Connection Dropping

a320 what is your view of my router and set up? I would like to improve it
a320 said:
Ever thought of wifi rather than all those wires :?:

( hope rosso is taking note of all these post on t2w 🙂 ))

I also think all those wires are the problem.

If you unscrew the face plate from your BT master port you should find a socket which is the direct connection to your line. I plug a micro-filter into that and run all my phone extensions off that filter. You could experiment by running one of your pc's from there, and if it works use a wireless router there in future. My line is twice as good using this method than using a short 2 meter extension I previously employed.

Wouldn't like to say racer, never used netgear so I carn't really comment on them.

Its hard to tell were the problems could be. The main area is always the SNR after the BT upgrades. When your connection drops is it the ADSL losing sync ( shown by a flashing ADSL light on the router ) or does the light remain solid indicating something else is the problem??
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This is the "standard" set of questions most ISP providers ask when you get intermittent problems
Please answer the following questions which will help us to deal with the problem more efficiently:

1. Does the loss of connection occur only at certain times of the day or is it continuous? If only at certain times, please state when.

2. How long has the problem been occurring for and when did it start?

3. What are you doing at the time of the fault - e.g. downloading large files, or does it only drop when idle?

4. When you lose connection is sync lost on the modem/router - i.e. does the ADSL link light start flashing or does it remain solid green?

5. Do you have any other equipment on the line that may affect service, such as a fax machine and is the PSTN (voice) service OK?

6. Please connect your modem/router to the master socket, leaving all other equipment disconnected and see if the problem still happens.

7. Has another modem/router been tested on your line, or have you tested your modem/router on a line known to be working?

8. Has the micro filter being changed to prove if it is a problem?

9. Are you on a particular website when the connection drops?

10. Is the session actually disconnecting (requiring you to login again), or is it degrading to almost nothing (session stays up, but hardly usable)?

11. Can you reconnect again straight away, or do you have to reboot?

12. Do you use any other protocols and applications other than Web-browser, email and FTP?

13. Do you get an error code when you log on again?

14. Have filters been added to all used points?

15. Is there an alarm system on the property which utilises the phone line?

16. Have you anything else connected to your PC besides the modem/router?

17. Please note what make and model of the hardware that you have. This may help us identify problems more quickly.
Anonymous said:
What is the Norton Anti-Virus subscription for? I keep getting a message to renew.

The subscription allows you to download updated virus definitions. Without the subscription you will still be able to scan / remove virus etc, but the list of viruses will be out of date.


Today's storm

This is really, really annoying now. I went long today on the YM at 10628 (cash) at 3.50pm, then the thunderstorm began and my connection kept dropping constantly. All my charts etc gone completely. So I rang up my broker and got out for a few measly points of profit.

I now log on as the rain has stopped and my connection is fine to discover that the Dow has rallied a further 50 points!!!!!

After a crap week this would have been a lovely end.

As you might imagine, I'm slightly upset (understatement of the century)!!!!!!!!!

BT were useless, they just logged it as a fault and I'll get a call back from an engineer in up to 5 days time.

For the first time, it's cost me real £££.

Serious action is required now, and I'm not sure that going back to a 512 connection speed would help.
Well for what its worth, I upgraded my connection from 512k to 1meg in April.

After numerous problems - connection dropping periodically for no reason etc - and against my wishes, my ISP actually downgraded me and refunded me the upgrade fee of £50 (well OK, they downgraded me and I moaned so much they eventually refunded the £50, probably to shut me up)

Back to 512k so a bit of a bummer, but I have to say I've not had a single problem since - or noticed all that much difference between this and a meg.