Recently started daytrading ftse100 with xuks and xukx - I'm doing ok but often selling too early.
I have a couple of questions:
1- I am trying to work out if there is a correlation between xukx/xuks and the FTSE100 future.
2- I have these 2 links for future quotes but they seem to be different
Which one of these is the one I should be looking at? - Or is there a better link that would give me a live quote.
I use sharescope, spoke to them and they don't have FTSE100 future listed - They will put it in their wishlist but no guarantee this will happen.🙁
3 - If there is a correlation, which is leading which, in which order?
Future / Short-Long ETF / FTSE100
I hope my questions are not too stupid and maybe I'm looking for something that doesn't exist - I'm learning and I just want to maximize my gains... (don't we all?) 😉 .
Recently started daytrading ftse100 with xuks and xukx - I'm doing ok but often selling too early.
I have a couple of questions:
1- I am trying to work out if there is a correlation between xukx/xuks and the FTSE100 future.
2- I have these 2 links for future quotes but they seem to be different
Which one of these is the one I should be looking at? - Or is there a better link that would give me a live quote.
I use sharescope, spoke to them and they don't have FTSE100 future listed - They will put it in their wishlist but no guarantee this will happen.🙁
3 - If there is a correlation, which is leading which, in which order?
Future / Short-Long ETF / FTSE100
I hope my questions are not too stupid and maybe I'm looking for something that doesn't exist - I'm learning and I just want to maximize my gains... (don't we all?) 😉 .