Congratulations to the monitors.

So mods primarily need to help create an environment where ideas can get out not squashed by the strongest voice/fastest typist (gun).

I believe just such an environment was created on the Making Money Trading thread.

If experienced members wish to follow a similar route...i'm sure as mods, we can provide adequate protection....with a little help from the thread starter of course.

:D That banana does'nt actually spin all the way round, it flips at 3 o'clock. :D

Other than this fine observation some more very good ideas put forward.
It woz Nine's words of wisdom !

Much as I'd like to take credit for the quote at post #21, it was in fact stated by our learned contributor Nine.
I agree with the philosophy of this VB forum:

Forum should come LAST!
Xtreme Visual Basic Talk - View Single Post - How to participate here effectively

There really is enough information available FREE on the web to allow newbies to make an informed decision about things like which is the "best" Spread-betting company. I think an FAQ forum should be added at the top of the General Forums section and newbies should be encouraged to read through them before posting a question. The FAQ forum can contain links to threads of the most commonly discussed issues.

The VB forum rules are very sensible. We are not in fact helping newbies by totally spoon feeding them. Maybe the protocol should be that questioners do state what they have already done themselves to answer their question. it's only good manners & I note that some people do that already. So, no spoon feeding ?
The VB forum rules are very sensible. We are not in fact helping newbies by totally spoon feeding them. Maybe the protocol should be that questioners do state what they have already done themselves to answer their question. it's only good manners & I note that some people do that already. So, no spoon feeding ?

I think this is an excellent idea.
Less is more, definitely.

there are far too many threads on these boards, IMO evidence if it was needed that some of our newer members are being rather dilatory in their approach to these boards, maybe?


Maybe, maybe not, Mayfly. Perhaps, concerned that their lives are so ephemeral, they need to get it all said quickly.

It seems to me that there are a bunch of questions to be answered. And although I am often pleased with my own intelligence I'm damned if I even know the right questions.

- how to get enough noise to keep the board interesting?
- how to get really intelligent stuff somewhere (and in whos opinion)?
- how come newbies find indicators interesting
- does everyone eventually come around to the realisation that the truth lies in whats happening with price, time and volume or is it just people on these message boards? are there a group or really successful indicator fans who simply don't post at t2w?
- why is it that people attack ideas so viciously (and often the messenger)?
- how often does an idea get attacked as bad when its only bad for newbies (too dangerous) and yet the same poster will bemoan the lack of discussion that is not "newbie level"?
- how to work for different audiences - real traders (with limited insight), real traders (who have a new insight), people who've been here a while, people who've seen every sodding question and get that "oh no not that again", etc etc etc
- whats the purpose of this board and what are its deliberate and not so deliberate limitations.

Hmmmm ... not sure if I added a thing. It's Easter Sunday ... I should go and get some chocolate ... oh no ! the shops are closed :cry:

PS. Perhaps I should swear off chocolate and also the two mas that I just can't get off my charts?
PPS. I think I agree with Arb & 007 but think we need a standard "point them in the right direction" answer to give that is polite and welcoming because I think that genuine newbies will be confused and will need to ask "silly" questions (we were there once).
This is an excellent list of questions that goes to the very heart of what the site is all about, who it aims to serve, what its purpose should be etc. I think that certainly we should have a discussion on this basis, and review the site guidelines/mission statement/internal procedures to reflect it better. I'll put something together to initiate this all.

Whilst I think that spoon-feeding isn't necessarily a good idea, having an list of frequently asked trading questions, is a very good idea AND one I shall also action.