Palestinians can't become allies against Iran. Or even better Iran sit on the peace table negotiating the peace with Israel and Palestine with rest of other interested parties in the region including syria and the rest.
What I'm saying is peace is possible in the ME providing Israel faces up to the consequence of it's actions. Like the US it can't carry on as it has been - especially more so as US influence declines.
One could say perhaps that even US influense and relationship improves in Latin America and they become friends with Venezuela again.
In summary my view is that the US's ability to control the global world economy and events with the rise of BRIC countries is very limited as hard as they try.
In the absence of any wars - based on 5 points above - direction of oil in the short to medium term $80 imo.
Will I go short maybe after the Olympics when I'm expecting China and India to feel the weight of Western recession. ???