Complexity simplified?


Veteren member
Have any of you been through a process whereby you have worked on a strategy that became quite complex to implement because of say lots of indicators and/or signals; only to go on to simplify the strategy, to then make it complex again, to the point where it has morphed and changed and has gone through many iterations of change before finally settling on something that works?

If it worked then what did you do? Did you/are you still tweaking or do you leave alone and just trade?

Are your strategies in constant development or do you believe that you need to adjust for some reason?

Do you have systems that monitor your trades? Does this form part of the strategy? If part of the monitoring system failed, would the strategy fail or could you continue to trade?
Simplest works best for me - looking for say maximum 5 price characteristics to justify a trade. No indicators, but maybe 1 or 2 MA's. Only change 1 parameter ata a time, so you can check its impact when present/absent objectively.
Have any of you been through a process whereby you have worked on a strategy that became quite complex to implement because of say lots of indicators and/or signals; only to go on to simplify the strategy, to then make it complex again, to the point where it has morphed and changed and has gone through many iterations of change before finally settling on something that works?

every damn day in forex since the early 2000's .......hahahahahaha :smart:

If it worked then what did you do? Did you/are you still tweaking or do you leave alone and just trade?

I'm a constant tweaker ...(even if it works ok).....cant help it .......

Are your strategies in constant development or do you believe that you need to adjust for some reason?

Constant development have to do this to adapt to markets....and be fresh to change / evolution

Do you have systems that monitor your trades? Does this form part of the strategy? If part of the monitoring system failed, would the strategy fail or could you continue to trade ?

I keep score from pips made ........and I don't pay too much attention to raw results have to know how good/bad the market conditions are to truly judge a system ......a bad system can still beat a good one if its operating in optimum conditions head to head generally I test everything in poor conditions to see how little I lose (more important than winning conditions).....I don't do drawdowns

see above ...........note this is more based on my Scalping strategies/experience in last few years .........N
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