Compensation Seekers! Here


Dear board members,

questions concerning compensation ... might be interesting for some here. .. maybe those who feel wronged in what ever way could explain their problems here, to discuss methods of action needed and whether it is something solvable/negotiable..

I have also found my self in a little problematic situation:

I once held shares in Aurelian (tsx) however Kinross has successfully acquired this company, and so they forced us to sell our shares. However, during the acquisition, my shares were frozen for 3 weeks. Great, from 3 October until today. Goes without saying, my shares have dropped in value (-40%) like most people here. As a result, my NEW Kinross shares were liquidated IMMEDIATELY after the 3 week freezeout. This due to insufficient funds in account to cover the margincall. Unfortuanately Interactive Brokers only offers margin accounts for the canadian stock exhange (TSX). Could these 3 weeks have been overcome without knowing there even was an acquisition or even a possibility for a better value per share (by becoming a dissenting shareholder)(This news was not brought to my attention unlike other shareholders...) ... I feel Interactive Brokers has not done their best to inform their investors, and they could have stabilized the situation a bit better by offering some form of insurance to those in the frozen situation considering no-one knows what was attainable at the end of the 3 weeks of no buying or selling.... 50% of my investment was lost

Can one fight for compensation over these matters... ?

Thanks in advance, hope my story is clear,

Kind regards, Burn