Competition Entries for next weeek...

Close the Autonomy short for me please at £15.68 please

Wanted to close today at £15 but could not get online at work 😱
Can I close my short on IIN at today's close. Cheers


PS come on ARM!!! I'm after your title Gordon
Hi Max,

That close marker is (or will be) the button you use to close your open position whevenever you want, instead of posting your request on the BB.

It work's during the day, and I'm trying to figure out what to do when the market is closed. The fairest way would be to close any open position not at the closing price of the day, as requested on the BB.. but at the open price the next day. Would everyone agree?

I'll make it clearer what the close button's do by putting an explanation at the top of the page.. but if you think it's just too confusing I'll shift them somewhere else.

Cheers Sharky.

ps. martymcc and rthakkar, I shall close at the market open tomorrow.. as I did with Bis5 this morning - think it's the fairest way. Max was an exception since he did want to close earlier in the day at a better price, but I ended up closing him at market end at a worse price. And from tomorrow, with the new closing system in place, if you can't get to a pc during the day to close, then the best you can hope for is to close in the evening at the following morning's opening price. Hope this is fair, if not then let's get some heated debate!
> Sharky

From what I read elsewhere, despite the odd wrinkle, your competition and scoreboard is running a damn site better and without the problems of the FT/Bloomsberg £1m competition.
Perhaps you should offer them the layout!! (for a small price)

Oops pressed the close button by mistake. Please don't close my Plasmon.

Sorry. Just hit me across the face with a wet kipper to wake me up

The Position Close Button should now be working.

So you can now close your positions any time during the day or outside market hours for the market open.


ps. Well done to Gordon, who has sneaked into 1st Place!
Thanks Cigar! 🙂

This first week we were bound to have some teething problems, but all in all I'm really pleased, things seem to be running smoothly! Touch wood.

Max, I'll look into it. I've put a confirm script on the button, so you should get a warning now before closing your position. I suppose it's too tempting to press, like the button that says - "never press this button".. you just have to, don't you!
Well another shakey start this morning, due to some fixing of the new feature last night which allows you to close your position whenever you want.

Should be working fine now, but if you have any problems or notice anything strange on the leaderboard, then reply to this thread.

BTW Joe your stock hasn't crashed to 0p.. at least I hope not, it's just the data provider for the delayed prices it not giving a price. I'll update the code so that instead of -100% it will just say no price available.
