Converting MT4 indicators for prorealtime


Junior member
Hi all, I need some general advice. I have just learned a new forex strategy that I'm happy with but all the indicators are in MT4 code. I don't have a clue about coding so I need a guesstimate on cost.

I trade on IG Index's cut-down version of prorealtime and I'd like to be able to trade on IG's new thrudeal charts where you can place your trades directly from the charts without needing to have MT4 running simultaneously for my signals. So I need a few MT4 coded indicators converted to prorealtime code. I realize this is very general and without detail as the programmer would need the rundown on the MT4 indicators etc but at this stage I'm just after a ballpark figure for a fairly basic MT4 indicator.

So can anyone help me with a flexible costing figure to begin with. For example if someone said this is a $1000 per indicator I'd put up with the slight inconvenience. Thanks in advance for your help.............🙂

If you have the mt4 code you can pass it on to their programmers who will
do it for free if you send them a nice email. They have done it for me with a
couple of indicators. If you use and subscribe they will do them free but if you
have a few just offer them a small fee of which i think they will do it for you.
