Conspiracy Trader


The well established financial institutions in place currently, such as The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Asian Development bank (ADB) lending to Asia for infrastructural development has been a challenge for many countries, for it is primarily the good old’ Bretton Woods system of the West. The Western conditions are unfair to other countries because they don’t have a say just where the money from these organization can be applied. China and India for years have tried to negotiate with U.S. congress for more voting power than the four percent China has, while America and Japan is a little over fifteen percent. U.S. congress has denied the shift in voting power even when China is now the second largest economy in the world. China along with many other countries see this as truly disabling economic growth and unfair. Many countries are looking at the Western decisions made so far and the repercussion of forced manipulation by the FED and blatantly see how well that is working for the west and Japan as well as Europe.

This set the stage for the shocking announcement from China's President Xi Jinping that he will open a new investment bank, The Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to create a new equality and strengthen cooperation and correlation in the international multilateral mechanisms. Asian developing countries needs are unfulfilled by the current situation and are in desperate need of such a bank. This would boost the Yuan and boost China's employment securing contracts from Chinese firms along with investing some of the $3.9 trillion in foreign reserves in commercial firms, most of all it would boost China's influence and power. This has made the U.S. and Japan uneasy China has invited many countries to sign the memorandum of understanding (MOU) they have till April 30 but opens April 15. I just wonder if it a coincidence it is on the U.S. tax day.

This move by China of course is to veer from the heavily U.S. influenced Asian Development bank (ADB) and The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The system SWIFT has been the FEDs and U.S. Treasury’s money GPS system in Brussels, like when the U.S. government seized Japanese bonds worth over $134 billion, or tracked down and blocked $100 billion belonging to Iran. Since the U.S. levied the SWIFT sanctions and cut Iran off from the USD, the U.S. lost its leverage it didn’t matter to Iran. When the U.S. did it to Russia Putin went to China, truly anything he could have gained from the States China can fulfill. Over one hundred and thirty nations have major deals on using an alternative currency other than the dollar now. China and Russia have more in common than one would imagine regards to belief and history both leaders being very neologistic has gotten the attention from the Saudi empire they are enticed with the idea of a non-USD arrangement since drifting apart over Israeli settlements and conflict with the nuclear deal in Iran. The U.S. is dependent on Saudi oil and it holds the alliance together because the Saudi Kingdom needs (needed) U.S. security. The reduction in need for oil from America combined with profound disagreements on foreign policies has crumbled the alliance and friendship that served the two countries for many years. Since WW2 the two countries have had overlapping interests and the allies grew through the Cold War against the Soviet backed Egyptian force, the U.S. helped arm them though the 1960s civil war and again in the 1980’s against the soviets. The U.S. support for Israel with an oil embargo upset the Saudis in the 1970’s the Kingdom remained loyal to its alliance with the U.S. in fact pre Iran, it was Saudi money alone that funded Regan’s congressional ban ageist the rebels in Nicaragua. In the 1990’s Saudi Arabia welcomed over 500,000 U.S. troops inside their country to fight in the first war against Iraq. The former King of Saudi Arabia Riyadh not only lifted sanctions, then when rising prices in oil threatened the American economy he increased oil production for Washington. Why this is important? Because Riyadlh had lost confidence in the U.S. “security guarantee” Riyadlh showed his disdain by withdrawing the U.S. military air space used over Saudi Arabia forcing them to have to go around the Arabian Peninsula. After nine-eleven, the U.S. questioned the empires involvement and the rift between them didn’t stop with George Bush. Obama’s deal with Iran caused more conflict, adding the Palestine peace plan conflict between the two didn’t help. Obama embracing Mohammed Morsi the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood after turning his back on his American ally Hosni Mubarak infuriated Riyadh, so much so that he gave $12 billion to Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi for overthrowing Morsi and changed the relationship America had with Egypt for good. This has caused the Saudis to look elsewhere for a new alliance and China has welcomed them with open arms for the biggest oil producer in the world. China being the new chief customer for Saudi Arabia may have ensured the ideal place and time to move into the Petro-Yuan. The new King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has stated they want to punish Iran and Russia along with the U.S. trough the drop in purchasing price of their oil. This new found independence of Salman has extended in to world trade, he is on the market for new commercial relations and charting their very own policy path despite what the U.S. wants. The Saudi empire has enough cash reserves to do just about anything they want to. This is critical for the USD because of the Petrodollar agreement with Saudi Arabia and the U.S. free trade agreement with China. Good old Nixon was so eager to get involved in both situations. Now America could lose all allies and leverage for the now artificially propped up USD that was fought so hard for.

The reality that our world’s reserve currency is now debt based, the system we have implemented is not working on so many levels. The world’s reserve currency needs to be backed up by a real productive economy like China. The U.S. was warned by so many advisers that our Keynesian approach will fail and the debt based economic decisions will ruin the U.S. If the U.S. is judged by the company it keeps, what does it say when forty-six other countries are signed up and ready to go with AIIB except North Korea and the U.S. not saying that there is much in common, except both are run by delusional self absorbs governments. Others are jumping on board, the United Kingdom was the first NATO partners to announce they will be joining the AIIB and this sent shock waves through Washington as Spain France and Italy along with the Netherlands joined. Even Germany who is inching towards exiting out of the Euro has joined. The US, Japan along with North Korea is the only ones that stated that they have no intention or were rejected. North Korea was rejected and it is uncertain if the U.S. was as well, along with Japan it is said they refused. It seems that Russia is not so isolated anymore but the U.S. is. They are not invited to the party. Is this what happens when community organizer becomes president? I am sure he personally is not really making the decisions, but who then is the true puppet masters and why?

China along with the world has seen the empire of debt that the U.S. has created, sovereignty of client counties abused, disrespect to allies and the selfish nature of the U.S. Washington has not made too many friends along the way to global debt. Other countries would rather gamble on the historically corrupt Chinese empire and join a new unknown investment bank than deal with the reality of what our monetary system created. This move may not benefit the average Chinese citizen. However, the one percent of rich Chinese control more than a third of the country's wealth, and in 2012 real estate accounted for 70 percent of all household wealth, and now the Chinese are buying massive amounts of land worldwide. A few years ago, the U.S. would have never even assumed that any country would trust the Chinese central communist party for a reserve currency. I have a feeling this plan China is showing has been in the works for sometime now. China has been buying up assets in the U.S. and all over the world; they even wanted and offered to buy out Canada’s oil. China’s anti corruption and transparency campaign is starting to make sense now paving the way for other countries trust. Many are disgusted with the secrecy and manipulating the U.S. government and Federal Reserve have been doing for so long. Anything the U.S. can offer another country China believes they can too. China wouldn’t mind helping Iran out with a few war toys, since the U.S. would intervene any weapons shipped to Iran but turn a cheek to a Chinese warship destroyer passing through. Let us not overlook the multitude of sanctions surrounding Iran, they would be fools not to join this new and intriguing entity. On the other hand, possibly the U.S. overlooked the Joint military exercises these countries have been partaking in, doubting there advancements towards new alliances is Washington’s big mistake

This time around the war plan that the U.S. had for Iraq wont stand up to the mass military that would surround the strait or the hundreds of miles of coastline involved. For all we know China and Russia have been dropping off weapons and picking up takers of oil for some time now. Or teaming up to solve China's demographic issues along with Iran’s massive youth issues so they marry off the Iranian women for the overwhelming number of Chinese men in waiting.

Trying to make light of it all seems impossible this is a big move and Iran is looking at us wondering if they should pull the trigger because Hassan Rouhani saw first hand how powerful and calculating the U.S. military is when we started a war over the petro dollar with Saddam. Look at Gaddafi, he was our ally until he wanted to quit selling Libyan oil in USD. The U.S. doesn’t play around with the petro dollar. The WW3 everyone says is coming has already begun it is just a financial war, this time and I don’t know if the USD has that kind of arsenal with our debt. Therefore, we may have to blow something up or create other systematic events in our favor. The question is will the Obama Administration have the backbone needed for this war?

America has changed from the gun totting pro militant patriot it once was. American individuals have a different perspective when it comes loyalty to America and its military. Primarily Americans in general are individualists and don’t rely on community or value communal benefits of necessity that other countries must rely on to survive. Fighting for your country once involved protecting your property and spouse now Americans are just trying to defend themselves from American banksters and debt. Divorce rates have never been higher and the poor and poverty-stricken are joining the military for saviour not because of love for the great USA or loyalty to the nation. Why would they? The harsh reality is that we have been transferring all our money, industries, technology and employment to china for years…willingly on a silver platter, “here take our trillions you need it more than our people” Greed apparently has no consequences. I mean maybe some “other” country has a NSA tape with some amazing information or why would any of this be taking place. This AIIB is a huge game changer on a global scale and a direct threat to America.

China made some new friends; even the threats that Obama gave Australia and Israel about joining the new bank didn’t change their mind one bit. I though Bush made enemies, I would bet the Chinese Embassy hasn’t forgotten the U.S. bombing mistake and just to top it off with personal disrespect, the U.S. refused to apologize. The Obama Administration is on a whole new level of being hated by the world. Manipulation and lies are becoming more and more transparent and trying to cripple other counties by manipulation is becoming clear. I won’t even get into the Ebola and oil correlations or the U.S. efforts to keep China out of Africa; we sent three thousand troops to the borders of Africa to fight Ebola. Yet we will stand down and watch millions of people displaced knowing we could wipe Isis out in a day and do nothing.

All the world economies seem to be on the verge of a major bubble bursting one way or another. America pushed so hard predicting china to e the most epic bubble burst ever.

It just may be that China could be the next IMF. Last year China campaigned the de-dollarization of the only thing America would start a war over, the petro dollar. By leveraging its rise as an economic power with hydrocarbon exporters. This of course had Putin and most of the Middle East very interested, Putin has been attacked by the U.S. in every way since his petro dollar exit. This is a direct move to cut the dollar dominance in global energy scene. In fact, China even parked a Navy destroyer right in the Southern Iranian port along with a logistics ship just to say they were “combating piracy”, this was the first time in history they made a show of foreign support. Ironically, Russia docked at the same port on the way back from a mission. The aid offered by both was seen by Iran and was welcomed. The mouth of the Persian Gulf, The Strait of Hormuz is a passage that ships a fifth of the world’s oil. This is interesting because these ports are major locations, the same locations that ISIS and Hamas (really the U.S. and U.S. or Russia maybe China) are causing such turmoil with a “risk” of cutting off the ninety-five percent of Asian bound oil. Most of the Middle East has relied on the U.S. for security and direction. In 2012 China swapped around $5.5 billion with the United Arab Embassy for oil in the Chinese Renminbi, this showed others like Dubai and the Persian Gulf it could be done. This last year China also set a deal with Russia that over $500 billion in gas purchased will be in renminbi. When china expands to hydrocarbon bought and sold in renminbi, Americas influence will no longer be needed and our “foreign polices” that so many counties view as imperialistic will fold.

Our current practices are not set in stone and are sure to change. Putin must have seen this as a huge opportunity to merge with China and trade land or gold for a new reserve currency. Between Russia China and probably India, they have enough Gold to back the Yuan taking it back to the gold standard that so many are yearning for, or a basket currency. After seeing what Quantitative Easing has done many if not, all countries are looking for any alternatives. Not just oil for gold, other obtainable assets like arable land, or geo political positions. The Petro Yuan is already taking place and has been. The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) has been swapping with more than thirty central banks internationalizing the Renminbi though external trade proving it could function just fine as the new reserve currency China has gotten the attention of energy producers, being one of the mass consumers, at the rate of growth they are the market in the future of hydrocarbons energy trade. Once the Saudis reject the USD for oil America will be done. Its no wonder Obama has been spending so much energy kissing up to Afghanistan and the Saudi empire because while he is worried about immigration so we will have a military in the future other world leaders are immigrating on the reserve currency

Until China unpegs its currency from the USD the dollar will remain strong and winning. The FED will reset the debt based currency one-way or another. The reality is the evil régime of America just may be preferred to what a mix of a Russian or Chinese overlord could possibly be like. .

China and Russia and most of all the FED all know all china really has to do is buyout the seventy to one COMEX gold contracts and demand that they delivery, POOF, the whole ponzi scheme is blown creating chaos. Possibly the FEDs worst nightmare. Don’t underestimate the power of the FED they are well aware what is taking place and the domino effect it will have, on every level. Not to give them too much credit but let me just say they are not naive by any means and extremely resourceful. America’s Powers That Be (TPTB) would never allow COMEX to default if MF Global formerly Man Financial is any indication of just how much influence TPTB have when needed. Was awarded primary dealer status in 2010 Primary dealers and unregulated by the FED to buy and sell U.S. treasuries at auction was counter party to the Federal Reserves Open Market operations. The same MF who ended up admitting to federal regulators in 2011 that around $1.2 billion was missing from customer accounts. Just several days before the bankruptcy, they transferred funds outside the country. MF Global acknowledged a shortfall, yet The Wall Street Journal reported that MF Global would seek chapter eleven-bankruptcy protection, after investing more than $6.3 billion in sovereign bonds issued by European countries that gave a chapter eleven grand total of $41 billion. When you see the reality and lack of real regulations for the chosen few, it gives you an idea proving they will do anything before allowing any kind of real default regarding COMEX or any other large entity, just like the London fix, COMEX would become irrelevant. America will just reset and this could be the master plan,

America will stay king by any means necessary we can’t forget that. Progress is what Obama keeps preaching, let us remember that Stalin killed thirty million of his own people in the name of progress, the Obama Administration is just killing an estimated 318,000,000 people slowly and financially.
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Bred Media Eugenics

Government through propaganda has been brain washing us in various ways, feeding us lies and keeping us just comfortable enough to stay unaware of the hypocrisy run nation, while they reap the benefits and manipulate us. We are in a new age and we have a new idle, the Media, and the powers that be are racking what we do all the time, on our private personal time. They are fitting us in to a particular demographic ideal for marketing and swaying us to buy, sell, look at, and even feel. Big brother has gone to a whole new level; they even release endorphins when you walk into a specific store, designing ways to enhance your shopping experience so you will spend more. We are a consumer-based nation. It is so specific they can predict an estimated date will need and purchase certain items. Billions are spent a year just to find out what kind of bath tissue you buy. Think of every time you search the web, every site you search, your face book, twitter even your images are loaded in to informational software categorizing your life and predicting your future, profiling what you post, look at and you every privet aspect, the thousands of external factors. It is invasive in many ways to know that advertizing and manipulation is becoming tailored to fit just me. We see this in new technology all the expanding and overwhelming unimaginable advancements, the ability to use robots to achieve what man cannot.
These advancements have caused people to become obsessed with technology and because these robots are so advanced, they are able to penetrate our lives on a subconscious level, these advancements as wonderful as they may be have massive side effects. Information and knowledge breed power and control and those combined breed money. In the wrong hands technology can do more than we can even imagine, the most outlandish, bazaar, even evil ideas or thoughts, the darkest places hiding in ones mind, technology can enhance, bring to life and fulfill those ideas. It has been in the wrong hands throughout its existence evolving faster than humanity ever could, with many great minds combined it like us evolved learning and serving its masters faithfully. Its has been bred to control the masses we are just slaves to the masters on a grand scale. It controls us day to day, influencing us, pushing us, we just assume it is our choice our false free will. We are desensitized to the subconscious rape-taking place and we seem so unaware. Google can now predict the ways the market will move due to what searches are entered. They are marketing our thoughts and fears taking our freedom and making us comfortable seeking the unknown.
It almost could be the greatest social experiment ever. I am not even touching the NSA or FBI spying on us without a court order, breaking everything America stands for. This is just a small area in the mass amounts of media manipulation when it comes to advertising and marketing data. Many people never read the applications you download or sites you use, you sign a waiver when you click on, download, or sign into those sites.
Nothing makes me smile more than watching blatant yellow journalism on the morning news. News has become a fundamental tool for the powers that be, a true way to steer the money. While few see the big picture, they will never research the correlation between specific people or money that rules us all. The corrupt ways of what some call a democracy. I have read some amazing theories about what is to come, 2015, 2016, and every other year. For the most part, I am pessimistic when it comes to the US and the out come of us or hope for humanity. In turn, the information I research tends to be the same story repeatedly, “this year it will be the end of…” “The world,” “the market,” “jobs,” “schools.” Or it is… “This time it will be the worst…” “The biggest bubble ever!” “The most catastrophic!” and “this time it’s like no other”…Now of course they push… “Things will never be the same.” The theories can be incredible, some very interesting and some just make you realize how uneducated many people are, for the most part they all have the same element, Fear. It maybe brought to you by the (in a game show voice)…The USA, FED, Russia, Toyota, wait I got it, Tesla! KGB, China, The DONG or kittens, Iran or it is possibly Alien government with unicorn technology! Fact is, it won’t matter who or what is doing the pushing, it will only matter why you are being pushed in that direction, what the final goal would be. Therefore, we evolve, expanding our mind relearning what we once knew with a whole different type of perception. understand this is like a game for the major entities and like any game some of the players are key the to winning, most are useless bench warmers, a small part of the game as a whole the bigger picture for the team has a audience and owners and that where the money is, because money is the win. Even when a game is rigged, some they lose well the other won that is the beauty of it all, there is always a winner. You just have to watch see if they threw it, why, who and what that benefited in the long run. You will find the major players, the teams are not big but there are many, so learn the game, find what team you are on and watch closely at how their game is run, stick with a strategy, not just your own but look for the end game, get the team’s strategy because some teammates have and know the winning moves.
Oil's well that ends well
My articles on media manipulation could not have come at a better time. Watching the news as the market weakens, stocks and bond tumbling the USD drops and oil rises, one may believe the broadcasters pushing some factitious story, blaming the GDP. Perhaps this may be part of it. However, what I am not seeing as the headline in the news is the real reason for the reversals. There has been a historical event, a complete reshuffle of the Saudi empire. There is a new Saudi King replacing Salman, who has proven not to be fond of the Obama Administration for many reasons. His father the late king on his deathbed has talked of religion and how it needed to take precedence over power and money and oil. The late Saudi king Abdullah insisted Obama did not bow (enough) to the guardian of Islam’s two holiest sites, not once but twice. Michelle Obama was looked down upon when the king felt she was disrespecting his faith and wishes (laws) by not wearing a headscarf when visiting, since then he refused to shake her hand. Nothing was more disrespectful than Obama siding with the Muslim brotherhood and funded part of overthrowing the late King Abdullah’s good friend and close Ally Hosni Mubarakin. The late King would not even speak to Obama and was thankful for Putin’s Russian arm sale to Egypt and backing for General Sisi ageist the brotherhood and Obama. This created more than a rift in our relationships with Russia and Saudi Arabia.

When I think of Saudi Arabia, I think of it being US run and practically owed, Egypt as well. Without completely disrespecting the royal family, I would use the term “puppets” for US interests. I say this because other US presidents had done much worse politically and financially, but never personally, like Obama has to top his administration’s pursuit of a nuclear accord with Iran has created more than tension. The late king had shifted his American revered views as his time came. Our security is primarily why Saudi Arabia even needs us they, it is not the money it is the power they have more cash reserves than we could dream of, and liquid cash gushing from the land. The cold war created a strong partnership between the US and Saudi Arabia yet now Putin has more than lent his assistance he has created a friendship and willingness to provide the security needed and with the Russian china partnership we are not even regarded by Salman. Salman even removed US airspace and intended to keep oil low to benefit there own long term needs despite Americas and OPEC’s objection. Salman who puts his Muslim religion above all also has a personal distain for Obama. Salman who has sworn to follow the wishes of the late king has made it clear the US foreign polices do not depict his personal choices. In March, the US shut down the US Embassies in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dhahahran for security interests.

Suddenly Salman has been replaced by the late king’s nephew Prince Mohammed bin Nayef who Obama originally campaigned for. This is the first time a nephew and not one of the 45 sons has been in this position. With the anti American campaign that is, being embellished by the media one has to wonder what is really going on. The U.S. is more powerful than many think and much more powerful than to be ostracizes by the personal drama or emotional views towards the U.S. even siding with Iran the rival of the Saudi kingdom cannot alter the financial and political ties. The fear of an oil-pocalypse is futuristic right now we have mid term expectations will winners and losers all temporary. With big players wiping out the little people during this all time low, it would seem they are setting up the price points for the next year, or Yellen is buying up contracts and passing them out as gifts. The last three months we see gas prices rise more than 30% the last time we saw a rise this fast was 2007. it is good to keep in mind every time the price went down state taxes went up Gas typically peaks in July so we will see a greater rise in the next few months. This dispute personal or not will still profit and nothing is done said or leaked without intention.
Blind to the truth and naive to the threat.

The generations now and to come have evolved differently than ever before, they have adapted to the new technological super powers. Adults commonly ask their kids how to set up the DVD player, or fix the computer, add applications to their phone. The children who were born in this digital age are immune to the process of information, or what it took for so many to research a story or find information and learn or find the real story being told, the real truth. Teachers friends and family is how and where we got answers to our questions growing up, and the answers could vary, the views bias and limited. The World Wide Web changed so much and quickly, adults and kids know the web and just how to use it. Through trial and error along with lessons and guidance most children have realized that not everything you see or read is true. The facts may not be how it’s portrayed to the public or it could be blatantly inaccurate. They may have learned this from YouTube or watching a puppy fly though space while playing the banjo even Google by asking the web if eating road kill is good for you. They make the fatal mistake and show or tell someone “yes eating road kill makes you grow extra arms…then they are corrected and realize there are different answers that come up depending on who writes it. It sinks in and they become aware all truth told may not be reality.

This enforces the key that makes us all unique… free will, our choice. We have a choice to believe what we are being told. This was something the powers that be predicted and this is why they are literally brain washing us through our subconscious. Since the beginning of time we have been lied to by the “storytellers” lies on top of lies. who was the first man in America, the world was flat, human sacrifice made the sun shine, credit is good, marijuana is bad, cigarettes and liquors are good, etc. We at least know through modern technology generations will have a chance to experience real and true history, information that will shape them, not create the sheep so many have been. This is of course if they make it past the many distractions that heavy detract from the path to enlightenment of true reality.

The unknown, our imagination, creativity, fantasy, the capabilities of thee mind. Our mind is so powerful we have an extra ordinary thought process and many marketing specialists and behavior analysts, doctors, scientist’s and researchers have perfected playing into our fears. Our primal instincts, our responses, need, and desires have been under attack though fear, threats to family, self, and placement induced by fear and intrigue, our human nature, our true thought process. Media has created villains out of races, countries, cities, even stereotypes in people. This false threat and fear has shaped societies for thousands of centuries. We see it all over in history from the Mayans to Genghis Khan, repeatedly. Now we have stars and icons to obsess over or try to be like. movie stars that had/have more influence over public opinions than most politicians in America, and get paid much more.

We the nation is completely media run and undereducated historically, even with all the new things to learn and accessibility, idiosyncrasy is the new normal and denial is a common trend in the US. History and economics, the global finances, how things are bought and sold, etc. Many don’t even know what sanctions America has put on Iran or Russia and many other countries, who we trade with or what will happen when the Trans Pacific trade opens. I am always shocked to hear news casters blabbing about what is to come or focusing on the opposite way the market is moving. Everyone is titled to their own ideas and opinions in the US, yet we are kept blind and distracted by media and the belief that America has our best interest and just because the news states it, everything will be alright. because our government would never let it happen, they would never do the unimaginable.

Blind to the truth and naive to the threat.

I can’t stand election year, listening to the pointless lies told by candidates fueled by power and money. You may choose not to listen not vote, they say every vote counts, but I don’t believe they even count votes. The powers that be (TPTB) the big Banker clan runs the government so whoever they want to represent their ideals and choices is who will represent as our leader. It’s a shame; I still don’t think everyone even realizes that government controls the news and Hollywood. We have supreme power as individuals in our newly developed android state of existence. The SiFi movies and book from our past would have had you believe the twentieth century would have brought people driving freely from planet to planet in our space cars while teleporting our friends over. Perhaps robots would be our house cleaners, drivers and workers a world would run by androids all there to serve us. Androids replacing so many people and jobs, fighting our wars and keeping our planet and humanity safe. Its now here and we do we have robots and computers and now most of all humans are now part android. Everyone you know, our smart phones have become a true extension of our body and thoughts, giving us super-human powers and it even comes with applications.The access to information and power to learn can be limitless. Having this kind of resource at your fingertips gives us an unimaginable advantage, it not only makes your life easier it gives us a way to learn what you want when you want. Most people will never take full advantage of the abyss of information, the layers of networks that go deep, programming, engineering, or even hacking into this informative black hole. Advancements come from exploration of this digital world by some of the best minds in existence.

It gives you the ability to learn at your pace, for a baby or child who is growing and evolving their mind like a sponge soaking up this liquid information. We haven’t even learned what the mind is capable of or what results this new technology will have on a developing mind. The power this vast amount of information gives children is terrifying and spectacular all in one. Information we lean throughout childhood shapes us as adults, information leads to decisions you will make in life, the choice that is influenced by what information is available. All we know is what we are taught; humankind is easily manipulated and prone to conform. People keep stating that we are going back to the cold war, that Russia and China will create WW3. I have even saw the outline of corruption waging war with Iran and blaming Russia or China in the US fight for the petrodollar, conveniently a war in Yemen or a oil line bombing…yet, I feel that we have been in WW3 for some time now. It is a currency war, a war for the reserve currency and petrodollar, and we are losing. This is the first administration to prioritize immigration and non-working heath care, over the blatant threats and Geo-political acts of war threaten us, in fact it seems we are losing allies and hope for what once was as this administrations wipes away our rights and gives our money away.

Clinton was at least very concerned with the underground bunkers that could house Russia for years being built. He would have never let china open up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) or let Putin make deals for major changes with china. When bush was in office it was assumed he wasn’t really making any decisions for himself. The people who were are the ones to fear, and countries feared us, it was understood his goofy nature was not what they needed to worry about. At least other counties respected him to some degree, unlike our current situation. Obama is about to make our biggest mistake with the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) it will make what Clinton did look like a May fair. Clinton being a corporatist, sabotaged us with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) a trilateral trade block between Mexico, the US and Canada fist with the free trade agreement NAFTA consists of the North American Agreement on Environmental cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) this created the worlds largest free trade zone.

Opening countries up to the flow of goods and services sounded so appealing, created production added different factor endowments and absolute advantage with the countries that could produce goods or services on a large scale or that had natural resources. With this comes comparative advantage what country has the lower opportunity cost. This was in 1994 since then the US economy has lost around 700,000 jobs due to NAFTA, according to the Economic Policy Institute EPI said in 2011 that trade to Mexico supported 791,000 and the jobs we would have needed without NAFTA 1.47 million. Still today, billions of US dollars and jobs are lost to NAFTA.Other counties saw huge benefits and in 2010, the growth of Mexican auto imports alone surpassed what we estimated. Creating more Mexican jobs than the entire US auto industry. Sine 1985 the US has free trade with over twenty countries as of now. Since it worked out so well the Obama administration negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Obama didn’t do it under the Department of State; he went to the trade representative Ron Kirk. This was a way to use “fast track authority” Congress is supposed to review, modify and treat it like a legislation and end with a two-thirds vote e. instead it was a yes or no vote minimal tame frame and a majority rule. This really will strip the US of any chance we had of real economic growth, true supply and demand, America will never be able to be what it once was. This gives investor privileges a whole new meaning. The right to move capital without any limits, and it covers way more goods and services extending to, intellectual property, permits, and derivatives. It banned any performance rights and the foreign firms would get compensation for loss of “future profits”. Most of all special guaranteed treatment for firms that relocate. This would allow them to overrule our sovereignty adding US laws to foreign countries is completely unconstitutional.

I would love to think knowing our history the leaders of these fascinating and powerful counties could see each other with a heart and soul, empathetic to suffering and pain. They seem so human so many have been praised by the public. Putin has been praised as being likable, even funny, even japans prime minister is thought of as warm and kind, Obama funny and charismatic. I’m sure social media plays a big part in humanizing the leaders, making them more likeable and relate-able as the tweet there thoughts. Putin and has positioned himself out of necessity and frustration with sanctions by the US. He has looked to his neighbor china that has a quite similar past. XI jipjong signed a ten-year contract with Russia to build a 7,000-kilometer high-speed rail ink from Beijing to Moscow. It will be expanded across Europe and Asia, this is a big deal not only for the ten year partnership with China but the new Asia Infrastructure Investment bank (AIIB) that is taking place isolating the west. China is creating economic insurance with India Pakistan and all others except us. These moves taking place have to be something bigger the US has to be up to something would we really see what is happening, risk nationalization of a new currency, or let the Petro-Yuan take us out. I would love to believe that these countries are as fed up with the US, sick of listening to the lies or dealing with the mean parent that sanctions and controls. That they want to help their people make things better a system that saves your money and enhances you life and your children’s children. I feel like I am with all the people in the world at the end of wizard of OZ and the US is OZ a godlike entity full of answers and better ways to live and prosper. Then you pull the Curtain back and is Gilbert Gottfried or even Rosanne Barr, she could even be better than Janet Yellen at this point. Considering America is bankrupt, living in a pit of unplayable debt for our children to inherit, the US has pledged National parks and lands my land your land, non-profit organizations; federal territories even birth certificates, to the Federal Reserve. The hypothetical assets pledged means they can pledge something as a security without holding it When. Roosevelt was declared bankrupt and insolvent in 1933 they created the Emerging Bankrupt Act. The beginning of the monetary fund. This is what has led us to the massive debt were in today and always have been since 1933 when they removed the gold standard. The hypothecated pledge is based on Canon law Trust, protected by the Constitution and bill of rights, and still used by international bankers today. This transfer of unplayable debt gives the sovereignty too much power for they already own so much it is just leverage to them. Nothing like this ever had taking place until the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 gave security to so many because gold and silver were powerful currency but heavy and an unmanageable an awful inconvenience to store or carry. The FED bears the risk lending or trading and you hold interest and principle payments by issuing a claim check that was “like gold or silver” created slips of paper that you give real assets to The Federal Reserve (FED) and they give you Federal Reserve Notes(FRNs). FRNs were made to create debt through devaluation of currency by the increase in fiat (money substitute) because without a corresponding increase of a true backing the FRNs cause inflation. The FED is maritime lender/maritime insurance underwriter, or what I consider a loan shark, they take your assets and give you a piece of paper till you can pay the unplayable debt back. If we only knew…it was all a trick a power game and they are still winning, you cant pay back the FRNs with FRNs, no paying debt with debt but as long as you paid the interest there was no stipulation on the principle, because the Federal Reserve Act stipulated all interest must be paid in gold. We were set up to fail so many times, who knows what our amazing, all for the people, freedom and rights, blah blah blah. Who knows just what they have pledged we know some but we do not know much. We are now just economic slaves your life and land hangs by a sovereign and in a economic was our reputation and leadership Just a man, a nation built with blood and formed in lies and greed, pledging dedication and then turning its back. Photos and social media have humanized other cultures and acceptance and empathy makes it all less scary not so distant and unnatural it gives new support for what was once feared, is now understood .This has brought our world closer. A need for each other together, learning the whole story not half-truths that are rewritten time and again. Can we come together and fight a real war like global warming or famine drought? The answer is no because as much as I would love to believe we can have peace, greed trumps all.
We missed the boat, considering... they do not need one now.
Considering it costs an amazing amount to ship anything now days, China and Russia are finding new ways to incorporate their resources together along with there economies. Despite international sanctions that would prevent China from doing the immense trading with Russia and Iran that have been taking place, China and other counties don’t seem to care at all even with accusations of a ‘double dip’ sanctions violation and many more. For years, China has developed a strategic deep water port at Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea, the launching point for the Iran-Pakistan natural gas pipeline that will be extended to China. Originally it would have run though India and Pakistan and India but the US detoured India from joining in and submitted a counter offer backed by the US instead of China trying to cut out Pakistan and China all together, having the port in Iran not far from Gwadar. India being a US ally felt pressure from the US when asked not to propose this, or decide until or IF the Nuclear deal with Iran was signed.
The Persian section of the new pipeline has already been built. The pipeline will go though Karakoram Mountain Highway towards Tibet, and cross the western border to Xinjang. This highway will be widened and modernized big enough for military use and a railway connecting the highway to Gwadar.
The new Silk Road seems to make no sense economically to many people. However, most of us are not the bankers or CEO’s emerging together in support of the grand scale trade route... One thing is certain the US is not pleased with the idea and feels that it will fail for many reasons one being due to the dangers that lie in Pakistan along the Old Silk Road. Some of the most deadly tribes reside along the terrain that is said to be formation for the new Silk Road. As more information unfolds regarding China and Chinese President, Xi Jinping expressing its unwillingness to sign on to the Trans Pacific Partnership. While isolating the US from its arraignments with Pakistan India and Russia and most of all the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank that the US unsuccessfully tried to detour other counties form joining and has now shifted in stating that the US has always supported the project even after stating that if counties join (especially NATO counties, and twelve did) it would be a direct act of war against the US. Fifty-eight nations have signed on as charter bank members, minus the US, Japan and North Korea. Even with the retracted threats the US gave.

It may be true indeed that this will be much harder than anticipated for Russia and China considering the New Silk Road Partners will have to raise Capital in Part by Issuing AIIB / Eurasia Zone / ECB and Sovereign BONDS. Between the bond bubble and the rarity, even the ability to even get\ Sovereign Bonds to work in places where corruption, regime change, and anarchy are rather rampant. Many say the US will still be needed to complete the project the technology and security and political barriers that the US can influence and has power over will be invaluable. The New Silk Road from China to Russia would pass through Bulgaria, Romania, and the Ukraine and many of the sanctions put on Russia by the US and the UK prevented funding for such a project. I believe that when Putin decided to invest bin mass amounts of gold instead of defending the Ruble during this time he could have used all that Ore to fund his plan enticing China even more...

War is inevitable; Washington’s empire of paper debt and unrealistic plan the FED has to raise the banker’s overnight lending rate that would collapse the entirety of our bond market.
Since the US is the power empire and the Navy is considered the most effective means of defense. We should see mass destabilization of these governments or some kind war, bomb, or crazy despise the US has to see what China is doing creating a centrally planned politico-military effort that would circumvent an unbreakable US naval blockade. There has to be more! The US is way too sneaky for this all to just slide though. Perhaps… The US will start a war in the Middle East necessary we are funded by controlled chaos. Peace is the worst thing that can happen for the US, considering we sell a mass amount of weapons for billions of dollars to many counties in the conflict. Therefore, any ties portrayed by media and government that the US may have with Iran are a moot point.
We may have none.
The only outcome I can see is the Yuan going back to the gold standard and having gold be so expensive and valuable. The Federal Reserve would collapse, as they nationalize a new currency
Blind to the truth naive to the threat...
The generations now and to come have evolved differently than ever before, they have adapted to the new technological super powers. Adults commonly ask their kids how to set up the DVD player, or fix the computer, add applications to their phone. The children who were born in this digital age are immune to the process of information, or what it took for so many to research a story or find information and learn or find the real story being told, the truth. Teacher’s friends and family is how and where we got answers to our questions growing up, and the answers could vary, the views bias and limited. The World Wide Web changed so much and quickly, adults and kids know the web and know just how to use it. Through trial and error along with lessons and guidance, most children have realized that not everything you see or read is true. The facts may not be how it is portrayed to the public or it could be blatantly inaccurate. They may have learned this from utube or watching a puppy fly though space while playing the banjo even Google by asking the web if eating road kill is good for you. They make the fatal mistake and show or tell someone “yes eating road kill makes you grow extra arms…then they are corrected and realize there are different answers that come up depending on who write it. It sinks in and they become aware all truth told may not be reality.
This enforces the key that makes us all unique… free will, our choice. We have a choice to believe what we are being told. This was something the powers that be predicted and this is how and why they are literally brain washing us through our subconscious. Since the beginning of time, we have been lied to by the “storytellers” lies on top of lies. Who was the first man in America, the world was flat, human sacrifice made the sun shine, credit is good, marijuana is bad, cigarettes, and liquors are good, etc. We at least know through modern technology the next generations will have a chance to experience real and true history, information that will shape them give them empathy through knowledge, not create the sheep so many have been thus far. This is of course if they make it past the many distractions produced that heavy detract from the path to enlightenment of true reality.
The unknown, our imagination, creativity, fantasy, the extraordinary capabilities of the mind. Our mind is so powerful we have such a complex thought process fueled by hormones and the love of western medicine. Many marketing specialists and behavior analysts, doctors, scientist’s ands researchers have perfected playing into our fears, wants and needs or at least what we think we need. Our primal instincts, our responses, our necessities, and desires have been under attack though our own fear. Fear of threats to family, self, and home, our self-concept questioned induced by fear and intrigue as to what could be. Our human nature, our true thought process analyzed and TPTB preying on this. Media has created villains out of races, countries, cities, even stereotypes in people. This false threat and fear has shaped societies for thousands of centuries. We see it all over in history from the Mayans to Genghis Khan, as far back as c. 515 BC that we know of, “The Rise of Darius to The Persian Throne”, then “The Arthashasta” c.350-283 BC, and of course, the Romains used it c.59 BC - 17 AD, repeatedly. Now we have stars and icons to obsess over or try to be like, unrealistic lifestyles of the one percent. Movie stars that had/have more influence over the public opinions than most politicians or professors do in America, and may I add, get paid much more.
We the nation… is completely media run and undereducated historically, even with all the new things to learn and accessibility, ideocrassy is the new normal and denial is a common trend in the US. History and economics, the global finances, how things are bought and sold, etc. Many people do not even know what is going on and never will, what sanctions America has put on Iran or Russia, or many other countries we are involved with politically and financially. It is not “entertaining” to know who we trade with or what will happen when Obama pushes through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or if they do, it is because they saw it on “E” or some mid-day talk show, just because it was a wiki leak.
I am always shocked to hear news casters blabbing about what is to come or focusing on the opposite way the market is moving, padding the pockets of TPTB. Everyone is titled to their own ideas and opinions in the US, right! Freedom! yet we are kept blind and distracted by media and some other catastrophe that detours the true threat from the masses. The public so naive in the belief that America has our best interest at heart and just because the facts show how wrong that statement is, the belief is everything will be alright. Because our government would never let it happen (said in a flamboyantly sarcastic tone), they would never do the unimaginable.
Blind to the truth and naive to the threat.
I cannot stand election year, listening to the pointless lies told by candidates fueled by power and money funded by expectations and greed. You may choose not to listen to it, not to vote, it is a choice. They say every vote counts, but I do not believe they even count the votes it is all predetermined. The powers that be (TPTB) the big Banker clan runs the government, so whoever big business wants to represent their ideals and choices is who will be represented as our leader. It is a shame; I still do not think everyone even realizes that government controls the news and Hollywood, all stations owned by six corporations. We have supreme power as individuals in our newly developed android state of existence. The SiFi movies and books from our past would have had you believe the twentieth century would have brought people driving freely from planet to planet in our space cars while teleporting our friends over. Perhaps robots would be our house cleaners, drivers and workers, a world would run by robots, all there to serve us, and make life better. People were afraid of jobs being taken away by robots replacing so many people. They should have been afraid of free trade. Then the benefits, robots fighting our wars and keeping our planet and humanity safe and clean. It is the twentith century now and we do we have robots and computers they are doing it all fighting with drones and cleaning our planet. Now most of all humans have become androids without an external robot.
Everyone you know has a smart phone, it has become a true extension of our body and thoughts, giving us super-human powers and abilities like never before, and it even comes with applications that will consistently advance the droid in them. The access to information and power to learn now can be limitless. Having this kind of resource at your fingertips gives us an unimaginable advantage, it not only makes your life easier it gives us a way to learn what you want when you want. Most people will never take full advantage dipping into the abyss of information, the layers of networks, understand the programming involved or what engineering it takes to rapidly grow in this informative black hole. Amazing and life changing advancements have come from exploration in this digital world by some of the best minds in existence. Easy enough for anyone to learn to explore on it gives you the ability to learn at your pace. Imagine what its like for a baby or child introduced to it. The young brain growing and it learning how to teach, it evolving while their mind like a sponge soaking the liquid information up. We have not even learned what the mind is capable of or what results this new technology will have on a developing mind. Up until 1920 we did not even see infant children as humans, while Watson tested and electrocuted baby Albert to if they really felt pain and emotion. Now we know that babies can learn while in the womb. Knowledge is power. The power this vast amount of information provides and can give children is beautiful and somehow terrifying all in one. Information we learn throughout childhood shapes us as adults, information leads to the decisions you will make in life, rights and wrongs your ethics and morals. Those choices are influenced by what information is available, and where it’s coming from and how you receive it. All we know as humans is what we are taught; humankind is easily manipulated and prone to conform, our primal instincts though diluted by society remain in the sense to follow or lead. Between men and women, fighting for the lead and BPA and overly consumed soy pumping estrogen into us the leadership position is undesirable. Keeping the masses passive is beneficial for the shepherds, this way the public does not see the true grim reality that we are living in and facing.
People keep stating that we are going back to the cold war, that Russia and China will create WW3. I have even fantasized the outline of it, the corruption in waging war with Iran and blaming Russia or China in the US fight for the petrodollar, convent a war in Yemen or an oil line bombing…yet, I feel that we have been in WW3 for some time now. It is a currency war, a war for the reserve currency and petrodollar, and we are losing. This is the first administration to prioritize immigration and non-working heath care over the blatant threats and geo political acts of war that are threatening us now, we are losing allies and all hope for what once was the American dream, as we stand by and witness this administrations wiping away our rights and giving our money away, creating slaves for the one percent.
Clinton was at least very concerned when Putin started building the underground bunkers in 2012 Moscow alone built over 5,000 nuclear bomb shelters and now Putin has built a 400 square mile shelter in the Southern Ural Mountains hidden inside the Yamantu Mountain in the Beloretsk region. It is approximately as big as Washington DC’s beltway, along with the food he has planned for his people and has been paying to guarantee that his people will be safe well fed and protected the facilities that could house most of Russia for years in comfort. The US has nothing like that, we do not have thousands of bomb shelters and foods for our people we do not even have food for our people, there is no exit strategy for the public. It is so sad because we the people are paying for the privet bunkers of one percent. I guess they assume we will all just die, a form of population control, perhaps.
Lack of outdated weapons owned by Russia is a thing of the past. Putin created a new national defense facility in Moscow developing new anti-ballistic missiles to keep the nuclear missiles from reaching them in the first place it was said to be completed in 2017 but it is said to be active now. Again, the US has nothing like that in 1996 the Russian denied any existence of the bunkers and kept building despite the end of the cold war. In a rare interview in 1998 General Eugene Harbinger at the time he was the commander of the US strategic command (STRATCOM) said it was bigger than they thought it’s estimated to be millions of square feet, with a railroad and highway built to it, tens of thousands of workers have been working on it for years now. The US then saw this area along with China as a “”potential key target for US nuclear war planners stated in a Washington post article by Bruce G. Blair. Clinton at least saw that it is as a major issue. Russians do not love the US it is said as of today approximately 81% of Russians have a negative view towards the US, and now Obama’s interference with Ukraine has made it much worse. The house of representatives urged Obama to send lethal aid after stating that he would send non-lethal aid, however, the only way Obama would send lethal aid to Ukraine was if they issued a sovereign debt with US guarantee making it essentially part of the US the same thing he did in Egypt with the Muslim brotherhood that caused a (to put it nicely) a rift with our one ally Saudi Arabia. I cannot think of a past US president that would let other countries ostracize America the way it is now, or hate us the way they do. No other leader would let china the second largest economy open up the AIIB and invite all countries but two (we supposedly declined) or let Putin make deals for major changes with china India and Pakistan, even Saudi Arabia is selling gas to Russia and China in Yuan not the USD . When bush was in office, it was assumed he was not really making any decisions for himself. It did not matter who ever was making the decisions, they were the ones to fear, and countries did they feared us. We were the leader and the treat there security, ally and enemy all the same. It was understood Bush is goofy or just dumb nature was not what they needed to worry about, but at least they worried. The other counties respected him to some degree, unlike our current situation. Obama is about to make our final and biggest mistake with the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) it will make what Clinton did with free trade look like a May fair. I do question the whole thing because china wants no part in the TPP, and that is note worthy
Clinton who I was all for, despite him being a corporatist, sabotaged us with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) a trilateral trade block between Mexico, the US and Canada this was the first countries involved with the free trade agreement. If you don’t really know exactly what NAFTA is let me explain, NAFTA consists of the North American Agreement on Environmental cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) this created the worlds largest free trade zone. Opening countries up to the flow of goods and services sounded so appealing, created production added different factor endowments and absolute advantage with the countries that could produce goods or services on a large scale or that had natural resources. Lower costs of production and cheaper resources also gave advantages and created an outsourcing of jobs. This was in 1994 since then the US economy has lost around 700,000 jobs due to NAFTA, according to the Economic Policy Institute EPI said in 2011 that trade to Mexico supported 791,000 and the jobs we would have needed without the NAFTA agreement would have been 1.47 million. Still today, billions of US dollars and jobs are lost to NAFTA. Yet, other counties saw huge benefits from NAFTA and in 2010; the growth of Mexican auto imports alone surpassed what they ever estimated, just to put it in perspective, it created more Mexican jobs than the entire US auto industry. Sine 1985 the US has free trade with over twenty countries as of now. Since it worked out so well the Obama administration negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP). We the little people only even know about it because of the wiki leak. Obama did not do it under the Department of State; he went straight to the trade representative Ron Kirk. This was the way to use “fast track authority” Congress is supposed to review, modify and treat it like a legislation and end with a two-thirds vote. Instead, it will have to be a yes or no vote, with minimal tame frame and a majority rule. This really will strip the US of any chance we had of real economic growth, true supply and demand, America will never be able to be what it once was. This gives investor privileges a whole new meaning. The right to move capital without any limits, and it covers way more goods and services extending to, intellectual property, permits, and derivatives. It banned any performance rights, and foreign firms would get compensation for loss of “future profits”. Most of all special guaranteed treatment for firms that relocate. The issues with medicine and patenting rights cancel out all hope for generic affordable pharmaceuticals so who cares about “free” healthcare if you cannot afford the solution. This would allow them to overrule our sovereignty adding US laws to foreign countries is completely unconstitutional.
I dream that our leaders know history and could embrace the fascinating and powerful counties together and could see each other with a heart and soul, empathetic to suffering and pain. They seem so human in their “tweets” (eye roll) so many have been praised by the public. Putin has been praised as being very likable, even funny and handsome, even japans prime minister is thought of as warm and kind, Obama funny and charismatic. I am sure social media plays a big part in humanizing the leaders, making them more likeable and relate-able as the tweet there thoughts. Putin and has positioned himself out of necessity and frustration with sanctions by the US. He has looked to his neighbor china that has a quite similar past. XI jinping signed a ten-year contract with Russia to build a 7,000-kilometer high-speed rail ink from Beijing to Moscow. It will be expanded across Europe and Asia, this is a big deal not only for the ten year partnership with China but the new Asia Infrastructure Investment bank (AIIB) that is taking place isolating the west. China is creating economic insurance with India, Pakistan, and Russia along with all others except The US, Japan, and North Korea. These moves taking place have to be aligned with something bigger. The US has to be up to something, a grand plan, would we really risk nationalization of a new currency at China’s control? Or let the Petro-Yuan take us out? I mean we have to know the end game…Right.
I would love to believe that these countries are as fed up with the US as I am. Sick of listening to the lies and barrage of underlying manipulation by TPTB. Other counties are tired of dealing with the mean parent America has become. We cannot mind our own business we keep popping up where we do not belong issuing sanctions and controls, at a whim. They have to be fed up, now that the revered America is being seen for what it is debt based and full of holes with a drowning economy and no hope in sight. The US was seen as a security for other countries inspiring to follow our lead, our freedom and rights the love of the people, and a government with a goal to make things better for each person, a financial system that saves your money and enhances your life insurance for your children’s children.
I feel like I am at the end of wizard of OZ, American people represented by a loyal Dorothy, with values and hope searching for answers from OZ. OZ our leader a godlike entity, full of the answerers we are searching for. Searching for OZ to lead us and guide us, then you pull the Curtain back and all is revealed, TA DA its Gilbert Gottfried or even Rosanne Barr, and OZ is seen for what it is just a greedy human playing us all. Good witch as Elizabeth Warren and the bad witch Janette Yellen trying to actively screw over along our yellow credit fiat road we call. OZ does not care and when considering America is bankrupt in a pit of unplayable debt our OZ created for our children to inherit. The US government has pledged National parks and lands for the debt they create right to the FED. My land your land, non-profit organizations; federal territories, even birth certificates of people who will inherit wealth, all given to the Federal Reserve. The hypothecated assets pledged truly mean they can pledge something as a security without holding it. Roosevelt was declared bankrupt and insolvent in 1933 and created the Emerging Bankrupt Act, the beginning of the monetary fund. This is exactly what has led us to the massive debt were in today and always have been since 1933. When they removed the gold standard, things changed. The hypothecated pledge is based on what is called a Canon law Trust. It is protected by the Constitution and bill of rights and still used by international bankers today. This is a transfer of unplayable debt, and gives the sauvignon too much power, for they already own so much it is just leverage to them. Nothing like this ever took place until the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. It gave the people security at first, gold and silver were such a powerful currency, but heavy and an unmanageable daily, it was an awful inconvenience to store or carry such metals. The FED bears the risk lending or trading and you hold interest and principle payments by issuing a claim check that was “like gold or silver” so they created slips of paper. So now, you give real assets to The Federal Reserve (FED) and they give you Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). FRNs were made to create debt through the devaluation of currency by the increase in fiat (money substitute). Without a corresponding increase of a true backing, the FRNs cause inflation. The FED is maritime lender/maritime insurance underwriter, or what I consider a loan shark, they take your assets and give you a piece of paper till you can pay the real unplayable debt back. If we only knew…They never cared about the debt the interest was enough. It was all a trick a power game and FED is still winning. You cant pay back the FRNs with FRNs, no paying debt with debt but as long as you paid the interest there was no stipulation on the principle, because the Federal Reserve Act stipulated all interest must be paid in gold.
We were set up to fail, who knows what our amazing, all for the people, freedom, and rights, blah blah blah government really is doing. Who knows just what they have pledged we know some but we do not know much. We are now just economic slave a nation built with blood and formed by lies and greed, pledging dedication and then turning its back. Photos and social media have humanized other cultures and acceptance and empathy makes it all less scary not so distant and unnatural, it gives new support for what was once feared .This has brought our world closer. A need for each other together, learning the whole story not half-truths that are rewritten time and again. Can we come together and fight a real war like global warming or famine drought? The answer is no because as much as I would love to believe we can have peace, greed trumps all.