compound interest calculation


Junior member
Hi all this is my first proper post so i apolagize if this is available elsewhere.
Some years ago i subscribed to a trading course that made available a download for a daily

Compound interest calculator,it was very versatile in the fact you could input starting

capital,pip targets on a daily basis and even allowed for designated withdrawals on a monthly

basis,Needless to say it was quite the eye opener as where one could be in a years time!(even

with a small starting bank).I have searched the web high and low and not seen anything like it

and being that my knowledge of using spreadsheet formulae is non existant....any pointers

would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks.... Mark
This the type of thing?

These types of compounders are fun to play with, but I think very few traders could maintain a consistent profitability for the compound numbers to be meaningful over a 5 year period.


This the type of thing?

These types of compounders are fun to play with, but I think very few traders could maintain a consistent profitability for the compound numbers to be meaningful over a 5 year period.

Yes, I entered an assumed -10% return per month, which is possibly a fairly typical figure for many new traders (but I'm just guessing), and after the 60 month period the $2000 had become a whopping $3.99.
Hi all this is my first proper post so i apolagize if this is available elsewhere.
Some years ago i subscribed to a trading course that made available a download for a daily

Compound interest calculator,it was very versatile in the fact you could input starting

capital,pip targets on a daily basis and even allowed for designated withdrawals on a monthly

basis,Needless to say it was quite the eye opener as where one could be in a years time!(even

with a small starting bank).I have searched the web high and low and not seen anything like it

and being that my knowledge of using spreadsheet formulae is non existant....any pointers

would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks.... Mark

The problem with daily compounding is downswings.
You might find for example you make 20 pips one day, the increase your size, then lose 20 pips the next day and you are actually down in your account.
IMO, rework your spreadsheet to use weekly or monthly compounding.
This the type of thing?

These types of compounders are fun to play with, but I think very few traders could maintain a consistent profitability for the compound numbers to be meaningful over a 5 year period.
Thanks glyder.As stated they are somewhat of a plaything but interesting all the same.
Yes, I entered an assumed -10% return per month, which is possibly a fairly typical figure for many new traders (but I'm just guessing),

What new traders?

I have been trading for a year or so and 10% would be amazing!
What new traders?

I have been trading for a year or so and 10% would be amazing!

I said - (negative) 10%. I've no idea but I suspect that is about average. I've known some who've blown their account on their very first day! I presume they thought it was a Texas Hold'em and went all in....
May i ask what system and MM you are using and are you losing money after a year of trying?

I'm not going to buy anything from you if that is your intention! 👎

I am still working full-time (45 hrs per week) so to say that i have been trading for a year is a bit of a lie. Yes a year has passed and i have been trading but the level of experience compared to someone trading full-time is not comparable. Yes i am still losing money but i only trade 100 share lots. In 14 Months, i have lost less than $1000 and learned a hec of a lot so i can live with it

I "try to" use Mr Charts techniques, day trading NASDAQ stocks. The idea is to catch momentum seen on Level 2 and T&S and ride it until the momentum slows.

Money management should be very strict. Agian, to explain this is difficult. Best look at his threads to get an idea of what i do.
Ok thanks for the info."Sell you anything" lol,i do believe people are starting to get paranoid on these forums.
Hi all this is my first proper post so i apolagize if this is available elsewhere.
Some years ago i subscribed to a trading course that made available a download for a daily

Compound interest calculator,it was very versatile in the fact you could input starting

capital,pip targets on a daily basis and even allowed for designated withdrawals on a monthly

basis,Needless to say it was quite the eye opener as where one could be in a years time!(even

with a small starting bank).I have searched the web high and low and not seen anything like it

and being that my knowledge of using spreadsheet formulae is non existant....any pointers

would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks.... Mark

Hi everyone

This is the best compound interest calculator i have come across. However it doesn't do as much as the one you mentioned. Hopefully it will be of use anyway.

Kind regards
