Considering Switching from OANDA to LMAX (via LQD Markets)

I don't get the impression he's being snotty. Perhaps curt, but I'm sure he can't spend too much time answering customer questions. I find his responses satisfactory as they answer your questions concisely. That may just be me. 🙂
Not from New York are you?

On a more serious note, while I don't expect effervescent enthusiasm neither do I expect to come away from these encounters feeling I've been a nuisance rather than a potential customer. And it's not the first time. This is client services right? If they're the front end of attracting and welcoming new clients to the company - Jeeezus.

As for spending time answering questions, that's presumably his job - or what's the point of having a live chat service if you're going to get an irritable Balasz who'd rather have been doing whatever he was doing before you interrupted him?

Perhaps they can small how little money I have and would rather not be bothered. That's genuinely how I come away from these encounters with them.
There appears to be no way to order either individual or combined positions or even the instrument list itself. Are these things that concern only small fry like me? I'm not looking for Bloomberg functionality here, just basic facilities to order my book in a way that suits me best.

Spreads aside (and at the size I'm currently trading) - OANDA feels like a Savile Row made-to-measure while LMAX is an off-the-peg at M&S.

You will find an inverse relationship between GUI quality and broker quality unfortunately (as you do in most professions). When you get to use a Currenex or Hotspot PB etc, you'll wish you had LMAX back. The more they're meant to facilitate algos or big clips the less pretty everything will be.

I believe there is a CSV instrument list in the client portal area.
Also, if you do stay with them, ask your acct manager to sign you up for daily account statements (dispatched at 10pm) and monthly account statements to your e-mail as these are vastly superior to a morning trade list.
I have significantly more than the FSCS guarantee deposited with them however... sometimes you get a feeling that people are playing by the segregation rules.
Now, the FSCS has not even confirmed to the LQD Markets liquidators that the company's products are covered by the FSCS insurance. And there's an estimated shortfall of as much as 60% of the client funds allegedly held in segregated accounts.