Complete NYSE & NASDAQ Symbol List

Is there any reasonably accessible way of filtering those Nasdaq stocks whose price, daily volume and average daily range are above specified limits?

I can happily do this myself on the Nasdaq 100, since I have the data; but the Nasdaq 7000+ is a different matter.
Actually, I've figured it out. Download a dozen days of data from the EOD site for the 3000 odd Nasdaq stocks they list, and then scan them in Metastock.
shortable stocks


there is a file in on the Ib website that gives a list of shortable Us stocks, approx 5000 in total. May help you once you have applied your process. good luck with it and let me know how you get on / what the end product is like.

if you can't find the file then I can email it to you when I get home.


Thanks DIN, but I posted this thread in July last year and have subsequently resolved my information needs in a different way.