Well done Hard Hitter. I really blew it on wednesday when I was £7k up on HH ishould have sold and sat on the cash. However I`v been retired 20 years and am too busy having fun and don`t watch the screen all day. Any way HH deserved to win he worked at it much harder than I.Tomorrow I will have to go out and buy myself a T shirt with some of the real money I made this week. Chartman is quite right fantasy money is easy come easy go, one must be disiplined when using the real stuff .
Thanx to Sharky for all his unpaid work and to all the nice gals and guys who help to make this site the best.
GOOD LUCK ALL fredroff 😀
Thanx to Sharky for all his unpaid work and to all the nice gals and guys who help to make this site the best.
GOOD LUCK ALL fredroff 😀