COPYLOT Signal-copy network system


The COPYLOT system, is a module for MT4 and it allows to arrange a signal-copy network. COPYLOT copy any signals from any accounts with minimum possible delay. Share your signals for money. Or let proffesinonals to trade for you.

It is possible to arrange a master – client copy schema or you can build copy networks with several master and several clients in minutes. There are much features that allows to controll what to copy and what not. As an example : You can copy only profitable transactions , invert non profitable transactions to profitable,copy with custom Lot and much more. The features and possibilities are enormous .

Here is a short list of COPYLOT features:
-Copy transactions with revers
-Copy transactions with own lots
-Wotk without stops with transactions closing on master account
-Connect several client/master terminal
-Copy only new transactions.
-Convert transactions in orders
-Win7 supported
-Works with 4 sign and with 5
-Works with suffix symbols

Our system is in use by various Russian traders and now it is available for English speaking users.
Documentation: UserGuide-ENG.pdf

For more details look at our website.
OR pm me for link.
explain some more........

how would it work for someone who wants to sell signals using Mt4 platform but does not want to
reveal the settings and indicators used

and what is needed to create a network of sharers ?

and how much does it cost us to buy it ?

and what about security ?

For your needs copylot is not an option.
We have another system for you needs, it is but not yet localized.
It makes possible to trade signals without showing you settings and indicators and of course a network establishment is awailable.

If you intrested i can post you a short features list of that software.
The prise is 750$ for a localized full version + support. If your intrested in buying we will provide you firsrt with a localized demo, so you can try it out.

There is another option, you can buy the copylot but it will copy only signals from one account to several users.
And we can modify it so no one will see how you trade and what settings or indicators you are using.
The Copylot is localized and its prise is 199$ here some info
For more details please contact me by email [email protected]
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