Congrats Al Gore: Nobel Peace Prize

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"How come Al gore has gone all touchy feely for the planet and the likes of Greenpeace have been busily getting on and doing for the last 30 odd years.

Maybe Mr Gore has seen alternatives at his time of life to think about creating better futures and in that sense he is just a late bloomer.

But can Gore use his popularity ? to get the US. to go greener is that his new purpose ?

And why haven't Greenpeace got Nobel Peace prizes for the last 30 years ? Surley if Mr Gore Got a Prize would he recognise that he should hand it over to Greenpeace ?"

Now then, we perhaps had a big whiff of whats coming early in the year, Al Gore is pumping this green bollox so he can get back into politics, which he said he would, never, never do.....

I think its gonna stack that way, could be wrong I suppose, but politicians , can we trust them ? 😆 😆

I think it smells fishy. 😛
Exactly. Recently a book was written called "Global Warming: Every 1500 years". There is quite a bit of evidence that the phenomena is cyclical and that humankind's influence in the process is negligible. I've read some credible reports about sunspots having something to do with Global Warming.

Now as for Al Gore's "tooting his own horn", he is doing it for very unaltruistic reasons. Namely, I believe his motive is political.

Another thing is quite cyclical: what the western media hypes up as the lastest world "threat". Back during the ice Age (the late 1970s) as an undergrad I did some studying of Environmental Geochemistry. And back then everyone was jumping up and down about the coming ice age. In fact, this made the covers of several prominent US magazines. Yes, back in the days of "The Club of Rome Report', in which we were projected to overpopulate and starve to death by the turn of the century---yes, the one that was seven years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I am very into environmental concerns. I've participated in quite a few environmental causes and I would love to see the west break away from its petro-addiction. But we need to put "psuedo-science" in it's place.

I know bad science when I see it. Gore getting that prize is about as lame as one of his incompetant predecessors having received it: Jimmy Carter. Why not Greenpeace?

Few dispute that the world is getting warmer. I think we have a lot to learn about why.
The thread was started with a thumbs up to Al Gore for the Nobel Peace Prize, so I'll ask again: What exactly has he done to promote world peace?

Oh ok, now I get where you're coming from:

The reason I find that he deserves a thumbs up for contributing to peace is that he's really helped Greenpeace et al in spreading the message about global warming through his movie. The connection between raising awareness about our role in global warming and peace is that there are several reports out there making that connection, namely that climate change isn't only potentially pretty unhealthy, but can also cause real security concerns:

US generals urge climate action

The US has refused to join an international treaty to cut emissions
Former US military leaders have called on the Bush administration to make major cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.
In a report, they say global warming poses a serious threat to national security, as the US could be drawn into wars over water and other conflicts.


Washington, DC, United States — A world thrown into turmoil by drought, floods, typhoons. Whole countries rendered uninhabitable. The political capital of the Netherlands submerged. The borders of the US and Australia patrolled by armies firing into waves of starving boat people desperate to find a new home. Fishing boats armed with cannon to drive off competitors. Demands for access to water and farmland backed up with nuclear weapons. Sound like the ravings of doom-saying environmental extremists? It's actually from a report commissioned by the Pentagon on how to ready America for the coming climate Armageddon.

And now, two of the most conservative institutions in the world, the Pentagon and the World Bank, have received studies recommending immediate action to address imminent threats posed by global warming, with the Pentagon's report warning that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism.

All of this keeping in mind that nobody doubts any more that humans are behind global warming:

Global Warming Shock Wave Awakens World Leaders

WASHINGTON, DC, February 2, 2007 (ENS) - This morning in Paris, hundreds of scientists from around the world released a report showing that global warming is accelerating, that human activity is responsible for this warming, and that it is likely irreversible for centuries, even if greenhouse gas emissions are stabilized.

The report, entitled "The Physical Science Basis: a Summary for Policymakers," was adopted in a line-by line review by the governments of 113 countries, including the United States,

Dr. Sharon Hays, leader of the U.S. delegation at the Paris meeting and chief science official in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, said the IPCC report "reflects the sizeable and robust body of knowledge regarding the physical science of climate change, including the finding that the Earth is warming and that human activities have very likely caused most of the warming of the last 50 years."

U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said the United States embraces the findings of the IPCC report. "We agree with it, and the science behind it is something that our country has played a very important role in," he told journalists today in Washington.

The thing is that what's needed now isn't pessimism and looking to the past with nostalgia, it's looking to the future with confidence and investing in new technologies, hydrogen, solar energy, bioethanol, etc etc. The future has always belonged to the innovators, and not to the naysayers or those who couldn't adapt.

I've never believed much in fiddling with the symptoms, tackling causes is always what does the trick:


Koenigsegg CCX, 806 HP running on BioEthanol E85

You can adapt any car to run on E85.

That's a start before we have a real alternative in the form of hydrogen or a breakthrough in solar power and battery technology.

The battery car is just around the corner, too:


Tesla Roadster

Pretty good looking as it's designed by Lotus.
All of this keeping in mind that nobody doubts any more that humans are behind global warming:

Quite a few people are not convinced that humans are directly behind "global warming", myself included. I am not afraid to admit when I have something to learn.
And today's scientists, with their "media alignment" (in quite obvious quests for more government funding) sound no different than back when we were to believe that the next ice age was around the corner. We cannot even quantify the cycles of the biomass,
inputs and outputs, let alone global temperature trends.

Why did the Ice Age end? Surely we must somehow be at fault. Ford SUVs? Why did the Vikings farm Greenland? Why didn't they continue? Why are sheep not grazing Greenland now? Last time I flew over the place, it sure didn't look very "green" to me.

I could spend hours finding links that bolster counter arguments to "man caused global warming". But I have better things to do with my time.

Nevertheless my skepticism will not prevent me from participating in our Great Lakes Initiative. Our lastest cause is to prevent the State of Indiana from doubling the allotted of mercury dumping into the Great Lakes. About one month ago we successfully prevented British Petroleum from dumping thousands of additional pounds of heavy metals into tributaries here.

So I reject polluting. But I also reject saying that the global warming we have now comes primarily from human influence.

I'll go futher, I think there are some obvious free market solutions to air pollution, such as figuring out ways to have major polluters bear the cost of the damage they do. The Chicago Climate Exchange is one libertarian and interesting solution, for instance. Not "caps" on production such as Kyoto proposes --- all the while ignoring the now biggest polluter, China. I am all for alternative fuels, etc.

I think way more obvious to me is what proponents of "Kyoto" and Algore and many of the same political bent want to achieve: world wide taxation, socialism, and the stamping out of free markets. It is all poltical. Not altruistic. And on Kyoto, I am all for Bush on that, anyway.

Algore, with his boring droning monologue has done absolutely nothing to promote world peace. It is an insult to previous winners that this pompous ass was even suggested for the prize.

People like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. deserved the prize. He really did something to promote world harmony.
The reason I find that he deserves a thumbs up for contributing to peace is that he's really helped Greenpeace et al in spreading the message about global warming through his movie. The connection between raising awareness about our role in global warming and peace is that there are several reports out there making that connection, namely that climate change isn't only potentially pretty unhealthy, but can also cause real security concerns: <snipped the rest>
Hmmm, can cause real security concerns? So the prize has been awarded for preventing some unspecified and unproven threat to an unspecified nation or nations? What a load of political nonsense.

In that case, why Al Gore? And not the countless other organisations that have campaigned about global warning, including but not confined to Greenpeace as you've acknowledged above?

And is that really the only "peace" issue facing us this year? Why not Brian Haw ( Why not the 2 million who marched on the UK parliament against Iraq? What about Darfur, Burma, Afghanistan?
Hmmm, can cause real security concerns? So the prize has been awarded for preventing some unspecified and unproven threat to an unspecified nation or nations? What a load of political nonsense.

In that case, why Al Gore? And not the countless other organisations that have campaigned about global warning, including but not confined to Greenpeace as you've acknowledged above?

And is that really the only "peace" issue facing us this year? Why not Brian Haw ( Why not the 2 million who marched on the UK parliament against Iraq? What about Darfur, Burma, Afghanistan?

I have seen the Al Gore's film and commend him for the extra ordinary super human effort he has put in to promoting Global warming concerns whether man made or not.

Greenpeace doesn't go to Iraq or Darfur to find peace. It promotes green issues.

How anyone can argue whether he should be given the Nobel Peace prize is beyond me? There is no connection.

Why don't we give him the Victorian cross for bravery for tackling global warming in a world of sceptics. Be more appropriate I think... :cheesy:
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On LBC, Sunday morning, I listened to a man express his views on global warming and it has made me wonder.

I was, always, so sure and still am that fossil fuels are the cause of this phenomenum but it is not the most important problem on the planet, today.

We have got to the stage where we are more worried about the future of this planet and life on it than we are about the hundreds of millions of people, today, who are much worse off than we are, to the point that death from disease and starvation are with them every moment of every day.

They are not worried about the future and, in lots of cases, are too ill to worry about the present. They, just, want to get it over with as soon as possible.

So I am not going to worry about big, fat, Al Gore, an ambitious politician who is beating a new drum in his desire to get votes and a half-baked credit system that enables the industrialised nations to pollute and buy credits from the countries that are too poor to do so.

A Westerner on his cut price air flight will pollute more in one flight than a hundred of our poorest will in a year.

Lets get those starving millions a decent level of life before we worry about the unborn. If we can't do that, then we can't save the planet, either.

Personally, looking at the kilometres of cars trying to get back to the city , after their long weekend, I don't think that the drivers are more worried about what goes on across the waters than they are about missing an hour's telly before bed. I don't believe that Al Gore, or anyone else, is going to save this planet but to read that he has got a Nobel peace prize, well, that's nice, isn't it?

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On LBC, Sunday morning, I listened to a man express his views on global warming and it has made me wonder.

I was, always, so sure and still am that fossil fuels are the cause of this phenomenum but it is not the most important problem on the planet, today.

We have got to the stage where we are more worried about the future of this planet and life on it than we are about the hundreds of millions of people, today, who are much worse off than we are, to the point that death from disease and starvation are with them every moment of every day.

They are not worried about the future and, in lots of cases, are too ill to worry about the present. They, just, want to get it over with as soon as possible.

So I am not going to worry about big, fat, Al Gore, an ambitious politician who is beating a new drum in his desire to get votes and a half-baked credit system that enables the industrialised nations to pollute and buy credits from the countries that are too poor to do so.

A Westerner on his cut price air flight will pollute more in one flight than a hundred of our poorest will in a year.

Lets get those starving millions a decent level of life before we worry about the unborn. If we can't do that, then we can't save the planet, either.

Personally, looking at the kilometres of cars trying to get back to the city , after their long weekend, I don't think that the drivers are more worried about what goes on across the waters than they are about missing an hour's telly before bed. I don't believe that Al Gore, or anyone else, is going to save this planet but to read that he has got a Nobel peace prize, well, that's nice, isn't it?


All very well, but how does ignoring issues of climate change address third world poverty ? It is very likely that GW could affect the poorest on the planet more severly than anybody else.

It should be abudantly clear that Al Gore was awared the Nobel peace prize to emphasise the committee's concern about climate change. Whatever one's view of Al Gore as an individual is not especially important.
If you want to find a far more underserving recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, how about Kissinger. Indictment as a war criminal would have been more appropriate.
All very well, but how does ignoring issues of climate change address third world poverty ? It is very likely that GW could affect the poorest on the planet more severly than anybody else.

It should be abudantly clear that Al Gore was awared the Nobel peace prize to emphasise the committee's concern about climate change. Whatever one's view of Al Gore as an individual is not especially important.

Because first things first and we have not abolished, or anywhere near dented , world poverty in the last fifty years, so how are we going to save the planet in the 10-15 years allotted to us by the experts?

Your opinion of Kissinger is similar to mine, which does not say much for the merits of the Nobel Prize committee, which has given some doubtful awards over the years.

I don't think that our desire for a reduction of climate change comes from a desire to help the hungry in Africa and Asia, but from a fear for our own salvation.

Still, there is no harm in trying. I shall do my little bit whenever I can, but with no, real, belief in a useful outcome. Already, the Canadian and Russian governments are staking their claims to the platforms under the melting Arctic icecaps. You can be sure that many eyes are on the Antarctic, too.

shouldn't think that we'd have this Iraq tragedy if he'd have fought for the presidency...

I wouldn't bet on it.

Most American Presidents ( read war criminals ) love to have their own war.

It's just that Bush's war is more illegal and abominable than most, except perhaps VietNam.

America had no business being there murdering people either.

The Nobel Peace prize is a joke anyway...load of meaningless junk which is probably paid for through more bribery and corruption.
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It's just that Bush's war is more illegal and abominable than most, except perhaps VietNam.

True enough.

Re climate change, I suppose the problem is that most all other problems we have here on our little planet won't be all too meaningful unless we come to terms with climate change.

We're behind it, so we're the ones who need to tackle it.

The only ones refusing to make the connection between global warming and human activity at this stage are some paid lobbyists for Corporate Oil.

The good news is that they and their abject nonsense have been resolutely swept away by the tides of history and are by now as thoroughly irrelevant as those shining beacons of intelligence and wisdom who to this day gullibly defend the fabrications that ole Saddam nuked New York and Washington on 9-11.

At this stage scientists from all the leading universities and research institutes who have devoted their lives to researching climate are in agreement that humans are behind global warming.

Not only that, but the ones whose voice really counts on this, namely 113 governments that include all the leading countries on earth, have fully accepted those findings, and have made them the basis for moving onward in order to tackle climate change.

By now even the Bush administration, whose previous stance was rendered ludicrous and untenable in the face of all the facts, accepts the report from the leading scientists on climatology, entitled "The Physical Science Basis: a Summary for Policymakers," and it's conclusion that humans are behind global warming !!!

Will the time frame allotted us to save the planet be sufficient ?

Who knows.

What is certain however is that we certainly need to try, and, most importantly, need to remember that oil will eventually be history no matter what happens, so even if global warming were not an issue we still need to invest in the future and in renewable energies such as BioEthanol, Hydrogen, Nuclear Fusion, etc.

At the turn of two centuries ago the companies that made steam locomotives were some of the largest and most profitable around. Most of them went bankrupt, because they were too backward looking and inflexible to accept change in general and in specific that diesel was the future.

The same will happen now. The innovators will make a lot of money from new energies, those wasting all their energy on sticking their heads firmly in the sand won't be around.
This AGW cult is quite something.

The picture below speaks a thousand words

20th Century scare stories


Underwater Volcanoes

Rebutting the AGW Dodgy Science


The Grant Money
I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train

The Politics of Global Fascism
"............Whistleblower shows how all the main players – from politicians and scientists to big corporations and the United Nations – benefit from instilling fear into billions of human beings over the unproven theory of man-made global warming. Indeed, just three weeks after the U.N. ratcheted up international fears over global warming, a panel of 18 scientists from 11 countries has now reported to the U.N. that the only thing that can stop catastrophic climate change is a global tax – on greenhouse gas emissions.

That's right. Global problems, real or conjured up, require global governmental solutions. As Whistleblower explains, environmentalism is nothing less than the global elitists' replacement ideology for communism/socialism. With communism largely discredited today – after all, 100-150 million people died at the hands of communist "visionaries" during the last century – elitists who desire to rule other people's lives have gravitated to an even more powerful ideology. More powerful because it seems to trump all other considerations, as it claims the very survival of life on earth is dependent on implementing its agenda.

Thus, while scientists and climatologists who dare to question the rigid orthodoxy of man-made catastrophic global warming are openly ridiculed and threatened with decertification, the movement for global governance, complete with global taxation, is moving into the fast lane.

"Global warming will be one of the most powerfully coercive weapons in the globalists' arsenal for the foreseeable future," said David Kupelian, WND managing editor and author of "The Marketing of Evil." "It's important that everyone understands the game being played. This issue of Whistleblower provides a powerful antidote to all the hysteria – namely, common sense and truth...................."


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Wow Fibonelli, impressive conspiracy theories, lol. Look, I think you need to hurry up and tell Bush that he doesn't have to agree anymore as he does in the face of irrefutable facts that global warming is manmade, and, while you're at it, tell him that Big Tobacco really needs support, all those stories about cigarettes being bad for your health are just bad science too by nasty ole globalists.

Phew. Nasty ole world in that town called Denial, what, they'll con you into believing anything, those freemasons and whatnots that really run the world.
Wow Fibonelli, impressive conspiracy theories, lol. Look, I think you need to hurry up and tell Bush that he doesn't have to agree anymore as he does in the face of irrefutable facts that global warming is manmade, and, while you're at it, tell him that Big Tobacco really needs support, all those stories about cigarettes being bad for your health are just bad science too by nasty ole globalists.

Phew. Nasty ole world in that town called Denial, what, they'll con you into believing anything, those freemasons and whatnots that really run the world.

I posted 1 graph of temperature over the last 415,000 years, 8 scientific links and 2 political links. You have chosen to rubbish one political link. 🙄

If you still believe in man made global warming, could you kindly explain the oscillations in the temperature graph. Please also explain the reasons for the periods of climate warmth equal or more than today. You have a generous 7 days to do this.

If you can't do this, then I'll have to conclude that you believe in anything that you are told and are incapable of independent thought through examining both sides of an issue.
There is a lot to be said for global warming though.

It is mid October and I am still walking the dog wearing T-Shirt, shorts and flip flops.

Long may it continue.

Gory Al is an old hypocrite though isn't he. He preaches on ad infinitum about climate change and how we should change our habits, whilst burning energy in barrel loads at his super duper abode.

I wonder what his next pet project will be.

Having single handedly invented the internet and now saved the world from itself, there can't be a lot left to do for this modern day Einstein.

Maybe he will personally discover the existence of alien beings in distant galaxies next.

Could be a good thing if he decides to travel there.
This is so unreal in this day and age...

Facts are facts, propaganda is propaganda, and fiction is fiction.

Washington Post

Undeniable Global Warming

Many people have the impression that there is significant scientific disagreement about global climate change. It's time to lay that misapprehension to rest. There is a scientific consensus on the fact that Earth's climate is heating up and human activities are part of the reason. We need to stop repeating nonsense about the uncertainty of global warming and start talking seriously about the right approach to address it.

The scientific consensus is clearly expressed in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In its most recent assessment, the IPCC states unequivocally that the consensus of scientific opinion is that Earth's climate is being affected by human activities: "Human activities . . . are modifying the concentration of atmospheric constituents . . . that absorb or scatter radiant energy. . . . [M]ost of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.

The IPCC is not alone in its conclusions. In recent years all major scientific bodies in the United States whose members' expertise bears directly on the matter have issued similar statements. "

Besides, apart from that, all these nonsensical conspiracy theories that have fallen hook, line and sinker for the propaganda of Big Oil, and that like all loonie sects see commie lovers, enemies, and threats all over the place, and for whom the last thing imaginable in life would ever be to accept responsibility for anything that happens to their lives, preferring instead to always blame ulterior forces, really totally fail to explain the following:

Namely how even
George W. Bush has been forced, in the face of all the irrevocable evidence, to accept that global warming is manmade.

Must be another of those commieloving globalists, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger in California, or Mayor Bloomberg in New York, or Chancellor Merkel in Germany, or the British government, all of whom are also pushing very Green Agendas, or all the other 113 governments all over the world that include all the worlds leading countries that also accept that global warming is manmade.

Hey Fibonelli, tell em they're all part of a big commie conspiracy, and that on top of that grievous sin they're also plain wrong, but that you can soon put that to rights, as you know what's what, lol.

Are you Gory Al's campaign manager or something or is your real name Tipper ?
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yacarob, caught me there ;-) But hush, don't let on, k ? But to be honest, I don't care that much for any politician, it's more the issue I'm on about.