Confessions of a local

Saturday, 20th February, 2010

"What the f*ck is this," I ask him.

"Yeah the beginning is a sack of sh*t but listen what drops after 50 seconds." he replies.

We are twenty seconds in.

"This is terrible," I am telling him.

"And that's why you would never have discovered this," he is saying. "Because an impulsive idiot like you would hear the first thirty seconds and then just skip the track and never realise what was to come."

And then we are fifty seconds in and it drops and I am completely thrown and I can only just stare at iTunes as if the programme itself could make sense of what I am hearing.

And all I can think about for the rest of the weekend is how much of a travesty it is that we get just less than ninety seconds of this and that no one, as far as I can see, has released an extended version or remix of this.

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Saturday, 20th February, 2010

"What the f*ck is this," I ask him.

"Yeah the beginning is a sack of sh*t but listen what drops after 50 seconds." he replies.

We are twenty seconds in.

"This is terrible," I am telling him.

"And that's why you would never have discovered this," he is saying. "Because an impulsive idiot like you would hear the first thirty seconds and then just skip the track and never realise what was to come."

And then we are fifty seconds in and it drops and I am completely thrown and I can only just stare at iTunes as if the programme itself could make sense of what I am hearing.

And all I can think about for the rest of the weekend is how much of a travesty it is that we get just less than ninety seconds of this and that no one, as far as I can see, has released an extended version or remix of this.

Great little of album is very good as well.....
Great little of album is very good as well.....

Re-reading that extract, it seems a little random but I decided to delete the first part which involved my friend and I gate crashing a funeral in order to try and meet some girls.

Anyway, once I heard that tune, the weekend went in a new direction 🙂

Seriously, I cannot believe no one has released a remix or ext version of this. This is surely a complete no brainer as this is one of the best tunes to dance to that I think I have ever heard.
Actually if there are any DJs out there that think they are up to it, send me a PM if you are interested and I will commission you to cut me an extended version of this.
Re-reading that extract, it seems a little random but I decided to delete the first part which involved my friend and I gate crashing a funeral in order to try and meet some girls.

Anyway, once I heard that tune, the weekend went in a new direction 🙂

Seriously, I cannot believe no one has released a remix or ext version of this. This is surely a complete no brainer as this is one of the best tunes to dance to that I think I have ever heard.

As in a very smiley happy face direction ?!
Re-reading that extract, it seems a little random but I decided to delete the first part which involved my friend and I gate crashing a funeral in order to try and meet some girls.

Yeah mate, they would've been well up for it!! Why not try a feminists conference next time, or maybe an American gun rally, somewhere where the ladies will be craving some dante pin bar chat.
Haha hey Tom some really great writing here, hope you keep it up or restart it rather, can't believe I found this gem only now !!!

Those yummy mummies of yours sound good too at Costas or Starbucks or wherever, I vaguely remember having expounded on the benefits and virtues of this particular little concept at some length to Jtrader back in the day.


Haha hey Tom some really great writing here, hope you keep it up or restart it rather, can't believe I found this gem only now !!!

Those yummy mummies of yours sound good too at Costas or Starbucks or wherever, I vaguely remember having expounded on the benefits and virtues of this particular little concept at some length to Jtrader back in the day.



LOL thanks mate!
Tuesday, 23rd March, 2010

I'm mid conversation regarding the FSA and applying for a CF30 when I see the flashing blue lights in the rear view mirror speeding towards me.

At first I think they are going past but then I see a female officer motioning me to pull over, so I hang up abruptly without a word of explanation, turn off into a side road just past Kew Bridge and stop the car.

"Can you step out of the car, please" a male voice tells me.

I walk to the kerb and stand there.

"Alright," the officer begins, "from where we were, in the oncoming lane, we had a good view of you coming over the lights, cradling a mobile phone in the crook of your neck, holding a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette".

I am concentrating on a spot on the pavement.

"Which makes me wonder," he goes onto say "what hand you were holding the wheel with."

There is what seems like an infinitely long pause.

"To be fair, I put the newspaper down," I say.

There is not even a hint of a smile on his face.
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